Fresh out of winning a few legislative seats that allowed them to take control of the State House and the Senate, the crazies have issued their first “Republican Party Purge List” via the completely kooky mattress guy, Chris Larson.
And there’s a lot of familiar names on it, including South Dakota’s top elected officials who might be guilty of the thought-crime of *gasp* “promoting economic development.” I’m guessing I’m on the list for their thought-crime of “disrespect.” From the man who derisively calls people “normies,” the nutty mattress guy:
But the war isn’t over. There is still more winning yet to do. We must now set our sights on the enemies that have infiltrated our party: the RINOs
The RINO is an enemy from within, much like a cancer is to the body.
The following list has been vetted by a few trusted Patriots who collectively possess a vast amount of experience in South Dakota politics. Some of you may feel that I have missed a RINO or two, which I’ll admit is entirely possible. Feel free to leave a comment below if you see any glaring holes. However, this list is not meant to catalogue every SD Republican who we may think isn’t based/conservative enough for our liking, or who may not always vote the way we prefer. Nay, we should allow ourselves to make peace and negotiate with fellow Republicans of all flavors, and to forgive those who may have voted against our values in the past. We can certainly tolerate moderates in our party, so long as they don’t somehow capture the leadership roles. South Dakota is a Patriot state, not a RINO state.
To be Blacklisted, one must have demonstrated a consistent history of traits that frustrate and hinder the Grassroots Patriot movement; behaviors which I spell out here:
- Promotes “Economic Development” (crony capitalism) ahead of individual rights
- Shows contempt and/or disrespect to Patriots
- Voting record that is antithetical to traditional conservative values
- Ignores their constituents
- Lee Schoenbeck
- Mary Fitzgerald
- Will Mortensen
- Dusty Johnson
- John Wiik
- Joe Kippley
- Monae Johnson
- John Thune
- Mike Rounds
- Casey Crabtree
- Kristi Noem
- Pat powers
- David Wheeler
- Joe Kirby
- Walt Bones
- Helene Duhamel
- Brett Koennecke
- David Knutson
If I get over 1,000 reads on this post, I will pay to run an ad in the Dakota Scout publishing this list of bad actors, outing them as RINOs and declaring them persona non grata at any and all of our gatherings.
You can read the mattress guy’s hit-list for thought-crimes here.
I can say without any irony, that I’m fairly pleased to show up on a group of South Dakota Republican party leaders such as Senators John Thune & Mike Rounds, Congressman Dusty Johnson, and Governor Kristi Noem, as well as legislative leaders, old friends, new friends, and others. There are people with whom I’ve disagreed with in the past, like Dave Knudson, but I have sincere respect for him. Heck, being on the same list might even cause me to cut Monae Johnson some slack.
For the last 20 years of writing my website, I have always said that elections are won by addition, not subtraction. But, as you can read in the crazy’s own words – they’re here to subtract.
And somehow myself and my fellow blacklist members will have to make do with being “persona non grata at any and all” of their gatherings. I’d also offer:
Please, my fellow blacklist members. I would encourage you to find a way to soldier on. Find a way to grasp at a ray of light through the clouds, as we try to console ourselves for being barred from meetings we never went to in the first place.
And more importantly – Just remember this for 2026. You do your part to promote jobs and economic development. And I will continue to show them disrespect the entire way.