Candidate for Governor says facebook claim that “ET’s living & working with government,” and “AIDS being injected through Vaccines” is “thought provoking”

Former, current, and perpetual candidate for Governor Lora Hubbel is back for a weekend dose of wackiness, as she posts a video…

So, after she takes to facebook to declare she’s running for Governor, Lora Hubbel directly states that a facebook video making claims from an alleged “MIB Whistleblower” over “ET’s living & working with government,” and that “AIDS being injected through Vaccines” is “thought provoking?”

Not sure what you do with that..

7 thoughts on “Candidate for Governor says facebook claim that “ET’s living & working with government,” and “AIDS being injected through Vaccines” is “thought provoking””

  1. This was on Alex Jones – prolific prognosticator – yesterday.

    Can confirm .. some kind of off world-ish entity is interacting with human consciousness, but it’s not as clear cut as one might think, and I have my doubts about the origins and true causes. It would require the kind of research I’m not willing to do at this point.

    Then, a credible source goes on to claim that globalists are planning to use this preliminary discovery, which, admittedly could be a result of simply heavy mind control pharma, to do a few more false flags to bring patriots and nationalists in-line.

    Are we really prepared to countermand based on an Alex Jones prediction at this point?

    After gay frogs (true), the new world order (true), agenda 21 (true), Cloward and Piven (true), and other “predictions”, given that we haven’t had a world war in awhile, given that I’m pretty sure they happened in the past, and given that the people who started prior wars appear to be the ancestors of today’s globalists, I think we should be taking this as seriously as the military/DOD (spoiler alert, our military is taking this dead serious according to Jones).

    Here’s the link to the banned content and the interview with the insider/whistleblower:

    Thanks everyone for keeping their heads in the game.

    I’m going to rebroadcast this at Plains Tribune in the next day or two if you want to make sure you’re visiting a privacy certified service.

    “It’s a big ol’ goofy world.” — John Prine

    That is all.

  2. According to Francis Boyle, there was a gain-of-function Aids DNA fragment spliced into COVID-19 (not 100% on this claim, fwiw) by the level 4 labs in NC and Wuhan. This came-out in Jan of 2020, and I rebroadcast the information because .. of the source (this guy is very well connected and has lived his life keeping tabs on bio warfare, with which the Chinese are mucking).

    This was the first result on when searching for “gain of function aids Chimera”.

    So, keep digging and let me know what you find. I would be happy to broadcast your findings for the consideration of our audience.

    Raise your hand if you would like to see me moderate a debate between Governor Noem and Lora Hubbel.

    *raises eyebrow*



    1. so you are telling us that a coronavirus was being used to create a vaccine for HIV, much as an adenovirus was used to make the Janssen covid vaccine? (that’s how it works, a Covid antigen is added to an adenovirus and that’s what’s in the Johnson and Johnson shot, and it’s not supposed to make you sick. They used the same technique for an Ebola vaccine) and things got out of control, they created a monster?
      Yeah, I could believe that.

      Most coronaviruses cause common cold symptoms. I could believe that maybe somebody thought one would be a good viral vector for a vaccine, and thought they’d make one for HIV, and…oops!

  3. Anticipated coming to the comment section for John Dale craziness; left fulfilled. Thanks, nutbar!

  4. Young Ms. Hubbel just keeps getting better and better. ETs.

    Get me a Hubbel/Dale 2022 sign and I will wave it on the corner by Tally’s daily.

  5. Lt Governor John Dale will be like having South Dakota’s Alex Jones as Lt. Governor. South Dakota will be a news leader. Think of the tourism and South Dakota being a haven for freedom of thought leaders like Governor Hubble & Lt. Governor Dale moving to South Dakota. Hubble/Dale 2022

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