Yeah, No press bias there. (Update – Bob claims he doesn’t know what an iPad is)

If you were listening to the chatter this last week… recall the three devices that were lost from the Secretary of State’s office….

Three of 30 iPad minis also were reported lost before Jan. 2, 2015.

Gant said that the 30 iPads were among about 100 devices his office purchased when it was testing and revamping an overseas military balloting system. The devices were used across the state to test the system.

Read it here.

And now, read what Bob Mercer related about the story:

The audit work questioned a variety of practices and identified problems such as three missing laptops that were purchased for the iOASIS system.

Read it here.

So, three mini-ipads have been inflated and exaggerated by Mercer to become three laptop computers.  Yeah. No bias there..

And if Bob ever asks to sell you a laptop, make sure you look at it first.

Update – Bob responds. And Bob claims….. well, you read it.

And Bob’s excuse? He claims he called them laptops….. because he didn’t know what an iPad is.  Yes, really.

Rep. Shawn Bordeaux tosses around ethnic slur referring to Italian-Americans in Legislative Hearing.

We might not celebrate Columbus Day in South Dakota anymore, but I didn’t think there were any prejudices held against Italian Americans.  But then I read Democrat Rep. Shawn Bordeaux’s comments coming from a State-tribal committee hearing:

Bordeaux also drew a parallel with casinos on Indian lands. When they first came, people feared the worst.

“When gaming first came out, they said there’s going to be mafia, and all the Indians are going to have all this crime. It’s going to be all over the reservations,” he said. “I ain’t seen one Guido yet … those folks who are supposed to be the mafia folks haven’t showed up.”

Read it here.

“Guido?”  Yeah, that’s not a compliment. It’s an ethnic slur.

I question whether it was done in ignorance, which would seem to be underlined by his statement.  “I ain’t seen one Guido yet?”  – yeah…. I’m not hearing anything but ignorance when that uttered forth from his mouth.

Legalized Marijuana Petition will not be appearing as initiated measure on 2016 Ballot

The Pot Legalization effort is going no farther this year as petition sponsor Ryan Gaddy confirms to KCCR Radio that they’re not going to make the required number of signatures for the ballot:

South Dakotans Against Prohibition Founder Ryan Gaddy says although they won’t see their issue on the ballot in 2016, they did see an uptick in registered voters thanks to their push.

Gaddy adds that the reason why they were not successful this year strictly had to do with dollars…

As the date nears on South Dakotans with the opening of the Flandrea Santee Sioux Tribe’s Marijuana Lounge on New Year’s Eve, Gaddy says the decriminalization law might not die as early as some think. He says that with all the issues surrounding the enforcement of marijuana possession amongst non-natives, state lawmakers will have to pass some type of decriminalization law.

Read (and Listen) to it all here.

US Senator John Thune’s Weekly Column: Culture Change Needed at the IRS

thuneheadernew John_Thune,_official_portrait,_111th_CongressCulture Change Needed at the IRS
By Sen. John Thune

There are few, if any, federal agencies that elicit a more visceral reaction from the American people than the Internal Revenue Service (IRS). The IRS wields an enormous amount of power – enough to topple businesses or crush families. When that power is used improperly or outside the scope of the law, it can have a devastating impact on everyone left in its wake. As a result of its egregious abuse of power, including the unfair targeting of conservative groups, the IRS is in desperate need of a top-to-bottom culture change that would help restore its credibility to a level that the American people both expect and deserve.

As a member of the Senate Finance Committee, which has jurisdiction over the IRS, I recently had the opportunity to raise some of these concerns directly with IRS Commissioner John Koskinen. My primary recommendation to the commissioner was to fully implement the provisions of the Taxpayer Bill of Rights Enhancement Act, a bill that Sen. Chuck Grassley (R-Iowa) and I introduced earlier this year.

Our bill would create new protections for taxpayers, strengthen and update safeguards against abuse that are already on the books, and punish bad actors at the IRS. Specifically, the bill would significantly increase civil damages and criminal penalties for improperly using or accessing taxpayer information. Americans should not have to fear that politics could play a role in their confidential tax information being disclosed to an unauthorized third party, that they will be targeted based on their political beliefs, or that the IRS will not retain its employees’ emails, like we saw with Lois Lerner.

I also believe that IRS employees should be held to a higher standard, which is why I co-sponsored the No Bonuses for Tax Cheats Act, which says to hard-working Americans that the federal bureaucrats who collect their taxes have the same responsibility they do in fulfilling tax obligations. The bill would withhold bonuses and pay increases from IRS employees who are willfully cheating on their taxes or otherwise engaged in misconduct.

