Guest Column: Cancel culture alive and well in Lawrence County. Something VERY Dark This Way Comes…

Something VERY Dark This Way Comes…
by Samuel Kephart, Spearfish

My title is intentional; it’s an obvious play on words referencing Ray Bradbury’s 1962 dark fantasy novel, Something Wicked This Way Comes, which chronicles ordinary town folks’ nightmarish experiences involving a traveling carnival and and a mysterious “Mr. Dark.”
Sadly, my tale is real… and involves a very nasty and nightmarish behind-the-scenes political rebellion (and in my opinion carnival) that’s been simmering here in Lawrence County for a long time. 
This heretofore hidden battle is between certain of our rational, proven, dedicated, and reliable “white hat” local political and government leaders (and their supporters) and a bizarre mash-up of some very dark forces and under-handed egomaniacal personalities trying to overthrow the Lawrence County GOP and forcibly takeover our existing political order.
A few weeks ago, that simmer turned into a boil when I could no longer stand the sneakiness and hidden, lurking perpetrations of the bad characters involved. 
As a group (no individuals were mentioned), I publicly called them and their actions out during the last local Central Committee meeting that was held in Deadwood. I said, “There’s political sedition and rebellion in this room. Those involved know who you are. If it continues, I’m going to be the ‘temple dog’ and I’m going to come after you.”

Anyone present with an IQ above functional moron would know I was speaking metaphorically. 
Yet, one of the “rebel forces” subsequently bore false witness and filed a phony and groundless assault charge against me with the Sheriff’s Department. That’s resulted in a several weeks-long investigation involving dozens of interviews of those present at the meeting (you’d think Fentanyl distribution would be a higher priority). 
How unfortunate law enforcement has allowed itself to become “weaponized” in a blatant and raw attempt to suppress and “cancel out” my Constitutional right to exercise political free speech. It’s painfully obvious we have some power-hungry and reprobate cockroaches who can’t stand the light of a truth-teller and will do anything to stop him.
Citizens Beware! Cancel Culture has abruptly arrived in our midst and is alive and well in Lawrence County.
Samuel R. Kephart (71)

52 thoughts on “Guest Column: Cancel culture alive and well in Lawrence County. Something VERY Dark This Way Comes…”

    1. It’s intentionally “vague” because we are in the last days of the run-up to the General Election on November 8th. and I don’t want to cause any of the “white hats” involved any further grief. This is an evolving story; the attempted overthrow of the Lawrence County GOP is ongoing and active. There is more to say and I will be naming folks.

    2. The citizens for liberty are opening a branch in the northern hills and the sane people are fighting it. This group hates noem, hates the Republican Party and want to take charge. They are horrible people.

    1. “Wing Nut” – The term frequently used by the Colorado moron hamburger flipper over at the national socialist propaganda blog. Right, P. Aitch?

  1. It’s definitely not the wing-nut group unless I have not been hearing Sam right over the past 5-6 years.

    With nebulous political alliances forming dynamically all the time, it’s difficult to say.

    At first I thought he would refer to me in this piece because I likes me the marijuana and everybody knows nobody who likes them the marijuana can’t be a “true Republican”.

    But then I realized it might only partially be me he is referring to because of The Spearfish City Limits project.

    I have to make a confession, here, so buckle-up.

    It was me. All of it. Everything. I did all of it and I would do it again, too. Maybe TWICE.

    Anybody who knows Sam (I do know more about Sam probably than most) realizes he is not a man to be trifled with .. even his presence can be intimidating (he obviously works-out and the timbre of his voice practically shakes the floorboards). And when he’s traveling with those two vicious mongrels, it’s a thing to behold. I’m just glad he keeps them on a leash.

    Settle down.

    Tongue firmly in cheek.

    The rub – you’re not in Sam’s club if you don’t respect human dignity, if you don’t represent some kind of objective morality in your actions (whether religiously imposed or simply hard earned). I believe Sam seeks the good, and we have some pretty gnarly bad actors in Lawrence County (always have, for over a hundred years, it’s kind of woven into the fabric of this amazing place). It can be very frustrating to realize that even our sacrosanct institutions (churches) can become dens of evil and promulgators of human suffering.

    Dear Sheriff Dean – if you think there is an issue I trust your judgement, but the truth is the truth and outcomes are outcomes. I think you and your staff, like me, would like everybody to chill out and come to the table to talk respectfully like adults. It’s a very difficult time to be in your shoes as the people come into touch with the notion of the power of the “Constitutional Sheriff”. At the same time, you are one, and we are many who have given you the monopoly on violence. What I mean to say is, when we can trust one another life becomes way more fun. So, let’s find the people who are trying to usurp your monopoly and politely request they stop. You are agent, responsible, and accountable for the use of your power; nobody else.

    A note to Sam et al – consider carefully where we are, where we want to go, how we’re going to get there, and how fast (conservatively) we’re willing to travel.

    BTW, a quick announcement. In 2023 I’ll be running for Mayor of Lawrence County.

    Thank you for your support.


  2. Not sure he isn’t the wing nut group. He’s a rabid anti vaxxer and imagines a global conspiracy. If he said he’s “coming after me” I’d take him seriously and call the cops.

