PAC bringing self-professed “Black Nazi” Mark Robinson to Sioux Falls seems to have forgotten his name, as graphics don’t cite him as keynote speaker anymore.

Where on earth is North Carolina Lt. Governor Mark Robinson?  Don’t ask Toby Doeden, because our dumpster-fire of a momentary Congressional candidate seems to have forgotten his name almost overnight.

Remember last week when Toby’s group was sending text-blasts out and looking for people to go to his $250-500 a head event at the District in Sioux Falls with Keynote Speaker Mark Robinson?

Please notice that was “Keynote Speaker” Mark Robinson.

And then, there was that news story about that whole “black Nazi” thing..

Which blew up.. well across the planet, since there’s not a lot of people who claim they would be happy to own slaves and that they’d “take Hitler over any of the sh*t that’s in Washington.”

If you remember that, then you might find it interesting that Toby Doeden who controls the Dakota First PAC seems to have developed amnesia, and forgotten his keynote speaker’s name:

Keynote Speaker Mark Robinson” suddenly seems to have been demoted into a somewhat amorphous group of “National & State speakers.” Despite the person who invited him in the first place has expressed views that aren’t that far off of Robinson’s.

There has been no information provided that they disavow Robinson’s views, or have canceled him as a speaker because he expressed a desire to “bring [slavery] back” and “buy a few” slaves (never mind the stuff that’s so outrageous and pornographic that most websites won’t print it).

They’re just changing the graphic they’re using to promote the event. Leaving it entirely possible that he’s still coming. And they just don’t want to talk about their favorite candidate this cycle who is so offensive that he may cost Trump his state’s electoral votes, and the entire presidential election.

But, lacking any disavowal, as far as we know he’s still Toby’s guy. Despite his sudden onset of amnesia.

11 thoughts on “PAC bringing self-professed “Black Nazi” Mark Robinson to Sioux Falls seems to have forgotten his name, as graphics don’t cite him as keynote speaker anymore.”

  1. He ain’t coming. All of his campaign staff just quit. The Doeden dumpster fire continues to burn strong. I wonder if he is going to refund the $250 to each of the Klan members who bought tickets since they won’t have their Jew-hating speaker? Maybe they can get David Duke to be the speaker so they can save the event?

  2. if trump wins, i’m sure that media czar steve jailbird bannon will make cnn pay for offending robinson like that. after he is done ruining abc.

  3. Disavow Robinson’s comments? Heck no! The way we see it Toby Doeden and Mark Robinson are twins in more ways than one including IQ. What a perfect match!

    All we need now is Pornographer Lee Stranahan to cover the event.

    1. What a ridiculous comment. Paul TenHaken deserves much credit for debunking bigoted lies about LEGAL immigrants, at the risk of offending crackpots in his own hijacked party.

      Thank you Mayor Paul for your courage and integrity.

  4. Not only has Donald Trump endorsed Robinson, but his spokeperson has also stated– despite the recent revelations of all the Nazi/porn site/anti-Semitism stuff — that his endorsement will not be withdrawn. If he continues to endorse a Nazi-admiring dumpster fire, doesn’t that make Trump himself a Nazi-admiring dumpster fire? A dumpster fire candidate who DESERVES to lose the election in North Carolina and nationwide? 🤔

    1. Anon at 9:38, this election is not about whom you would rather have dinner with. It’s a binary choice: one is a capitalist, one is a communist.
      It’s that simple: capitalism vs communism.
      Pick one.

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