Governor Daugaard’s Weekly Column: The Perseverance Of Our Largest Industry

The Perseverance Of Our Largest Industry
A column by Gov. Dennis Daugaard: 

Last year was another tough year for agriculture. After seeing a lack of moisture in the spring, we declared a statewide emergency in June. The drought persisted throughout the summer, and even today, as I write this, over 90 percent of the ground in the state is abnormally dry with almost 60 percent of the state in moderate to severe drought.

The drought conditions have exacerbated the impact farmers and ranchers were already feeling from low prices over the last few years, making 2017 a near low in terms of farm income. Our economists anticipate some marginal improvement this year if normal production levels return, but this will depend on the weather and federal trade policy.

Even though we don’t know what this year will bring, there is still reason to be hopeful.

During the good times our farmers and ranchers invested in themselves. Farmers adopted new technologies and upgraded their equipment, added grain storage, and other new facilities while our ranchers also invested in new equipment, fencing and corrals, along with better genetics. Those investments have positioned them to seize opportunities when times are good again.

Even in times like these, young people are still finding a way to get back to the family farm. I recently heard a story about a young man named Greg who found a way to come back home to Hutchinson County and work with his dad on the farm. Greg knew he would need to supplement his income, so he built a hog finishing facility. The facility provides a guaranteed revenue stream and the manure has benefited the soil health and fertility of their land – which means increased yields and profit for the farm. Greg says he doesn’t always accept things as they are . He challenges the norm, but also knows his costs and where the biggest risks are.

We can be encouraged by Greg’s story and the stories of others like him. They’re a testament of the adaptiveness and determination of South Dakota’s farmers and ranchers, and a sign of the industry’s promising future.

Agriculture is our largest industry and it’s been that way since statehood.  It’s an industry peopled with generations of resilient individuals who gave their all working the land – combining until dark, checking for calves at two in the morning, getting up before dawn to milk the cows or feed the hogs, and moving livestock in subzero temperatures. Through hard work and determination, agriculture grew to what it is today.  And that’s how we’ll make it through the next year and the years to come.


Release: Lance Russell – Illegal Immigration costing State $32 Million


ABERDEEN, S.D. (Feb. 16, 2017) – “Illegal immigration according to estimates is costing South Dakota taxpayers over $32 million dollars annually, and people in affected areas are burdened by the dramatically increasing violent crime” said South Dakota Senator and Attorney General candidate Lance Russell.

At a press conference today in Aberdeen, Russell announced his Immigration Enforcement Bill, Senate Bill 193, which has been set for hearing before the Senate Judiciary Committee this coming Thursday, Feb. 22.

Aberdeen has seen an influx of immigration and a significant increase in their crime rate over the past few years, which today outpaces the state in property and violent crimes, with a crime rate that is 12% higher than the state’s average. In 2009, South Dakota saw one of its largest increases in its’ immigrant and refugee population, totaling 1,811 people settling in the state, with a number being relocated to Aberdeen. During the same time period, from 2009 to 2010, Aberdeen saw a spike in crime, with a 39% increase in the crimes investigated year-over-year.

“We welcome all who legally come to this country to find a better life.  This is the American Dream,” said Senator Russell.  “We should not be inviting law-breakers into our state, with over 5,000 estimated illegal immigrants here today who are statistically proven more likely to commit serious crimes.”

This is an issue Senator Russell says he dealt with in his years as the Fall River and Shannon County State’s Attorney, where he says he prosecuted a number of illegal aliens for serious crimes, but found it difficult to do so at times without the tools to enforce the laws in place, something he plans to address as Attorney General.

“It’s right at our door-step,” said Senator Russell, noting that the announcement of the Immigration Enforcement Bill’s hearing comes at the one-year anniversary of the passage of a sanctuary campus resolution by the University of South Dakota’s Student Government Association.  Passed on Feb. 14, 2017, it was an open invitation to those who would enter illegally, and who have a track record of further lawless behavior.  Senator Russell’s Immigration Enforcement Bill would curb such actions by any authorities of South Dakota’s institutions of higher education or local governments.

