In case you wanted to read the Rep. Pischke Facebook argument over Juneteenth. Pischke comment about Native American Day seems to have vanished.

In case you wanted to read the direct source of the story discussing State Rep. Tom Pischke arguing against Juneteenth and Native American day, Lisa Kaczke of the Argus Leader has screen shots of them on Twitter:

Here’s something very interesting though.. When I went back to screen clip it myself… Representative Pischke’s quip about Native American Day?

…it no longer appears… and seems to have mysteriously “vanished” from the original facebook discussion.

22 thoughts on “In case you wanted to read the Rep. Pischke Facebook argument over Juneteenth. Pischke comment about Native American Day seems to have vanished.”

  1. Tom Pischke needs to go, and if the state GOP leadership had any spine it would have already been taken care of.

    1. Considering he’s elected by his district, I’m not sure what GOP Leadership has to do with it.

      Governor Noem & the GOP are pointing out that they disagree on the issue of Juneteenth. The rest is up to the voters.

      1. Each US citizen is entitled to express his or her views. And if the voters of that district want Rep. Pischke — that’s democracy in action.

        In my opinion, Tom Pischke has demonstrated that he should NOT represent SD as a national convention delegate. I’m no one of importance, just a voice in the wilderness. But powerful people read this site + the comments hereon. Party Leaders: Nota Bene. We can do better.

      2. Why is he a convention delegate and why hasn’t the SD GOP denounced his statements? Like I said. No spine.

        1. We’ll see if Pischke is a convention delegate tomorrow, so your “no spine” accusation is premature. Granted, he’s a duly elected representative. He’s relevant. He matters. I’m no one of importance — just a voter — but I’ve reached out to party ledership. Perhaps they’ll select another delegate..

          Although I don’t know what they’ll decide, I’m *positive* of a few things: Core Republicans LOVE freedom & hate slavery. Unlike the Dixiecrats & Slave-ocrats, we have NO problem celebrating Juneteenth. The Dems’ founder was Andrew “Trail of Tears” Jackson. Our founder was the Great Emancipator.

          1. And yet, every white supremacist in America today votes Republican. “Very fine people”

        2. Have you been watching the last 4 years of this presidency? There is nothing but cowards left in the gop.

  2. It sucks planning all year to enjoy a Holiday only to have it rain, or be too windy, or cloudy, or whatever.

    I think we should celebrate nice weather by taking days of then. Innovate business process to accommodate.

  3. Rep. Pischke needs to wade into matters in which he is most familiar. Perhaps he should focus on being the chair of the “Bad Dads” caucus.

  4. Of course the comments are gone. Now he will be shamed into oblivion for expressing a view many people have. Depending on how hard this is pushed, he may loose his job, his home, his place in Pierre. Celebrating a group of people based solely on their race and not the content of their character can be seen as racist. He expressed an opinion other people share.

    Isn’t affirmative action is racist towards white people? Black Entertainment Television (BET), is that a racist organization? White people aren’t allowed to have an all white network.

    The mob mentality will take Pischke down. It’s up to him to stand for he believes, will he? I doubt it. Men are weak today.

      1. First, I’m not a man. Second, does that make you weak or are you a woman too? You do you see what’s happening to Pischke and all the others who sign their name to comments that can so easily be taken out of context and labeled as racist?

        There’s a standing question for Jake Schoenbeck: Do you think BLM is a racist organization? Even if Jake thinks it is racist to single out one group based solely on the color of their skin, he can’t post it. He’s white and does not know what it’s like to be black. Jake is only allowed to say black lives matter or the mob will come for him after they’re through with Pischke. Do you get it? White man bad.

  5. While the Emacipation Act was signed January 1, 1863, and June 19, 1865 represents a local event in Texas, and the 13th Amendment wasn’t ratified until December 6, 1865, it is reasonable to ask why June 19 is more significant than the other 2 dates, other than January 1 is already a holiday and December 6 is St Nick’s Day.

      1. Have you not noticed that pretty much anything done by either of the two dominant parties is meant to appease a specific group…such as their base? That alone is no reason to dismiss someone’s inquiry in such a shallow way.

        June 19th “in 1865 Union Major-General Gordon Granger read General Order No. 3 to the people of Galveston. It stated:

        “The people of Texas are informed that, in accordance with a proclamation from the Executive of the United States, all slaves are free. This involves an absolute equality of personal rights and rights of property between former masters and slaves, and the connection heretofore existing between them becomes that between employer and hired labor. The freedmen are advised to remain quietly at their present homes and work for wages. They are informed that they will not be allowed to collect at military posts and that they will not be supported in idleness either there or elsewhere.””

  6. I told Nesiba if he introduces the bill and wants to make it a bipartisan effort, I would Prime it in the House.

  7. The Dems let Bob Byrd erase his Kkk evidence. Will we allow this guy?

    Regarding the anonymous racist above:

    We honor our Indian neighbors for their contribution to us these last 150 years and the abuse inflicted when we failed to recognize their God given human dignity. We recognize the day WE recognized the God-given human dignity that our forebears has denied them.

    We are honoring them as people made in the image of God and to atone for our failure to acknowledge it.

    Pitscke is a racist pig. Iowa dealt with Steve King. This is a test of the content of our character.

    1. Excuse me, why did you use the word “Indian”? According to the racial slur database and many Indigenous people using that word is racist. Are you a racist?

      You may have failed to recognize their God given human dignity, but many of us have not and we don’t need a special day to be reminded Indigenous people are humans too.

      1. Like one of my Indian friend says, “What difference does it make? They are all names the White Man gave us. If you like the one from the guy who was lost, Ok with me.”

        BTW, he prefers Dakota or Lakota just as I prefer German, etc. instead of European.

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