Governor Noem Appoints Lynn Jensen to Transportation Commission

Governor Noem Appoints Lynn Jensen to Transportation Commission

PIERRE, S.D. – Governor Kristi Noem has appointed Lynn Jensen to serve on the South Dakota Transportation Commission.

“Lynn’s extensive experience has proven his ability to build consensus and work together towards a solution,” said Governor Kristi Noem. “He knows transportation from his business experience. And he has worked in agriculture, South Dakota’s most important industry, which our transportation industry supports.”

Jensen graduated with a degree in Agricultural Production from Lake Area Tech in 1982. He served as President and Co-CEO of the National Corn Growers association in 2000, State Director of USDA Rural Development from 2001 to 2005, and was appointed by President Bush to be the USDA’s liaison to FEMA during Hurricane Katrina recovery in 2005. He has served on the board of several non-profit and for-profit organizations and currently serves as the Vice President of the American Aronia Berry Association.

Jensen has been the owner and operator of several businesses, including Jensen Transportation, where he served as president from 1996 to 2010. Jensen owns and operates a farm that has been active since 1980.

A photograph of Jensen can be found here.


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