Dem’s Vice-Chair Nikki Gronli named to political patronage job. Where are the Judge & US Attorney Nominees?

Hot off my e-mail box….

The White House has apparently announced a couple of their patronage jobs in the federal government for South Dakota, and it looks like Dem’s Vice-Chair and chief attack dog Nikki Gronli has landed the spot for USDA State Director for Rural Development as a reward for her faithful service to the Democrat Party.

So what are her qualifications for state director of rural development? According to the Democrat party:

Nikki grew up in Aurora, SD. She received her B.S. in Design Communications from the University of Minnesota and began her career in advertising in Minneapolis. She returned to South Dakota in 2001 and continued to work on some of the best-known brands in the region.

Currently as Marketing Specialist at SDN Communications she oversees the brand, traditional marketing, and educational events.

Apparently rural development is all about branding now.

If you check out her twitter account where she spends most of time hating on Republicans, she does claim to have hunted..

While “Three-shell” Gronli and other Democrats get their plum positions, what’s more interesting is that the Biden administration has yet to fill two of the most significant federal positions; the judgeship being vacated by retiring Judge Viken, and the US Attorney spot, with those spots being supposedly vetted by SDDP Chair Randy Seiler. As I remarked back in January:

No replacement for Judge Viken has been made public yet. The US Attorney is still vacant after the resignation of Ron Parsons, with an “acting” in front of US Attorney Dennis Holmes title.  The United States Marshal is still Donald J. Trump appointee Daniel C. Mosteller.… and so on.

Read it here.

With Democrats vetting candidates for these positions, it looks like the only thing the SDDP crew has managed to do so far is to help ..themselves.

8 thoughts on “Dem’s Vice-Chair Nikki Gronli named to political patronage job. Where are the Judge & US Attorney Nominees?”

  1. “being supposedly vetted by SDDP Chair Randy Seiler”

    I wonder if they will be more skilled at tweeting than Ryan Ryder?

  2. Wow. One more incompetent appointee. Will this really help rural SD or satisfy another political appointee. Bet she sits on her ass and does nothing.

  3. They can’t find a judge nominee because there literally are zero Dems who are qualified for the position.

    It’s too bad about the US Attorney — Ron Parsons was spectacular and could still be doing the job.

  4. I know Nikkie and, despite our different political views, I believe she is a good person who wants only the best for South Dakota. Her qualifications may not match up to the position, but let’s be honest here – many political appointments, regardless of party, leave people scratching their heads.

    Best wishes to Nikki in her new role.

  5. I know Nikki and, despite our different political views, I believe she is a good person who wants only the best for South Dakota. Her qualifications may not match up to the position, but let’s be honest here – many political appointments, regardless of party, leave people scratching their heads.

    Best wishes to Nikki in her new role.

  6. I don’t know Nikki – she appears to be quite liberal. However, the Dems get to pick this one and we R’s should be careful not to throw stones in glass houses. We’ve been fond of appointing family members who sometimes aren’t qualified for jobs.

    Does seem odd that the Dems can’t get it together enough to appoint the other positions.

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