I’m almost afraid to watch this: Minnehaha County Auditor Leah Anderson Does NOT Rule Out CIA Involvement in Irregularities.. that suggest computer manipulation in election results

This is real, and it’s out on “Worldviewtube.com” right now: South Dakota Auditor Does NOT Rule Out CIA Involvement in Irregularities and Statistically Improbable Results That Suggest Computer Manipulation in Election Results

CIA Involvement?  Oh my god.

BRANNON HOUSE: “…Congressman Posey, in this December 2020 letter written to the CIA Director and the CIA inspector General is asking for an investigation to see if there is any relationship between the CIA and any of the voting machine companies. I find that letter by Congressman Bill Posey very interesting that he would be suggesting such. What do you say?

LEAH ANDERSON: Well, I would wonder about that too. I mean, I’m so busy at work I don’t have time to do a lot of investigating about a lot of these things, but I do pay attention to a lot of the work that SD Canvassing has done, and others, and I listen to a lot of the shows like yours and umm on TruthSocial.. I’m on a lot of those platforms.  

This is a South Dakota Republican Elected County Auditor feeding this kind of batsh*t crazy.

Minnehaha County officials, you need to go watch this, and take appropriate action.

12 thoughts on “I’m almost afraid to watch this: Minnehaha County Auditor Leah Anderson Does NOT Rule Out CIA Involvement in Irregularities.. that suggest computer manipulation in election results”

      1. tonight I will likely have a nightmare involving Keanu Reeves dressed as a Jesuit priest in The Matrix, stealing elections in SooFoo and it’s John Dale’s fault

  1. I ate breakfast this morning. The CIA was “involved” in that.

    When I kissed my wife goodnight last night, the CIA was “involved” in that.

    When my daughters are in the bathroom, the CIA is “involved” in that.

    Credibility suffers when we don’t acknowledge the role of the “Catholics In Action”, their oaths, dispositions, and modus operandi.

    Remember when Trump signed the executive order regarding asset confiscation of foreign actors meddling in our elections?

    Honestly, among Protestants, this kind of thing was proven long ago. It’s common knowledge, now.

    If Trump plans to confiscate the Vatican, the consternation makes a lot of sense .. especially the security fences around the Capitol after the last presidential “election”.

    I can almost hear the hand wringing and the pearl clutching as Catholics proper – most of whom are very good, solid, moral, and wonderful people – come to terms with this mess.

    That is all from the Library.

    1. Keep your gods, Mr. Dale, both Catholic and otherwise, out of grudznick’s government or grudznick will bring my government to your town. We both know Mr. Odenbach doesn’t want that.

    2. It looks like someone would be better off moving back to California. Those brain cells have been cooked from the Demon Weed.

  2. It appears the state government of South Dakota does not want to investigate this.The state should investigate if for nothing else to prove nothing is wrong.

    1. Ah yes, the old “We have no evidence but demand you take us seriously anyway” justification for government spending. I bet you claim to be a conservative, too. Irony is dead.

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