According to a 2014 Treasury Inspector General for Tax Administration report, the IRS doled out nearly $3 million in bonuses and paid leave time to tax-delinquent IRS employees or employees who had documented cases of improper behavior. Rewarding such behavior defies logic, and I’m hopeful this common-sense legislation will become law.

The American people have every right to be skeptical of federal government agencies like the IRS because they haven’t given the American people any reason to think differently. That’s one of the biggest problems facing the federal government today – a lack of trust and credibility. We can do better. The American people deserve better. Passing common-sense bills like the Taxpayer Bill of Rights Enhancement Act and the No Bonuses for Tax Cheats Act would be a big step in the right direction.


US Senator Mike Rounds’ Weekly Column: Perpetual Conservation Easements: Forever Is a Long Time

RoundsPressHeader MikeRounds official SenatePerpetual Conservation Easements: Forever Is a Long Time
By Senator Mike Rounds
October 30, 2015

In South Dakota, we take great pride in our land. We rely on our vast natural resources for nearly every aspect of our lives: to provide clean water, maximize ag production, provide recreation, attract tourism and more. As such, we are good stewards of our land and are willing to work with state, federal and local governments to keep it in tact for future generations. However, when it comes to permanent conservation easements, I have never been a fan. I am in favor of giving landowners the option to enter into shorter-term, renewable contracts with the federal government. Termed easements are more likely to keep the landowner and the grantee on equal footing and would result in greater public access to these lands.

A permanent conservation easement is a legally-binding agreement between a land owner and the government or in some cases, a non-profit group. The landowner is the grantee that places restrictions on the land and typically opens it up to public access in exchange for landowner tax benefits.  Today, these conservation easement contracts are forever, they pass down through the generations or from seller to buyer.

I understand that – in some cases – permanent easements have their place.  If a family is fully informed as to the effects, or if we’re talking about public utilities or infrastructure – permanent easements can serve the greater good.

There have been plenty of passionate debates over property rights in South Dakota over the years – in the State Capitol while I worked as a state senator and governor and even around my own dinner table.  My family comes from a long line of hunters and conservationists. We’re also landowners and staunch supporters of property rights. We’ve developed our own working farm into a pheasant hunting paradise, through sound management and conservation. My family, like many South Dakota families, is a reflection of South Dakota’s rural and urban population. That diverse blend of South Dakota perspective makes me believe there’s a better way to protect our land, conserve habitat and honor individual property rights.

An important point that gets lost in the discussion surrounding permanent conservation easements is that perpetual means forever. The legally-binding contract with the federal government continues even when land is passed down within the family or sold to a new owner. The economic and ecological changes that we’ll see over the coming years cannot be predetermined, and yet the government or the grantee essentially bans certain enhancement without regard to those inevitable changes – thus locking the landowner and their heirs into a contract that is unlikely to ever be revisited.

For example, thinning efforts within forests can help deter the threat of forest fires in the Black Hills and elsewhere.  But, if the land is locked in to a permanent conservation easement and the federal government chooses to strictly abide by the terms of the contract, a permanent easement may not allow for necessary logging or underbrush thinning which increases the risk of a damaging forest fire.  Another example is that farming practices will continue to evolve over time.  A piece of valuable habitat today may not be as valuable 100 years from now, so it seems rash to put limitations on the location of certain public access points.

I’ve suggested that greater optionality for landowners would benefit everyone. Landowners have told me that they’d be more inclined to enter into an agreement with the government if they also had the option of a short-term, renewable contract as opposed to a permanent contract. Those shorter term contracts – 10 or 20 years, for example –should have the same tax benefits as a permanent easement.  And, termed conservation easements may be a better fit for someone who isn’t interested in tying up their property forever. A termed conservation easement is more likely to keep the landowner and the grantee on equal footing.  The government would have to treat the landowner fairly in order to have the easement renewed. They could not arbitrarily impose heavy-handed fines for minor, often mistaken, violations of the easement contract.  I believe more landowner options would result in greater public access.

If our goal is to increase habitat development and provide greater public access, more options seems like a good compromise. Forever is a long time and I’d rather we be stewards of the land, not stewards of the government.


Congresswoman Noem’s Weekly Column: Heritage and Hope

noem press header kristi noem headshot May 21 2014Heritage and Hope
By Rep. Kristi Noem
October 30, 2015

A few weeks ago, I had the opportunity to visit with a number of young people on the Pine Ridge Indian Reservation.  Their stories about the epidemic of suicide by young people in the community were absolutely heartbreaking.  They spoke about how they felt they had no hope.  In their eyes, you could see an overwhelming sadness and grief.  They told me stories about friends and loved ones who had taken their own lives – and some explained they had tried to do the same.  It was an experience that will stay with me for the rest of my life.

