Dakota Scout story: District 26 Senate Candidate under investigation in child abuse case

Joe Sneve over at the Dakota Scout is reporting tonight that District 27 Republican Senate Candidate Joel Koskan is under investigation in a child abuse sex probe:

Joel Koskan, 44, is set to be arraigned on charges next week, Mellette County Sheriff Mike Blom said. Blom said the case is open, and he referred questions to the clerk of courts, where a complaint is expected to be filed on Thursday.


Legislative candidates within the GOP were alerted of the pending charges Wednesday. Senate President Pro Tempore Lee Schoenbeck acknowledged the matter but would not be commenting.

“What I will say is that we’re aware of it and we’ll let it play out in the courts,” said the Watertown Republican.

Read the entire story here. (Paid subscription required).

There are no words at the moment.  I would agree with Senator Schoenbeck that we all need to wait and see what’s going on. But it’s more than troubling to say the least.

7 thoughts on “Dakota Scout story: District 26 Senate Candidate under investigation in child abuse case”

  1. Yeah, not looking good for Joel. All forms of social media have been wiped, and his campaign website was taken offline.

    1. “Sorry Kid, there is an election coming up.” Friendly advice – Step away from the keyboard, and do some some soul searching before you post.

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