Dem chair Slaight-Hansen removed; accusations include using intern as personal chauffeur

South Dakota Democrats unanimously voted to dump chair Jennifer Slaight-Hansen after a reading of accusations and grievances, which apparently included treating an intern as personal staff, requiring them to drive Miss Daisy.

Other than a couple of party members who voted to abstain, over 50 delegates both online and in person voted unanimously to remove the Aberdeen native.


Both party leadership and state lawmakers have appeared to be particularly bristled by the way that Slaight-Hansen allegedly treated both interns and others active in the party. Speakers at the Drifter’s convention center accused Slaight-Hansen of having used one of the party’s interns as a personal driver of hers, without consent or permission from the party’s executive board.

Read the entire story here (subscription required).

The accusations against Slaight-Hansen include using an intern as a personal chauffeur? Was her regular limo driver indisposed?

Apparently the Democrat chair job comes with a lot more perks then outsiders knew.

17 thoughts on “Dem chair Slaight-Hansen removed; accusations include using intern as personal chauffeur”

  1. The fact that she didn’t even show up indicates she saw the writing on the wall. I’ll never understand why she didn’t resign and save herself the embarrassment of a unanimous vote ousting her.

  2. The meeting was illegitimate. It was called by people without the authority to do so and without proper notice being given to a large number of the over 300 potential participants. Her attendance would have only lent credibility to an illegitimate process and undercut her legal options. The fact that only 70 or so of the over 300 potential members of the main committee showed up to vote, begs the question of the legitimacy of the meeting. From press reports, it seems to have been a kangaroo court to me.

    1. Why would she bother taking it to court? She clearly isn’t popular— it was a unanimous vote against her with some of the most prominent members of the Democrat Party in attendance. And if she does win, she’ll still just be chair of the South Dakota Democrat Party. Why would you go to all the trouble and expense ….for that? That just sounds like a huge headache with lots of work and no real power or influence.

      1. Her supporters stayed away. For the most part only the woke mob and their enablers attended.

    2. So you’re saying her removal worked exactly like her election did in the first place: got it.

  3. Eric Muckey, the Chair of the Minnehaha County Democrat Party, led the recall effort. He heads up an organization that works to prevent youth suicide, a noble cause.
    This has led wits to suggest that the South Dakota Democrat Party is in such bad shape the suicide prevention people are taking over.

    1. let me guess: Democrats’ prevention of youth suicide as in: telling depressed kids they are transgender ÿand telling their parents that the only way to protect their kids from killing themselves is to sterilize them with puberty blockers and cross-gender hormone “therapy?” THAT kind of youth suicide prevention?

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