    1. Given what I know about Sam, I believe this is defaming and unnecessary.

      But you’re entitled to your own opinion.

      Why would conservative Republicans think the government has purview over what we put in our bodies?

      To think otherwise is a Fascist notion that I hope you’ll consider rebuking.

      1. You know nothing about defamation. You admit it is a statement of opinion, which is not actionable. You constantly pontificate on stuff you know nothing about.

        1. I know you don’t post under your real name.

          I also know you don’t read the detail, nor do you seem to understand nuance.

          “Defaming” and “Defamation” are not exactly the same thing.

          Defaming would approach the legal threshold of Defamation. It implies “partial”, not complete, and perhaps not actionable in court. That’s the nuance I intended, which was lost on you, Anon!

          Jack implies he understand’s Sam’s intentions before Sam has taken any measurable action against anyone save an obviously opinionated tirade in a heated meeting. That is defaming (somewhere on the continuum between actionable Defamation and harmless opinion).

          Start signing your name and let’s have coffee sometime and I’m sure we’ll come to an understanding.

          1. Lovely definition you just made up. Sorry John, making new definitions out of convenience is not nuance, just lying. But we all expect it from you, so go nuts (more than you already have).

            1. “we all expect it from you”

              So, you’re saying there is a conspiracy?

              You should start posting as yourself.

              When you are accountable that way, it increases the amount of effort your put into what you post.

              When you boil it down, Anonymity is really lazy.

              Put in work, son!


            “This distinction is significant in light of a Supreme Court decision that holds that an expression of opinion cannot be the basis of a defamation action.”

            Good lord, you are silly.

            1. And you appear to be overly biased and intellectually dishonest (symptoms of not having the courage and work ethic to sign your own name):

              “..the fact that a statement is one’s opinion does not necessarily make one immune from a defamation lawsuit..”

              1. Itt: John doesnt understand the distinction betwee statements of fact disguised as opinion and actual statements of opinio. BUT HE KNOWS HE IS RIGHT!

  3. It is my hope that everybody comes back off the ledge on this one ..

    Come back off the ledge and let’s talk about hand-counting ballots at the precincts.

  4. Political sedition….that is a pretty strong charge….like 2018 when States Attorney John Fitzgerald left the Republican party and joined the Constitution Party?

      1. No Fitz was upset that he was a two-time loser for AG and threw a temper tantrum. He did the same thing when he lost the first time trying to run for AG.

          1. John Fitzgerald not willing to follow the rules…sounds like the makings of a great judge…he knows better than everyone, just ask him or Mary……

            1. I don’t even know why Fitz is running: lost twice for AG; has a losing prosecution record, no he is violating rules running for judge. Not someone we want as a judge.

              1. I’m not basing my support for Fitzgerald based on whether I think he’ll win. I found him to be dogged and supportive, and he contemplated evidence in a case with very strange circumstances. It’s amazing the results people can achieve when they work together. I also support Mary, who I’ve found to be a class act despite our differing viewpoints. I’ll dish details over coffee sometime if you want to know more.

                There is only one elected official in SD who I find it impossible to work with (election year or not). That is John Thune, who whipped votes against at 10 day look at the last obviously stolen election in 2020.

                I thought he and Pence embodied weakness and cowardice in a defining moment.

  5. If you’re referencing the “Wing Nuts” group in Rapid City (don’t know if there’s one in Lawrence County), they’re not as much “Wingers” as one might assume.For the most part they are South Dakotans who are deeply concerned about all issues political and the negativity of bad decisions and poor leadership. For the most part, they are outspoken in their criticism of poor leadership, but there is no seditious talk at meetings…come to one and see for yourself.
    With regards to Lawrence Countys GOP problems, is the term “overthrow” being used correctly in this above reference or does the leadership need replacing to coincide with the county party’s platform? Just asking cuz I live in Pennington County. To me, “overthrow” has more violent connotations. If they don’t like their leadership, an election to replace them should take place and if some don’t like the outcome, they can leave….can’t they?

    1. Hard to take your ask to place trust in elections when so many of you claim fraud. No matter what, you think you’ve won.

        1. No, it’s trustworthy to me. I just already know when/if things don’t go your way, another paranoid tantrum is enroute.

    1. Yes, my age is 71. Stating one’s age is a common formatting courtesy when submitting a guest column, Letter to the Editor, etc. for consideration.

  6. I’m not familiar with Sam or the Lawrence County GOP beings I’m in Minnehaha County.

    Now I want to know more.

  7. Remember when Lindsay Graham said Trump would destroy the republican party? I think it’s started.

  8. I’ve had second thoughts about joining this conversation, as I’m not a resident of Lawrence County. It might be my age (75) but I find myself in agreement with our neighbor Liz Chaney. The Party is in chaos.

    1. anon 4:39 you are correct to give Rep Cheney the benefit of the doubt. also wasn’t it stan adelstein who coined the “wingnuts” thing?

  9. This entire “article” is an unhinged rant full of vague allusions to threats of machinations. It’s hard to take such conspiratorial ramblings seriously.

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