Bosworth allies claiming GOP war against Christians, and that Jackley prosecuted at Rounds’ behest.

As we inch closer and closer to the day Annette Bosworth is going to have to explain in a court of law how she certified, under oath, that she collected petition signatures in South Dakota while she was overseas, the level of rhetoric from her allies continues to rise from silly to the level of unbelievable bullsh*t.

The hunt for the Bosworth Legal Fund records. Does there need to be a law?

If you recall yesterday’s pro-Bosworth Robocall (Which you read first at SDWC, of course) made by Peter Waldron representing the made up organization “No Compromise,” which I’m assuming also means “no accountability,” someone raised the question asking “who is all behind this latest scheme? are they registered somewhere?” And unfortunately, the response is likely “No.” […]