I keep wondering if a podcast would help keep things fresh?

Any thoughts from readers on podcasting?

In my search for adding value and readers to the website, I keep wondering if a podcast would help keep things lively and fresh?

I do participate in them from time to time, often with friends Murdoc & Jake at Dakota Town Hall. And what many of you might not know is that this last year, I (we) did pilot a podcast with a couple of politico friends, which ended up not coming to fruition because of life and job changes.  But I haven’t let the concept go.  I actually did radio during my last year or so in High School (many, many years ago on KGFX, your kind of country), so it’s not that part that’s daunting, and I have the equipment.  I mainly have a hang-up on that I’d like to do things differently.

I find myself more interested in doing a video podcast, as I find it more personal. Technically.. the problem there is two-fold. The lighting in my area isn’t where I’d like it.. which I can probably fix with what’s on hand. And I don’t know that I’ve hit on software/camera combo that I like well enough. Production-wise, there’s the writing and the editing. Piloting a few episodes, I need to have a good idea of what I’m going to say to reduce rambling, and the ahhs.. and uhhs.. and keeping it moving is important, so editing is important.  So there’s additional time that’s involved.

I’ve always shied away from it because I’ve feared it would be a time-suck, and I find my time stretched pretty thin anyways. But it has been one of those things that continue to nag at me, as in “I should be doing it.”

What are your thoughts? Would a podcast/vodcast add something that you as a reader aren’t getting already?

10 thoughts on “I keep wondering if a podcast would help keep things fresh?”

  1. There are those who would love it and those who would hate it. I think you’re one of the most knowledgeable people in the state on South Dakota politics, and it would be interesting to hear a podcast centered around candidates and campaigns rather than policy. If it could be presented fairly, with multiple viewpoints and opinions, rather than just trashing candidates, I think that would be a welcome thing to people around the state.

    1. a good journalistic approach would be interesting. the world doesn’t need one more echo chamber.

  2. You should cast a pod before some libbie from Nebraska throws one up here. Cast a pod, Mr. PP. Pods are good, they are very good.

  3. Take it from South Dakota’s most trusted Internet personality regarding how to create a fun and profitable podcast:

    Step 1 – Grow a mustache.
    Step 2 – Learn to play the banjo
    Step 3 – Get another bank account to hold all the money

    You’re welcome.

  4. But seriously folks .. if you have the right ideas, people will flock to whatever medium you use.

    I wonder if you might do me a favor .. how do posts with my comments fare compared to posts where I don’t comment?


    I have talent on loan from DOG!

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