Minnehaha Auditor hosting election cranks as she attacks SOS, won’t reveal secret expert she wants to inspect voting machines

Is it time for Minnehaha county to combine a couple of county offices? Because I’m not sure there’s another mechanism for them to get rid of their crackpot of a county auditor, Leah Anderson.

As the Argus Leader is reporting, not only is Anderson hiring members of an election conspiracy group and putting them in charge of her elections, she’s hosting the same special interest group as part of her meetings with equipment vendors.

Mathis then asked if a “highly respected” person from South Dakota would be able to be present and perform their own inspection, though he did not name who that person would be. In an interview, Anderson said she knew the person’s identity but would not share it, as she had not spoken further with ES&S about the process.


Mathis continued that they’d want the individual to look for modems and do an inspection of the machine.

“Both Leah and I’s reputation is totally on the line. What if it comes out years down the road that there were modems in these machines, and we never — all your studies are great. The people want somebody that they know and trust to do a study. And I do too!”


And so I just want to let you know that especially Monae, you also work for the people, and you haven’t been very supportive of the people.”

At this point, Anderson rotated a nearby laptop, revealing a group of two dozen people, including Weible, who had been listening in on the call from another location, and later gave Anderson a round of applause after the call had ended.

Read the story here.

A ‘secret’ election expert? While she’s broadcasting the meeting to the special interest group she appears to be doing the bidding of? Good lord.

The Secretary of State has certainly made some unforced errors over the course of the last year, but not kowtowing to the demands of election conspiracy groups is not one of them. Especially when they have taken control of the election office in the largest county in the state.

The Minnehaha County Commission needs to do something pretty quick, because looks like their election office is heading for a crash.

26 thoughts on “Minnehaha Auditor hosting election cranks as she attacks SOS, won’t reveal secret expert she wants to inspect voting machines”

    1. There is a massive disconnect between folks your age and the new generation which I see driving a lot of the hysteria.

      My generation (though I’ll take yours over mine) can tell what potential gaps there may be with about a 2-minute inspection. The vote-machines can’t connect to the internet and I can confirm this with about 20-30 seconds of just looking at the inside.

      Your generation (no disrespect) and those raised around less advanced tech look at anything electronic as if it’s a magical force that can be impacted by evil-doers so long as it connects to a plug-in in the wall. Computers that are connected to the internet without a VPN are not secure. Our tabulators don’t connect to the internet. The component that does that isn’t in any of our machines and it takes half a minute to verify.

      My philosophy is, if you don’t know how something works, trust those who do.

  1. You can bet their talking about that fake expert guy from Minnesota that moved just across the border to Elkton

    1. Did he actually move? Seems to still be spending a lot of time in Minnesota yet. He just headlined a fundraiser for some crazy opponent to former House GOP speaker Kurt Daudt in East Central Minnesota!

      1. Sounds like a typical Action 4 Liberty/Rocks and Cows Libertarian RINO candidate. Would love to see these groups which includes the infamous Doerr Brothers announce they are moving to SD to get their freedumb. Both of the two large political parties consider them to be highly radioactive. This was put out by the MNGOP. https://www.mnscammersexposed.com/minnesota-gun-rights/#:~:text=Scamming%20is%20a%20family%20affair,influence%20on%20actual%20public%20policy.

        Maybe Rick could get his buds and like Ran Branstner and other Constitutional Party members to move to SD too.

        1. Don’t forget about Midwest Swamp Watch! Rick’s new passion project funded by those clowns.
          For some IT guy, it’s hilarious the Midwest Swamp Watch website looks like a 2004 9th grade web design project.

          1. Didn’t see this but it does not surprise me. MN State Senator Jordan Rasmusson had to deal with them last cycle. Unfounded attacks and election conspiracies. Then the extremist Libertarian/RINO ran as a write in unaffiliated during the general election when he lost the endorsement and primary.

            MN is one state and plenty more states that would gladly offload these tin foil hat activists on South Dakota. Heck! It sure seemed like Rep Soya remarked about native born South Dakotans reluctantly leaving the state and gleefully claimed they would be replaced by more desirable extremist activists like those mentioned above. The potential for unlikely alliances with South Dakota born ex residents could help.

          2. It’s why a number of GOP state parties like MN are financially broke. Grievances, Anger, Hate, Rehashing the 2020. election, unsubstantiated rumors/conspiracies, election denialists and crazy just don’t sell very well in a healthier and competitive political environment.

  2. Let it crash. A trainwreck election presided over by the tinfoil hats may be, sadly, the only way to get people to understand how nuts they are.

  3. can just one state failing by various problems to count its votes by jan 2025, cause the whole elector certification to be held up?

    1. No, in South Dakota we have safe guards, and at the Federal level there are additional safe guards, we saw that with the 2000 Florida case…Gore V Bush….the continuity of government is pretty well vetted in our laws….

      1. Rick any chance we could get Mike Lindell to move to SD and set up shop? Can you imagine if all the Rocks and Cows followers were to move to SD?

        The more the better!

  4. Trump/Noem ticket will draw more of them to the state ever after they lose in 2024. GOED marketed to them and more are moving here.

    1. Yes I agree. Dusty got the same vote numbers in 2020 as he did in 2022 but Taffy got 30,000 more votes than Liz May. It is probably all of Kristi’s recruits.

      I wouldn’t want to be an establishment politician in a primary in 2024 or 2026.

  5. Does the County Commission have the power to do something? It’s terrifying that Leah Anderson seems to be a puppet for SD Canvassing. She is definitely drinking their Kool-Aid!

  6. no point in inspecting voting machines when one can print up counterfeit ballots, and the machines count them. Unlike paper currency, the paper used for ballots is nothing special. That’s where the problem is in states which allow drop boxes and there’s no chain of custody for the ballots.

    1. at some point, a random dump of a few thousand absentee ballots hits the place where the ballots are verified as having come from registered voters.
      similar to police chain of possession for evidence, ballots are received by a process overseen by sworn officers – transported to a counting location – transferred according to process, and counted.
      the whole notion of counterfeit ballots the way you frame it, is a blithe urban-myth-style fiction.
      i had a number of fine chats with the late craig tieszen during both his police and legislative days. i ask myself to guess how he’d react to this stuff and i just hear his laughter.

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