Lakota Instructions for Living teaches that “the hurt of one is the hurt of all.  And the honor of one is the honor of all.”  I felt the hurt of these young people that day.  I felt the hurt of a community whose spirit has been bent, although not broken.

I recognize there are no words to wipe away the pain these kids have had to experience, but I’m committed to working with these young people and tribal leaders to pave a more hopeful future for them.

In the coming months, I will be closely collaborating with tribal leaders to make sure the programs and grants in use today are working.  If we find there are ways to improve them, I’m dedicated to doing that.  If there are better options out there, I’m devoted to pursuing them.

I will also be looking at opportunities to make more after-school and job-training programs available to Native American youth.  Shortly after visiting Pine Ridge, I spent time at the Rosebud Boys and Girls Club in Mission.  The after-school program they had implemented impressed me.  It gave the kids access to tutors and had activities to keep them busy.  It was an incredible sight to see and you could tell instantly what the club meant to these young people.  We need more programs like that.

As we celebrate Native American Heritage Month this November, I will be very focused on helping Native American young people find continued inspiration from their heritage and a new hope for the future. I am truly honored to be a part of this effort and I look forward to watching these young men and women live out their proud heritage here in South Dakota.


PHOTO: Noem reads to class at Red Cloud Indian School in Pine Ridge (October 2015)


Governor Daugaard’s Weekly Column: Rail Investments Bring Big Results

daugaardheader DaugaardRail Investments Bring Big Results
A column by Gov. Dennis Daugaard:

During construction season it’s frustrating to wait for a pilot car when half of a two-lane highway is closed for repairs. It’s time-consuming, inconvenient and inefficient to try to move two-way vehicle traffic over a single lane.

For railroad shippers in western South Dakota, that’s exactly the current situation. Between Rapid City and Pierre, a single rail line without any large siding prevents head to head traffic from passing one another. This problem is exacerbated by the condition of the rail, which, in most places, can handle trains traveling at only 10 miles per hour.

In that 165-mile stretch, there are no sidings long enough to allow trains coming from both east and west to pass each other. That means a train leaving Rapid City must wait until a westbound train from Pierre has covered the entire distance, which often takes 16 hours or more, before beginning its run.

But that will soon change. Recently, the U.S. Department of Transportation awarded the Rapid City, Pierre & Eastern (RCP&E) Railroad a $6 million TIGER grant to upgrade portions of the old DM&E track and install a siding near Philip to allow trains to pass one another. A second portion of the project replaces a length of rail near Huron.

The RCP&E is adding $4.4 million to this project and the state of South Dakota $2 million to complete the $12.4 million upgrades. Once completed, these improvements will increase operating efficiency along the entire line.

This combination of federal, state and private investments is on top of $28.4 million in rail upgrades begun during 2011, $1.75 million in 2012 and $58 million announced just last December. Beyond over $100 million in rail improvements, additional private investments have been encouraged, including a new $40 million grain terminal under construction in Kennebec, and a new $30 million grain facility now underway in Britton.

Rail investments bring big results and often lead to additional projects which directly reduce shipping costs for farmers and improve bottom lines for the men and women who drive our state’s economy. I’m excited about this latest project, and I look forward to seeing even more new investments in the coming years.


Former 1st Lady Pat Farrar passes away

Former First Lady Patricia Farrar Passes Away;
Gov. Daugaard Requests Flags At Half-Staff

PIERRE, S.D. – Patricia Farrar, the wife of former Gov. Frank Farrar, died earlier today in Aberdeen. Mrs. Farrar, 84, was South Dakota’s First Lady from 1969 to 1971.

The former Patricia Henley was born in Claremont on Aug. 13, 1931. She graduated with honors from the University of South Dakota, where she met Frank Farrar. The couple was married in on June 5, 1953, in Fort Benning, Georgia, where Farrar was stationed in the U.S. Army.

“Mrs. Farrar is still remembered for her graciousness during her time as our First Lady,” said Gov. Daugaard. “Linda and I extend our sympathies to Gov. Farrar and to the Farrar family.”

Arrangements are pending for funeral services on Saturday, Nov. 7, in Britton. Gov. Daugaard is asking that flags throughout South Dakota fly at half-staff on that day in honor of Mrs. Farrar.
