Liberty Counsel Group offers to defend State of SD pro bono on House Bill 1057 challenges

Hot off the press, I’ve been sent a copy of a letter from the Liberty Counsel organization to Governor Kristi Noem, offering to defend the State of South Dakota on a pro bono basis if House Bill 1057 is passed and challenged in court, which has already been threatened by the ACLU.

Liberty Counsel believes that the measure is constitutional and would survive any such challenge, and they express that they’re willing to back that opinion up.

Liberty Counsel SD Vulnerable Child Protection Act by Pat Powers on Scribd

It takes some of the bite out of any expenses the state might face should the measure pass, but would not cover legal expenses for plaintiffs should such a lawsuit prevail.

House Bill 1057 is scheduled to be debated on the House floor this afternoon.

11 thoughts on “Liberty Counsel Group offers to defend State of SD pro bono on House Bill 1057 challenges”

  1. Republicans sure do like to help out of state interests. Another waste of time and money on a non-issue for the pro-birth party. Don’t they have something better to do like take away healthcare from the poor? Maybe cut SS and Medicare to pay for the tax cuts?

    1. Transgender treatments are not HealthCare, its elective procedures due to mental illness. It’s also something I support if you are an adult not a child. We do not allow minors to do drugs, drink alcohol, vote, join the military,etc because we know they are not mature enough to make these choices. We JUST passed moving the age to 21 to buy cigarettes. This is just common sense to not allow such a Life alter decision at an early age, duh!!! I swear some people think they are so enlightened or woke they think this is normal, its not, its sick and wrong.

      Pro-Birth Party?? Are we talking about fighting for the Lives of th unborn to not be butchered and killed. I guess I support that /sarc. The pro-abortion stance is the dumbest one ever in that we make up excuses to murder a child in the womb. The arguments for this are non existent and weak and can be easily rebutted with science, facts, and common sense. There are ways to prevent abortions

      1 – Dont have sex
      2- Use contraception
      3 – Adoption
      4 – Get yourself fixed

      Instead of using one of these 4 options people opt for murdering their child, pretty sad. I guess I will continue to support this “non-issue” as well.

      1. This issue to you isn’t about healthcare, it is about control and overconfidence in your perception of reality. I don’t know any transgender people, however, as a Christian, I don’t cast judgment (Matthew 7:1-2) and claim someone is “mentally ill”. If a person is below the culturally arbitrary age we have set as “adult”, I leave it to the parents to make the best decision for their family. We again have no insight into the family, and who are we to judge, this should be worked out with the child and parents (Ephesians 6:1-4).
        Again, the control and overconfidence is seen in your oversimplified 4 points. If you want this list to work, I would strive for the following actions to take place:

        1. Educate; accept that the abstinence only education program is a failure, provide actual pertinent sexual education information. The autocratic style of “do this or else” doesn’t work, look at our drug war for evidence of that. If this leads to more sex….
        2. Embrace contraception; the religious community has continuously fought contraception as an act of prohibiting God, or Joseph Smith, or whatever, from stepping in to create a “miracle”. This is also a failure, if we want to reduce abortions, reduce unwanted pregnancies.
        3. Carrying a child full term for adoption isn’t always a great option for every person. I (and your friend Big Government) shouldn’t make that decision or judge them for that. Their day will come.
        4. Getting yourself fixed is a great option, but at what age would this be acceptable? That seems like a big life altering decision to make at any age, furthermore, that seems to be a cosmetic fix and isn’t healthcare. I don’t want to pay for any prostitutes either!

        Instead of oversimplifying the issue, and generalizing everything as murder and mental illness, know that the issue is more complex. Life does not begin at conception for people who believe in science. Everyone did not have the same life and parenting that you may have had, not everyone can handle stress or pain the way you can. Most importantly, control what you should be able to control, you and your family. I don’t need you trying to tell me how to run my family and life, and vice versa.

        “True humility is not thinking less of yourself; it is thinking of yourself less.”

        1. I would question your Christianity based on the fact that you would not support abortion ban. Thou shalt not murder is a Commandment and a secular law. By your logic if I said, well I just can’t live with that person being alive and then murdering them and then you bringing up the rear with such a assine comment as “we should not allow government to control, etc” This is not control is common sense, murder is wrong

          Psalm 139:13
          “For thou hast possessed my reins: thou hast covered me in my mother’s womb”

          I disagree on all your points,its just that simple as the 4 things I listed. We as human beings try to make things complicated but,God COMMANDED “THOU SHALT NOT MURDER”. He never said in certain cases its cool or it depends, or its complicated. I do not understand Christians like you, it’s simple man, ir really is.

          God is perfect and would not create something so imperfect as deliberately putting someone in another body of the wrong Gender. Maybe mental illness is not the word maybe I should say that you have been influenced by Satan to think these thoughts. Look I am not trying to pick a fight I am just telling you that God has been clear on his creation and abortion is murder. Murder is a secular and God’s law, abortion is murder and as a Christian I would expect you to uphold the law and not try to run interference for usurping God’s law by hem hawing around the subject, ITS WRONG PERIOD

            1. That is fine as it relates your point and thats why I used a secular argument on not allowing Minors to make decisions. Minors cannot smoke, drink, vote, join the military, enter into contract, etc. We understand they are not mature enough to make that decision.

              I was arguing a Christian point with the individual above with the trying to skate around God’s law.

  2. So, “Pro Life,” how are you on capital punishment? That’s killing a human. It’s definitely not a natural death. I’m pretty sure there’s at least 1 major denomination that stands for sanctity of life from conception to natural death, so I guess you go to a different church?

    Do you also support blasting from the face of the planet another country’s general for reasons as sketchy as what The Impeached Orange One can come up with when he brags to his donors or at his insane rallies?

    1. “Let anyone among you who is without sin cast the first stone”. Since no one is without sin I say no on Capital Punishment.
      The Old Testament called for “an eye for eye and a tooth for a tooth” so under the old law there is support of this. The new Testament never deals with it directly but, I understand both sides. I have to look at it, if I am for it I need to be ok with me personally pulling the lever to put someone to death and I would probably not be able to do that to another human being regardless of what they did. This could only happen if I were defending myself or my family but, not consciously walking in just offing someone.

      I am not in that “Denominational” stuff and rarely attend a church as I find many of them to be hypocritical, they make up their own rules, and many follow blindly. This is a complete different discussion but, I struggle with that as I don’t know what some of these denominations are reading or where they come up with this stuff.

      When it comes to war and defending yourself God allows this as the bible clearly states “though shall not murder”. Killing is not murder as its a result of self defense and killing Solumanei was self defense.

      Don’t attack Trump for killing a Terrorist who kills Americans and attacks us. Every President in the last 50+ years has ordered the killing of someone across the globe so this is NOT unique to him. I believe Obama ordered the most drone strikes in history

  3. Wow… Have you read these comments? “Magical guy in the sky”… That’s pretty common when you’re dealing with liberals… They just can’t understand why we’re not as “smart” as them… Feel sad for their souls…

    1. I love how the religious right thinks everyone who isn’t accepting of the current churches interpretation as law is a “liberal”. If you don’t approve of Donny in the white house, like ol’ John Bolton, that raging liberal, you are a liberal too. You “smart” people make me laugh, get out of your bubble and quit listening to “news” and open your eyes. Religion evolves to adapt to whatever can gain the most followers. Amazing how quickly “God” commanded the Mormans to change their views to get statehood. Amazing how God or JC never wrote about conception or contraception, yet both are “law”. Amazing how molesting children is a crime if you do it outside the church, pedophiles that aren’t priests don’t have a country to hide in that fights extradition.

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