Governor Kristi Noem’s Weekly Column: Keeping Resolutions for 2020

Keeping Resolutions for 2020
By Governor Kristi Noem

Sometimes it seems that breaking New Year’s resolutions are as much of a tradition as making them. We commit ourselves to getting in shape or quitting bad habits, but by January 15, many have already strayed. It’s easy to blame this on self-discipline or holiday leftovers, but research suggests it has more to do with how we set goals.

Studies show we’re more likely to achieve our resolutions if we set specific goals. And once those goals are set, we ought to tell someone so we don’t go it alone. With this approach in mind, I decided to put together a list of specific and public resolutions for 2020 that will move us toward a stronger South Dakota.

This year, I will work to update and enhance our state’s policies surrounding critical areas like suicide prevention, mental health, education, habitat, and business growth. We will work to expand internet access so people can start businesses. We will work to strengthen our economy in order to increase opportunity. We will strengthen laws to crack down on sex trafficking and provide hope to victims. We must work to ensure our codes and laws strengthen families and drive innovation throughout the state.

As governor, I also recognize the importance of building strong relationships. Throughout 2019, I worked to develop connections with members of the legislature. This year I want to improve communication, foster stronger relationships, and work more effectively on behalf of all South Dakotans.

Additionally, I’m committed to strengthening alliances with tribal leaders. Before session even starts, I will be attending a tribal summit with several tribal chairmen and presidents in order to hear more about the issues impacting Native American communities. We have so much more in common than we have at odds, and this year, I will work to connect our communities in new and meaningful ways.

There’s a lot I want to get done in 2020 – more of which I’ll be talking about in my State of the State Address on January 14 – but these are resolutions I’m committed to keeping. Because my mission is the same as it’s been since day one: to make South Dakota stronger for the next generation. 

Bring on 2020. The best is yet to come.