Senator Russell is one of four candidates seeking the Republican nomination for the position of Attorney General. Candidates will be nominated during the Republican Party’s State Convention this year in June.

Release: Tapio Moves to End Refugee Resettlement in South Dakota; Brings Experts to Testify

Tapio Moves to End Refugee Resettlement in South Dakota; Brings Experts to Testify

South Dakota Congressional Candidate and Watertown State Senator, Neal Tapio announced today he is bringing some of the nation’s leading experts on the refugee resettlement program to South Dakota to educate lawmakers about Islamic radicalization and the social and budgetary costs and community hazards of Islamic refugee resettlement in American cities.  It’s a move he says will spotlight troubling connections between South Dakota elected leaders, former state officials, lobbyists, multinational corporations and religious service organizations, all of which are financially benefitting on the backs of South Dakota taxpayers at the expense of community safety and quality of life.

“The end results are lucrative federal social contracts for Lutheran Social Services and a steady stream of tax incentives for a meatpacking industry that profits by paying their workers a slave wage,”  Tapio said.  “And without any care about how it’s impacting quality of life in towns big and small across the midwest.”

“It’s a business model that takes advantage of a low-skilled refugee workforce, the social services provided by state and local communities and South Dakota taxpayers who have absolutely no say in where these people come from, or how many can safely assimilate,” Tapio said.  “While Lutheran Social Services, Community Development Corporations and the globalist meatpacking industry win, our daughters and granddaughters no longer walk safely to the local mall, and the taxpayer picks up the giant tab. This needs to stop.”

In early February, South Dakota Senators voted 19-16 to reject a resolution by Tapio connecting Islam and terrorism by a vote of 19-16.  Media and political opponents rushed quickly to paint the vote as a defeat for Tapio, who called the move a dimensional object lesson with multiple moving parts.

There are times in a game of chess when the opposition can’t understand what’s being done in front of them because they’re so certain they’re about to win,” Tapio said.  “Now, the people of South Dakota are about to witness in vivid detail why it is that their elected leaders were so reluctant to even acknowledge a connection between terrorism and radical Islam.  It’s because leaders at multiple levels have struck a very lucrative unholy alliance with a Federal program that is one of the dirtiest secrets of paid influence in the halls of power in Pierre.  And we intend to make sure that the connections and the players are laid bare down to the smallest detail,” Tapio said.

Tapio’s legislation, SB 200, which calls for an immediate end to refugee resettlement in South Dakota from any nation on President Trump’s five nation travel ban, is up for committee consideration Wednesday morning at the state capitol, in Pierre.

Tapio adds the refugee resettlement debacle to the recent examples of EB-5 and most notably, the Gear Up corruption scandal as examples where political access to streams of federal money under state direction resulted in extraordinarily lucrative returns for organizations connected to the right power brokers in Pierre, but with no regard to the impacts on citizens, small communities, or even the people purportedly being ‘helped,’ by the programs themselves, in this case large numbers of refugees fleeing the scourge of Islamic violence in their home nations.

“Lutheran Social Services and organizations like them use federal, state and local contracts and the hard luck stories of these impoverished people, to amass huge donation support for work they cloak in the guise of compassion,” Tapio said.

“I think South Dakotans would be very interested to know that in a very short time, refugee resettlement and associated service contracts with both business and government have become the bread and butter of the LSS business model, accounting for the vast majority of a nearly $1-billion dollar enterprise, on the backs of workers who come here and earn $9 an hour at a meatpacking plant for a company that receives a $10,000 per year tax credit for every refugee they employ, while offloading the benefit costs of healthcare and low wages onto federal programs, requiring tens of thousands of dollars of welfare and social entitlement dollars apiece just to help them survive,”  Tapio said.  “That isn’t compassion.  It’s profiteerism and exploitation that would make Frederick Douglas and Harriet Tubman roll over in their graves,” Tapio said.

