14 thoughts on “Nooo! Not the bad thing! Make it go away!”

  1. Maybe if these fat LARPers actually fought in a war they wouldn’t be so quick the clamor for another.

    1. What is a LARPer?

      Is this threat incase the primary results do not go his way there will be violence?

      1. LARPer = Live Action Role Player. They are playing a character. These idiots think they are John Rambo. They are old, out of shape, and have probably never been in a physical confrontation. If he know wtf he was talking about, he wouldn’t be itching for violence.

  2. Tuesday is coming. Less than half of the state’s registered republicans bothered to vote in the last primary.
    The time has come for good men (and women) to get off their butts and vote the wackadoodles OUT.
    And those non-affiliated voters who complain they aren’t “allowed” to vote in the Republican primary probably like to complain they can’t go outside because their shoes are still under the bed. Useless.

  3. I have a couple friends like this guy. They complain about inflation… but talk fondly of violence and a civil war that would destroy our economy and impoverish them, their children and grandchildren. But, all is good when their candidates win. So, you’d better vote for them… or else!

    1. Totally true… Historically fear tactics do not work on South Dakotans. But i totally can see what your saying…. REAL TOUGH GUYS.

      1. Historically, Democrats have been the nearly exclusively the party of violence and intimidation. (A short list would be slavery, Jim Crow, 1960s civil unrest, JFK’s assassination, and the riots in the summer of 2020 for St. Floyd.) Yet commenters and Mr. Powers freak out over a facebook post by a conservative. Good grief.

        I’m leaning toward Anonymous at 11:42 for a proper interpretation of Mr. Powers’s cheap shot.

  4. I like how the MAGA people think there is this big civil war coming if they don’t get their way. I had one friend claim they would draft my kids to fight in the Trump army, since we live in SD. Give me a break, if you actually tried attacking the United States Government, you would fail miserably. They would most likely just release a virus, and a vaccine at the same time. It would hit every unvaxed person and the war would be over without your civil war reenactment delusions.

    Good luck with your war boys, I’m not playing.

  5. upshot: trump works very hard to pre-normalize the crimes he wants to engage in. he doesn’t hire the best lawyers but he does hire the best mass psychology and marketing experts.
    this threat-ish post from the grassroots is the response we’d expect from cult members emulating their fearless leader.

  6. Why did you take this down, again and again??…… Cant handle beingcalled out??

    Pat. .. why are you tearing down fellow Republicans, at the same time
    complaining about division in the party? Stop with your vendetta against Lee for ending your paycheck ( which was voted on by the GOP) with the GOP. This is not about you, this is about our state and counrty. If you feel like you are more important than the state of the union, then by all means continue. If not than grow up and look at the greater good Sincerely, Grace

    1. Qualm is an anti-vax, anti-science, talking out of the side of his mouth hypocrite. No need for him to be back in Pierre, and kudos to anyone who stands against his theocratic nonsense. There’s a reason Tobin kicked his butt.

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