18 thoughts on “Great turnout for Dusty Johnson Event tonight”

      1. haha. What was the energy based on if not alcohol, excitement for Dusty in Congress? Really?

  1. From the FaceBook photos it looked like a packed house! I would agree with GOPer people are fired up for Dusty!

  2. Dusty is really coming out strong. He knows how to campaign and has the smarts to do the job well. He’ll make a great Congressman.

  3. I got his note in the mail too but just tossed it. I am so sick of getting political mailings from ANY candidate right now. Just got done with one election and now we are being hit with all these requests for money and support me requests. It’s too much too soon.

    I too am not impressed with Daugaard’s endorsement, and if Dusty disagrees with him on things then he shouldn’t have sent out an endorsement by him, as that turns off some people who dislike Daugaard’s support of Common Core, Medicaid expansion, tax increases, etc. I personally think Daugaard is a good person, but I do not agree with his stances on the above and what those positions are doing and would do to SD.

    1. Other than Common Core, all of those issues and positions from the Governor came after Dusty left.

  4. I got a note from Dusty too. Oh wait, it was from his boss, Dennis Daugaard. I guess electing Dusty would give us a Daugaard clone in DC.

    No thanks!!!

    1. Anyone who thinks Dusty is a clone of anyone has never met Dusty. He is a bona fide original.

      I expect he’ll have Republicans from across the spectrum of our party endorse him.

  5. I think everyone should be judged on their own merits…many people take jobs as chief of staff or some other staff position as they like politics and want to be involved….when they run themselves then they should be judged on their own merits in my opinion.

  6. Fundraising isn’t easy, and it isn’t fun. Shantel is working hard, too, but she needs to be careful. People are starting to talk about how many fundraising calls she is making on state time. That is a no-no.

    1. I’ve heard that too. She’ll course correct, but still needs to be in Pierre M-F. It may be inconvenient, but the taxpayers hired someone to do a job.

      1. Weekday travel is one thing. State officials travel as part of their job, so she’ll be able to do a fair amount of that. As long as she doesn’t have a daytime fundraising event (and she wouldn’t), she’ll be fine.

        It’s the fundraising calls during the day that could get her into trouble. When people get working hours calls from her, they turn around and mention that to media, bloggers, and others. If one person is willing to go on record with Dana Ferguson, Seth Tupper, or Angela Koenecke, it could make for a tough story for the gal who is trying to run on cleaning up politics.

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