Susan Tully, an immigration policy advocate with the Federation for American Immigration Reform (FAIR) is just one of several national experts invited to testify Wednesday in support of Tapio’s bill.  Tully says FAIR research reveals that because of entitlement demands and healthcare needs, each refugee costs taxpayers $80,000 over their first five years in the United States and a family of four more than $650,000 over the same time period.

Another invited guest and Tapio friend, investigative reporter and activist, Leo Hohmann of Atlanta, Georgia, has researched hundreds of incidents involving violent crime by Islamic refugees on American soil and says local and federal law enforcement agencies have been caught repeatedly covering up crime statistics and court proceedings to mask the impact of refugee crime on communities.

Shahram Hadian, a former muslim-turned-Christian pastor travels the country speaking about the dangers of Islamic infiltration and the inability of Sharia compliant Islamic populations to assimilate into western culture or to pledge loyalty to any nation, or code of law above Allah.  Hadian speaks to dozens of gatherings a year about the Muslim diaspora and how it is being exploited politically by the Muslim Brotherhood and affiliated groups who have promised openly that they will one day dominate the United States and replace traditional American culture with Sharia law.

Meanwhile, Phillip Haney of Centers for Security Policy in Washington D.C., says concentrated muslim populations, have shown repeatedly to contribute to a likelihood of multigenerational radicalization resulting in domestic terrorist events, or even the export of homegrown ISIS and Al Qaeda fighters to foreign battlefields of Iraq, Syria and Afghanistan.

As a former member of the Department of Homeland Security’s Global Terrorism Task Force, Haney cites the Pulse nightclub shooting in Orlando, the San Bernardino workplace shooting involving a husband and wife who had radicalized to ISIS, and the recent discovery of more than 50 Somali refugees in Minnesota who signed up to join ISIS, as proof of how Muslim populations eventually produce radicalized members dedicated to advancing the overarching goal of societal domination by the global jihadist movement.

“The thing that is driving the whole jihadis movement, the whole globalist movement, is the global implementation of Sharia Law.  That is the macro-strategic goal of the global jihadist movement,” Haney said.  “Terrorism is a necessary tactic that is being used to reach that overall goal of global implementation of Sharia.”

Tapio says it’s a despicable case of cronyism and advantaged policy access exploited by political insiders at the expense of the pockets and peace of mind of midwesterners.

“And what does the average person get out of all of this?” Tapio asked.  “They get a higher tax bill.  They get an increase in violent crime in their communities.  They get the specter of potential Islamic radicalization and violence in their communities and the documented possibility that these imported, implanted populations of Islamic resettlements become eventual hotbeds of radicalization that have already resulted in exports of terrorist fighters back to the battlefields of Syria and Iraq and in some cases, to terrorist targets both in the United States or western Europe,” Tapio said.

“What’s worse is that enemies of American freedom, both within the power structures of our government and among those afflicted by the hateful blindness of radical Islam are using our own compassion and tolerance against us to gain strategic advantage in weakening our defenses to their schemes,” Tapio said.

“We need to be smart enough, educated enough and proactive enough to call truth where we see it, regardless of what it costs in temporary pain or inconvenience.  We owe it to future generations not to be fooled by what’s happening before our very eyes.”

SB 200 is set for debate in the Senate State Affairs Committee at 10:00 a.m.  (CST) Wednesday in room 414 at the state capitol in Pierre.

Sean McPherson Pancake Fundraiser for his battle against cancer

A fundraising event is going to be held for Republican State Representative Sean McPherson at Westminster Presbyterian Church in Rapid City on March 4th, but it’s not a political event. It’s an event to help offset some of the expenses his family is experiencing as Sean fights cancer:

This fundraiser is for Sean McPherson, husband, father, grandfather, a former navy submariner, the pastor of a Nazarene church, and an elected Representative in the South Dakota legislature. Sean has dedicated his life to service of others always leading with a servant’s heart. The battle of his life started last February upon the original diagnosis of cancer. Through the battle Sean has maintained his strong faith and positive attitude, inspiring many along the way. This past December it was discovered that the cancer had metastasized and now the battle continues as he fights the cancer growing in his lung. Sean always trusts in God’s plan for his life and believes this too will be redeemed.

