13 thoughts on “Congresswoman Kristi Noem on MSNBC in yesterday’s news about Tariffs”

  1. “The government is good at one thing. It knows how to break your legs, and then hand you a crutch and say, ‘See if it weren’t for the government, you wouldn’t be able to walk.'”

    – Harry Browne

    1. Because who needs roads and firefighters? But yeah, this “bailout” is pretty much just bribery. Probably be better if The Donald would just pay people to vote for him.

      1. You mean like the Democrats have been doing with the poor for the last 50 years? You mean like the Democrats are doing for illegal aliens now?

        The Democrats always claim to be for the poor and middle class, but they do precious little to lift them up; they only want to buy their votes to keep in power and continue to move America towards Socialism.

        No thanks, Democrats!

      2. Will they all be drug tested prior to taxpayer money being distributed before the 2018 midterms knowing our deficit will increase even more with the Trade Wars can be WON! campaign?

        1. You need an update…

          … U.S. stocks jump after a report from the Wall Street Journal citing European officials said that the U.S. had won concessions from the E.U. The E.U. will be importing more U.S. soybeans and suddenly the Dow Jones Industrial Average rose by more than 100 points.

          Now our POTUS is working towards having no tariffs, no barriers and no subsides. Americans for Prosperity are very excited about this.

    2. Gideon is right. Kristi is wrong.

      Too big to fail is the right motto here. Bailout everyone who fails here for political expediency and bad policies. Bailout banks because of bad policies. Socialism is a bad idea.

      “This is becoming more and more like a Soviet-type of economy here: Commissars deciding who’s going to be granted waivers, commissars in the administration figuring out how they’re going to sprinkle around benefits.”

      Johnson has raised concerns with President Donald Trump about tariffs set on steel and aluminum exports. He claimed those tariffs and retaliatory measures by America’s trading partners have hurt businesses in Wisconsin and elsewhere.


      1. Good bye market share as Putin’s puppet tanks our economy forcing small business and family famers out of business. Government coming to get your guns? Nope! More like the bankers coming to get your Farm. 🙁

        1. mmmmm class envy. savor the aroma. mmmmmmmm. if this is “tanking the economy,” i say let it play out.

  2. This fight needed to happen, there was a lot of trade malpractice going on to our detriment.

    Getting a better structural agreement is far more valuable than a few down months in the marketing calendar. We do have the ability to store and capture the carry.

    Nothing worthwhile comes easy.

  3. The EU only uses GMO free soybeans. Almost all of US production is GMO. Do you mean to tell me the President has changed the EU position on GMO? The 1st major production of GMO free soybeans in the US can’t happen until crop year 2020. If you tell me that, I have ocean front property for sale in central SD. Please contact me.

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