Haugaard scolds Argus Editorial Board for failure to know American History

Speaker of the House Steve Haugaard had an editorial in the Argus Leader this past weekend scolding the Argus Leader editorial board for their position on the statement “In God we trust” being posted in schools:

The claim that “Christianity is being thrust upon South Dakotans in a more state-sanctioned manner ‘these days” demonstrates a failure to consider historical fact.

How is the display of the national motto “In God We Trust” a violation of the Constitution? Our founders were clear that Christian values are the bedrock of our society. They wrote that our government was meant only for a virtuous people. Benjamin Franklin, who was one of the few who didn’t profess personal faith in Jesus Christ, said our republic would fail without Christian values. Jefferson’s letter regarding church and state in 1802 must be read in its entirety. He presumes that Christian values will not be in opposition to social duties. That “wall” was to limit government, not religion. And, no, there is no violation of the “establishment clause” with the national motto.


I hope the Editorial Board will make a better effort to understand our history and the law.

Rep. Steven Haugaard, Sioux Falls

Read the entire letter here.

I had one correspondent take issue with that it’s a somewhat narrow view of values, since other religions besides Christianity have values. But otherwise, what do you think?

22 thoughts on “Haugaard scolds Argus Editorial Board for failure to know American History”

  1. But that immorality can be thrust upon South Dakotans and students in particular is no concern of the local rag. Do yourself a favor: cancel your subscription.

    1. WHAT are you talking about—– Apparently you have never read the “immorality” in the bible…. or do you think the slaughter millions is not immoral?—-

  2. This is the United States of America and our country was founded on Christian values. Other religions have values, well most of them anyway, but our nation was founded on Christian values and morals. It is not narrow minded to want to preserve our heritage, which was wisely created and has created the basis for making this the great nation we are. We can be inclusive while not destroying our history and our values.

    1. https://www.azquotes.com/quotes/topics/founding-fathers-anti-religion.html

      The United States of America should have a foundation free from the influence of clergy.
      George Washington

      This would be the best of all possible worlds, if there were no religion in it.
      John Adams

      The way to see by Faith is to shut the Eye of Reason.
      Benjamin Franklin

      The Bible is not my book nor Christianity my profession. I could never give assent to the long, complicated statements of Christian dogma.
      Abraham Lincoln

      The Bible: a history of wickedness that has served to corrupt and brutalise mankind.
      Thomas Paine

      Religious bondage shackles and debilitates the mind and unfits it for every noble enterprise…. During almost fifteen centuries has the legal establishment of Christianity been on trial. What have been its fruits? More or less, in all places, pride and indolence in the clergy; ignorance and servility in laity; in both, superstition, bigotry, and persecution.
      James Madison

  3. Speaker Haugaard is correct when asserting that the AL editorial board’s work lacks solid grounding in U.S. History. I admit: individual board members may possesses such knowledge. Yet, their collective editorial output, and the most public of their writings, reflect a dilettante’s understanding.

    These days, North American and South Dakotan public high school students receive LESS Judaeo-Christian-themed instruction than did their forebears. The national trend toward emphasizing secular values is open and obvious. To assert otherwise is to ape the sophists who argue that North America’s climate is cooling because 2019 has been colder (so far) than 2016 or 2015. Those who attended high school during the Eisenhower years would be shocked to discover how little Judaeo-Christian education is “thrust” upon the high schooler of today. One may call this trend toward secularity a positive or a negative, but one may not credibly deny its existence or claim that its opposite (a decades-long rush toward religiosity in public education) besets us.

    1. Willing to elaborate on what Judeo-Christian means? Isn’t that an oxymoron?

      The Talmud, a Jewish text, teaches Jesus is in hell being boiled in excrement. What is written about Mary is just as horrid. If you’re not Jewish, then you’re a Goy. Do you know what Jews think of Goys? I have a feeling you don’t, but according to your name, you’ll be seeking out more information.

    2. ” Those who attended high school during the Eisenhower years would be shocked to discover” there is not segregation today….

      1. It seems you have the same intelligence level as the AL opinion board.

        Do you really want to discuss Democrats and segregation?

        1. If you want to claim segregation was good, Jaa Dee, that’s your prerogative. Democrats such as Orval Faubus and George Wallace defended racial segregation for decades. But if you or the Argus claim our nation endured more segregation under George W. Bush than under Truman or FDR, honest historians will rise to object. S.D. public education has, with time’s passage, become increasingly secular. You may applaud this trend. Others decry it. Some evangelical Christians hope to halt or reverse it. Regardless, the trend exists.

    3. ” AL editorial board’s work lacks solid grounding in U.S. History.”– Hey hotshot, why don’t you expand on that and tell us the your version? Also tell me why, after fighting a war to be independent of a “christian country” the founders would create the new country in the image of the one they detested?—– Jefferson was a Deist– Would you people want his version of your religion plastered on school walls?

    4. “The national trend toward emphasizing secular values is open and obvious.”— No S—? Whose religion do you think should be imposed on a captive audience of kids? catholic, protestant , mormon, — and the different factions of all religions? Or Maybe , islam satanism ? NO, you people think you have the right to impose YOUR personal interpretations of YOUR chosen religion onto everybody else—– You either believe in freedom of religion of religion ….or you don’t and it has always been obvious that you people ONLY believe in the freedom to flaunt and impose your religion…. Sir, you should get some “solid grounding” on the country you live in… Your ignorance of the intentions, concerns, and fear of the Founding Fathers of organized religion and and its attempt then and now to corrupt the Constitution and have an authoritarian theocracy like the one they rebelled against is astounding…… from one that obviously strives to sound so important…………………

    1. Unless they oust him for incompetence and created even more disrespect and contempt of the legislatures. Then people will laugh and laugh and laugh.

        1. Yes, the out-of-state name-caller blog does. Even some South Dakotans blast Mr. Haugaard there, for many of his actions are insaner than most.

  4. Figures. The religious ones have the thinnest skin and are always first to be offended.

  5. Who would be surprised the Arduous Liar would be calling out schools for having our national motto posted. This at a time, when the majority of the students barely know anything about their history. Many students can barely write a complete sentence. Students are even unable to tell which bathroom they should go to. Students cannot say anything about disapproving of certain behaviors for fear they will be punished for their actions. There are a lot of problems in our schools, but posting the national motto is waaaay down there on the list. Maybe we should teach students how to get along in the real world.

  6. the newspapers of this state are a joke…they are completely liberal in a state full of conservative..no wonder they are in decline

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