Read that here.

If you’re in Rapid City on that date, make a point to stop by the event and support the McPherson family.

Third Ballot Question Petition Validated for 2018 General Election Ballot

Third Ballot Question Petition Validated for 2018 General Election Ballot

PIERRE, S.D. – Today, Secretary of State Shantel Krebs announced that the petition submitted for an initiated measure to increase the State tobacco tax and create a postsecondary technical institute fund for the purposes of lowering student tuition and providing financial support to the State postsecondary technical institutes was validated and filed by her office. It is the third ballot question to be placed on the November 6, 2018 General Election Ballot. It will be titled Initiated Measure 25.

An Initiated Measure requires 13,871 valid signatures to be placed on the ballot. This initiated measure petition included 19,025 signatures.

“We reviewed the random sample of signatures, and 82.88 percent were found to be valid,” stated Secretary Krebs.

Any citizen may challenge the Secretary of State’s approval of a ballot measure and must submit an original, signed affidavit to the South Dakota Secretary of State’s office within 30 days of validation. Electronic submission of affidavits will not be accepted. The deadline for a challenge to Initiated Measure 25 would be Monday, March 19, 2018 by 5 p.m. central time.

The remaining five petitions will be reviewed by the Secretary of State’s office in the order in which they were received. The South Dakota Legislature also has the ability to include constitutional amendments on the 2018 ballot and South Dakota citizens have the ability to submit a referendum petition concerning laws passed during the 2018 Legislative session.

For more detailed information on potential 2018 Ballot Questions, click here.


2-1-17.1.   Submission of affidavit challenging petition to secretary of state–Appeal. Within thirty days after a statewide petition for an initiated constitutional amendment, initiated measure, or referendum has been validated and filed, any interested person who has researched the signatures contained on the petition may submit an affidavit to the Office of Secretary of State to challenge the petition. The affidavit shall include an itemized listing of each specific deficiency in question. Any challenge to the following items is prohibited under this challenge process:

(1)      Signer does not live at address listed on the petition;
(2)      Circulator does not live at address listed on the petition;
(3)      Circulator listed a residence address in South Dakota but is not a South Dakota resident;
(4)      Circulator did not witness the signers;
(5)      Signatures not included in the random sample; and
(6)      Petition that was originally rejected.

Any challenge by the same person or party in interest shall be included in one affidavit.

The original signed affidavit shall be received by the Office of Secretary of State by 5:00 p.m. central time on the deadline date. If the affidavit challenges any item that is prohibited by this section, only that line item shall summarily be rejected. A challenge to a line item is not a challenge to the petition as a whole.

The secretary of state’s decision regarding a challenge may not be challenged a second time with the secretary of state, but may be appealed to the circuit court of Hughes County. If a person fails to challenge a petition pursuant to this section, it does not deny that person any other legal remedy to challenge the filing of an initiative or referendum petition in circuit court. A challenge to a petition in circuit court may include items prohibited in this section.

Marty Jackley Releases Pheasant Hunting Initiative


SIOUX FALLS, SD: As thousands from around the nation gather in South Dakota for the Pheasant Fest convention, Attorney General and Republican candidate for governor Marty Jackley announced his comprehensive plan to revitalize the population of the state bird.

“South Dakota is the pheasant hunting capital of the world, and I will do everything in my power to keep it that way,” Jackley said Thursday. “It is a rich part of our heritage that connects people with the beautiful lands God gave us, and we’re excited to announce our five-point plan to restore the ringneck population.”

