Cybersecurity: South Dakota’s Next Big Industry

Cybersecurity: South Dakota’s Next Big Industry
By: Governor Kristi Noem
September 22, 2023

When I first ran for governor, I promised the people of South Dakota that I would bring the next big industry to our state. We want to keep our kids and grandkids living and working in South Dakota, so we’re focused on bringing the jobs of the future to keep them here. Careers in technology and innovation are the future. And South Dakota has the opportunity to build a future for our kids and grandkids.

Cybersecurity is South Dakota’s next big industry. Our fastest growing sector is “Scientific, and Technical Services,” with 4,000 jobs added in the past five years – a growth of 25%.

South Dakota already has one of the top universities in the nation for cybersecurity and emerging technology. Dakota State University has received designations in cyber operations, cyber defense, and cyber research from the NSA and Homeland Security. There are only ten institutions in the entire country that can say that!

DSU was also the first school in America to create a Ph.D. program in cyber operations. And earlier this year, Dakota State University established an Educational Partnership Agreement with the U.S. Army Cyber Command. This partnership allows students to experience work and educational opportunities at the top classification level. In fact, DSU was the only school in America to send four students to compete for Team USA at the World Cyber Games.

South Dakota is in the middle of the country – and we’re landlocked, so foreign spy ships and subs can’t reach us. It makes a lot of sense for cybersecurity resources to be centered here.

Dakota State’s “MadLabs” is the heart of this. It is the key facility in Madison, and we’ve built partnerships with private industry to expand it to Sioux Falls. They are doing incredible work to drive innovation throughout both the South Dakota economy and the entire nation. They focus on cybersecurity, AI, machine learning, digital forensics, and so much more.

We are also training kids even before they get to college. The Governor’s Cyber Academy provides opportunities for high school students to get some of this training early. Students can attend the academy to get dual-credit training opportunities during the summer. They earn digital badges as they learn skills that will help them get in-demand jobs in the future.

Dakota State University is giving students the kind of career opportunities that they can’t get anywhere else. These opportunities not only encourage our kids to stay in South Dakota to earn their college degree, they also put our state on the map and attract students from across America to choose South Dakota for their education.

I ran for governor to make sure that the next generation would inherit an America that they could be proud of. Accomplishing that goal starts with education.

I recently had the opportunity to be a member of a panel on the future of U.S. regional innovation at the Global Emerging Technology Summit. During this discussion, I got to tell South Dakota’s story and how we are making real progress right here in the heartland. I am so proud that South Dakota schools understand the importance of educating our students in the fields of the future – and I can’t wait to continue our hard work.


16 thoughts on “Cybersecurity: South Dakota’s Next Big Industry”

  1. “South Dakota is in the middle of the country – and we’re landlocked, so foreign spy ships and subs can’t reach us. It makes a lot of sense for cybersecurity resources to be centered here.“

    Who writes this stuff? Ian? A middle school think tank?

    1. worried that it’s similar to tina fey’s sarah palin impression? “i can see russia from my back porch”

      1. it is a good point though, maybe that whole chinese spy balloon thing was about trying to access dakota state’s electronic perimeter. interesting.

        my problem with dsu is a complaint i’d have for all of the state schools – do better intake, better career counseling and better curriculum offerings that funnel toward successful careers. do better.

  2. The fundamental issue that this doesn’t address – how, exactly, are they going to compete with Minneapolis / Chicago / Kansas City or any other major population center to KEEP the kids who go to DSU in the state?
    I’ve been working in tech for the last 30 years, most of those working for large companies – Recruitment into South Dakota is HARD. Most local companies don’t pay a comparable rate vs what they can make in a major metropolitan area EVEN taking cost of living into account. This is over and above the other benefits that cause people to go to major metropolitan areas – entertainment, night life, dining, etc. Add to this the lack of Infrastructure like major airports limit companies building anywhere except Sioux Falls – we are limited.
    Yes DSU’s program is amazing. And some students will fall in love with the region and stay. But the majority of them will leave.

        1. And what, exactly, will keep the PhD’s there after they get their doctorate when they can move to the private sector and make double to triple the money AND they get the benefits of living in a major metropolitan area?
          And what will keep the non-PhD students there when they can go elsewhere and make a lot more money. Yes – people will stay to get some experience, but recruitment is HARD in tech for people who have high level qualifications – and the non-monetary benefits of South Dakota for a young person aren’t great.

  3. I’m skeptical about the proposal because I think it’s just Governor Noem’s “Big Idea” of the month…a multi million dollar proposal and no real state money or state commitment to see it through a long and expensive development process. I think it would be great for DSU and it is something we’ve had in mind since the Janklow years. doubt that the “big thinkers” in the Legislature like Duesch and Gosch and their ilk, have the vision to suck up their guts and support through one appropriation after another. I doubt that Governor Noem would be willing to fight for it.

  4. WTF? Homeland Security? NSA??? I wouldn’t send my kid to some school where a job in the deep state waits at the end of the line. I wanted Trump because he said he would get rid of those social controlling FEDS! Now I read his possible veep is shaking hands with the FEDS! Someone’s lying to me again.

    FEDS OUT OF SD!!!!!!!

    1. Whoa, you just realized now that both sides are doing the same thing, and nobody is working for you? I love seeing these moments of awakening. If only more people could stop being victims of marketing (or news as some of you call it), we could maybe solve some problems!

      1. If only the FEDS would stay out of South Dakota and keep their hands of my Medicare and Social Security we would finally be living in the freest state in all the land!

        1. so, “give me the money you promised from your social control programs but don’t you dare come here and control me” lol oh if only the world could be so simple.

          1. you have been molded by the media you consume, to believe in a fantasy vision that is guaranteed to drain off your energy and leave you constantly frustrated. that’s what lets your enemies sleep peacefully every night. how much better for you would it be to actually be part of politics and provide any level of support to highly placed republicans who you have been conditioned to hate and despise?

      2. Haha homeland INSECURITY marketing (or marxisting as some of us call it)said 2020 was most secure election ever. Kristi brags about dakota deep state university and admits its a dhs-nsa school but Trump told the truth about the STOLEN ELECTION. can’t have it both ways Kristi. Somebody is lying somewhere and the cracks in her disguise are showing. Kari Lake and MTG arent like this.

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