Jamie Smith picks Keintz as Lt. That’s not even a hard one to poke holes in.

From the Argus, Dem for Gov Jamie Smith has made his Lt. Gov pick: State Rep Jennifer Keintz:

The Sioux Falls Democrat challenging Gov. Kristi Noem in this year’s gubernatorial election Thursday formally announced that he’s backing Rep. Jennifer Keintz, 48, a real estate broker and business owner from Eden, for the Democratic Party’s lieutenant governor candidate on the November ballot.

Read that here.

Interesting that real estate agent Jamie Smith has decided to diversify his ticket with real estate agent Jennifer Keintz.


I don’t even need to work that hard to poke holes in this elitist ticket, as I had already pointed it out less than 2 years ago :

To the Editor:

I earned bachelor’s and master’s degrees from South Dakota State University in the 1990s. Immediately after graduating I moved to the East Coast, where many people I met couldn’t find South Dakota on a map and had certainly never heard of the university. I was able to find jobs with good companies in various large cities and to build a decent career. After a few years in the work force, it seemed to matter more where I had worked than where I went to college.

I was probably not called in to interview by some companies because I hadn’t attended a prestigious university, but there are plenty of great employers who look at more than alma mater. All that said, I’ve seen how attending certain schools opens many doors. It’s not a guarantee of success, but there’s no denying that graduates of top schools have a leg up.

I have a 2-year-old and I already think about where she’ll go to college. It will ultimately be her choice, but I will strongly suggest elite institutions. Despite my own positive experience and my desire for it to not matter, it absolutely does.

Jennifer Healy Keintz
Eden, S.D.

Read that here.

Good luck with that pick. Democrats are going to need it.

16 thoughts on “Jamie Smith picks Keintz as Lt. That’s not even a hard one to poke holes in.”

    1. Think both got undergrads here. Don’t think Kristi told them they had to leave the state like liberal Keintz was telling NY Times.

  1. It’s a smart pick. It’s an east river strategy. It’s the only way the Democrats have a chance to win. When Democrats understand it’s manipulation and not message, then they will win again like they used to. Don’t go to Camp Cook like Billie did, go to Minnehaha! The battle is along I-29. Very glad to see that Jamie picked a Democrat, too.

    1. He didn’t even go west of the Jim River. This ticket is catering to elite liberals and no one else. Might have the worst showing ever for Democrats in November.

  2. Listen….do you hear that sound? It’s the flushing sound of the Democrat’s candidate run for governor going down the toilet. Ha ha ha!

  3. Notice he didn’t pick a farmer/rancher. He didn’t even go as far as LGBTIQ+ or even a Lakota. Democrat politicians like Jamie Smith only diverse to the cameras, not when it counts.

  4. So…..if Keintz has such a big problem with her SDSU diploma and SD in general, then why not go to an Ivory League school, get your masters degree and just leave? She must have drawn the short straw from the SDDP (or made the mistake of answering her phone). The SDGOP will not need to put much effort towards defeating this sad sack ticket. Again, SDDP shows how inept and irrelevant it truly is.

    1. “SDDP shows how inept and irrelevant it truly is.”

      Thank You Cory Heidelberger!

  5. Considering all the the governor’s employees coming out of Hillsdale, it appears that Keintz was dead-on that certain institutions open doors.

    Hard to argue she’s out of touch when the governor won’t even hire from in-state institutions.

    Harder that she decided to farm out our school standards to an out-of-state institution as well.

  6. It explains her unprofessional surprisingly immature response as a legislator. Her life experiences on the East Coast have given her an attitude of dismissing the concerns of us country bumpkins even though many of us have lived elsehwere and have seen the results of horrible public policies. An aspiring limousine liberal living in Eden, South Dakota.

  7. “She scored high, along with Smith, on the cannabis business lobby’s 2022 scorecard for marijuana legislation, a signal to the leafy-green vote still chafing under the current Governor’s assault on their reefer rights that a vote for Smith is a vote to protect cannabis freedom.”

    DaToker Blog

  8. Someone should ask her why she quit the legislature after one term but now wants to be lieutenant governor. I’m genuinely interested to know her thinking.

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