More Kristi Noem love from the RGA – People flocking to move to Kristi Noem’s South Dakota

26 thoughts on “More Kristi Noem love from the RGA – People flocking to move to Kristi Noem’s South Dakota”

  1. In Sioux Falls, I saw another pickup proudly flying the Confederate flag yesterday. Common occurrence recently.

    Be careful what you wish for.

    1. There are more and more anti Americans. They do confederate and Nazi flags.

    1. I never take anything seriously from someone who doesn’t have the courage to put their name behind their remarks.

      1. Taffy Howard is pretty bent out of shape over this Noem love.

        Noem isn’t perfect but Taffy is insane.

      1. Either we claim to follow the law or we don’t. Does Noem respect the law if she constantly breaks it?

        1. Who doesn’t speed? With all the illegal acts the dems are allowing, i think your argument falls flat.

          1. What illegal acts?? Another hoax. Look at January 6. Republicans.
            Nobody mentioned nepotism.

          1. State records going back to November 1989 show Noem with a total of 28 citations: 20 speeding tickets plus two violations for failure to stop at an intersection, two for not wearing a seat belt and two for having expired plates on her vehicle and one each for not having her driver’s license with her and not renewing her vehicle registration.

            Noem also has been sent six reminder notices and had two warrants issued for overdue fines, which she later settled.

        2. About respecting the law. Let’s see:

          -Fast and Furious
          -IRS Auditing of political opposition
          -DOJ spying on AP reporters
          -Benghazi cover-up
          -Congressman Anthony Weiner
          -Eric Holder and Lois Lerner contempt charges
          -Hilliary Clinton and the demoncrats fake Russian dossier
          -DOJ/FBI working to actively spy on a sitting president and lying to the federal courts about unverified information
          -Stumbles Biden extorting Ukraine officials (on video)
          -Again, Stumble Biden covering for his son and brother in pay for access schemes
          -Hunter Biden’s laptop and all his illegal business dealings

          And I’m sure there’s more to come.

          1. Oh, and I forgot about hilliary’s intentional mishandling of classified information which any prior service member knows would have landed them in Leavenworth.

          2. You got that right. It is the kettle calling the pot black. Just jealous, I guess.

          3. I guess you have not been watching the January 6th hearings where the orange one and his staff/family are total a**holes.

  2. The locals here including Republicans have been encouraging the potheads, deadbeats, nutty conspiracy theorist Libertarians and Consitution Party knucklheads to move to South Dakota and use it as a dumping ground.

  3. I do find it amazing how many people of all walks of life are anti-immigration even though large manufacturing companies have looked at but not built here because of a lack of Human Resources which is the only negative of an extremely low unemployment number.

    My friend from Eureka wrote a book about Marty at Walmart who had half of Brookings coming through his checkout line because he made them feel loved and appreciated. We need to do the same for our visitors to South Dakota and hope they stay increasing our economic engine. Every resident of every city should do the same for their hometown. Kindness always wins.

    That said there is a certain level of disfunction in every family and all of us are knuckleheads at times. South Dakota is all about freedom and personal choices and extravagant outdoor events and great people with probably the least disfunction of any state in the country.

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