Legislator’s wife suing State of SD

From KELOland comes notice of a lawsuit that seems to be pitting the wife of a state legislator against the state her husband works part time-for:

Laura Zylstra Kaiser of Aberdeen alleges she was harassed by a Brown County deputy in 2011. Her federal lawsuit claims she was demoted after the alleged harassment.

Zylstra Kaiser says she filed unsuccessful grievances with DCI Director Bryan Gortmaker and Attorney General Marty Jackley.

Read it here.

Zylstra Kaiser is the spouse of Dan Kaiser, a legislator from Aberdeen who is also employed in Law enforcement.

21 thoughts on “Legislator’s wife suing State of SD”

  1. If what I have heard is true, the lawsuit is warranted and the deputy from Brown County should be fired.

  2. I’ve often wondered why Kaiser is such a man of contrasts. He works for the government but votes against it. Maybe this is why.

    1. He works for the people. Foreign concept to liberals and RINOs.

      Sad to hear Mrs Kaiser had such a problem and it was used against her when she reported it.

        1. I suspect, for many that work with government, they learn first hand how flawed it is.

          Necessary is some cases, but flawed nonetheless.

        2. and where does the “government” get the money to pay Mr Kaiser?

          Maybe if you RINOs and liberals took a moment to learn American history? You’d find out the government is “of the people, by the people, for the people..” Hate to break your government love affair.

          1. What government “love affair” are you referring to?

            Your greatest allies may lie among those who’ve witnessed first hand the waste and abuse of government.

            Fewer RINOs and liberals than you might think, if you think…

  3. Marty Jackley and Bryan Gortmaker are both scum and should be sitting in a prison cell. Kaiser is a true servant to the people and if his wife is anything like him she’ll win and the deputy and the other two jackas* above should be fired.

    1. Calling Marty or Bryan scum bags is the number one dumbest thing I have ever read here on the WAR College. I have worked with both of them on tough issues and had extremely great help from both of them.

      But I suppose just because an Anon has an opinion I don’t like; like buttholes everyone has one.

  4. Isn’t it odd that the legitimate media all talked about Ms. Zylstra Kaiser being an ex-DCI agent. Not a word here about it though. She’s a legislator’s spouse here.

    1. Keloland is not Dist 3 so they didnt see it as important.

      Now if you read the AAN up here, it has it listed, but what does it matter if she is a legislators wife. If she felt she was harassed, and it was ignored, then it needs to be addressed. Sexual Harassment is against the law not matter the parties involved.

  5. …and maybe he just wants to “conveniently” leave that small piece of information out. A journalist would ask this simple question, “Is she suing as a legislator’s wife or as a former DCI agent?”

    I’m sorry, Mr. Powers, for holding you to a higher standard of journalistic competence. That is completely unfair of me.

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