South Dakota Glacier Scientist: Humans may have given global warming nudge, but swamped out by natural events.

Here’s an interesting take on “global warming” from a glacier scientist living in the state. Humans have little to do with it, and warming is a lot better than cooling:

Hughes even agrees that human activity probably have something to do with it.

“It may have given it a nudge,” Hughes said. “But there are so many natural events that swamp that out, for example, the eruption of Vesuvius, or Krakatoa. The industrial revolution was more gradual, over decades.”
As recently as the 1970s, Hughes recalls, his colleagues feared for another ice age.

Hughes says a number of his colleagues at places such as NASA and the University of Maine “have urged me to march in lockstep with Albert Gore, the drum major in the parade denouncing global warming as an unmitigated disaster.”

But Hughes – who returned a few years ago to live in Fort Pierre now that he has retired – has demurred.

“It’s human nature for them to pound the panic drum,” said Hughes, but added he isn’t convinced global warming won’t be as bad as feared.

“In fact, it’s going to be a big plus, in the balance.”

Read it all here in the Capitol Journal.

Jackley notes State of SD will be appealing today’s court decision

From Tony Mangan at KCCR comes the first note from Marty Jackley that an appeal is forthcoming:

Jackley says the appeal could be heard fairly soon because other states with similar cases, such as North Dakota, also will likely be heard by the same Eighth Circuit panel. Jackley expects some type of ruling this year.

While the U.S. Supreme Court may have the final say on the issue, Jackley says he is compelled to defend the state’s ban because it was approved by the voters. Jackley says the state believes this is an issue best decided by the voters than the courts.

Since most of the briefs and documents are the same in each case, Jackley says the expense to South Dakota for defending the ban has not been expensive. He says an appeal may eventually cost about $1,000.

Read it here.

Rounds expects strong support for Keystone XL

New US Senator Mike Rounds expects strong support for Keystone XL, and hints that an amendment may be coming to increase support even further:

U.S. Senator–Elect, Mike Rounds said, “The Republican leader has said we want open debate, we want to have honest discussion on these issues and we’re going to start with up to 30 hours of discussion and debate and then we’ll vote. I believe the Keystone XL pipeline bill will move forward, I think right now there’s about 63 supporters right now that we know of, but there may be an amendment which might bring other supporters on as well.”

Read it all here at KEVN.

I have a hard time imagining the Republican or Democrat SOS candidates posting this. Even with the election over.

Umm…. I can’t imagine Shantel Krebs (R) or maybe Angelia Schultz (D) posting this to facebook. But now that the election is over for 2014 Libertarian Secretary of State candidate Emmett Reistroffer, it’s just another day on facebook:



I’m speechless.

Put a fork in Reistroffer’s Medical pot legalization efforts for 2016. I suspect it’s over before it started.

Misc photos from today

The problem with hauling my big camera is that it’s hard to get those fun, candid shots uploaded and on line until the moment is long passed.

So, here are some of the miscellaneous photos I took as I had the time and opportunity:


“Haggar selfie”


District 12 represents! (Alex Jensen and Arch Beal)


Mike Verchio enjoying the return.


Two former Governors enjoy a laugh.


Assistant Majority Leader Steve Westra


And we present the Partridge Family…