According to a South Dakota Game Fish and Parks study, pheasant hunting has a $200 million annual impact on the state’s GDP. It contributes 4,130 jobs, $125 million in wages and salaries and $50 million in tax revenue. The Jackley Pheasant Hunting Initiative aims to support that economic development through five planks:

  1. Create a Pheasant Restoration Blue Ribbon Commission. The group will gather landowners, sportsmen, the hospitality industry, hunting groups, conservation groups, the airline industry, the Department of Tourism, regional convention and visitor bureaus, the Chamber of Commerce and Industry, local chambers, economic development groups, local governments, experts from our university system, and more.
  2. Build Public-Private Partnerships for Habitat. Jackley will lead an unprecedented effort to raise private capital that will provide the funding to create critical habitat.
  3. Implement Pheasant Release Program. The effort will begin releasing new generations of pheasants by the 2020 hunting season.
  4. Offer Volunteer Habitat Stamp and Sportsmen License Plate. These will generate hundreds of thousands in new revenue every year for habitat that will benefit all wildlife and improve hunting access.
  5. Promote Next Generation Youth Hunting. Passing on the pheasant hunting tradition to our children and grandchildren is yet another critical step in maintaining South Dakota’s status as pheasant hunting capital of the world.

The policy can be read in its entirety here:

Jackley will be available for media interviews at Pheasant Fest beginning at 3:30 p.m. on Friday.


Noem Announces Second Century Initiative to Enhance SD Pheasant Hunting

Noem Announces Second Century Initiative to Enhance SD Pheasant Hunting

SIOUX FALLS, S.D. – Kristi Noem today announced her Second Century Initiative, aimed at improving pheasant habitat and growing populations to ensure South Dakota pheasant hunting lasts a century more. Noem, who once owned and operated a hunting lodge in northeast South Dakota, made the announcement in advance of her remarks at Pheasant Forever’s Pheasant Fest in Sioux Falls.

“As much as pheasant season is a family tradition for us, we made it our family business for years as well,” said Noem. “Small businesses like that come alive during pheasant season, as resident and non-resident bird hunters spend nearly a quarter-billion dollars in South Dakota each year. As we celebrate 100 years of pheasant hunting, I give you a commitment that if elected governor, I would fight to ensure this family tradition and driver of our economy lasts a century more.”

Noem fought for and won sodsaver protections in the 2014 Farm Bill, which help preserve the region’s native grasslands. Additionally, she continues to push federal policymakers to enhance CRP – a program she participated in for many years – through the Farm Bill. Click here to download Noem’s Second Century Initiative.


Increase resources for habitat management – without raising taxes. Maintaining and improving habitat is essential to the future of pheasant hunting in South Dakota. We can invest in habitat management, and we can do so without raising taxes by broadening the base of support in a multitude of ways, including:

  • Working with the Division of Motor Vehicles and Game, Fish and Parks to develop a specialty pheasant license plate program in which all proceeds would go directly toward habitat management.

  • Directing Game, Fish and Parks to explore outside-the-box, voluntary funding solutions, such as an expanded Premium Guest Tag program, in which a limited number of non-resident tags would be reserved at premium pricing. Programs like this have proven exceptionally lucrative in neighboring states. All proceeds would again go directly to habitat.

Crowdsource habitat solutions. Pheasant hunting is a statewide tradition with statewide economic impact, so maintaining and growing the industry requires statewide involvement. Taking advantage of online capabilities, my administration will expand the capabilities of to ensure every South Dakotan, not just those on assigned advisory boards or in Pierre, can directly contribute to the policymaking process. Should your ideas be implemented, your hunting license fees for that year ought to be waived as well.

Target predators, while inspiring the next generation of South Dakota hunters. While habitat has the most significant impact on pheasant populations, predators (such as foxes, skunks, and raccoons) play a role as well. My administration will collaborate with counties to explore a bounty on pheasant predators in prime hunting areas, using the program to reduce threatening varmint populations and to help inspire the next generation of hunters to be part of this South Dakota legacy.

Maintain habitat management as a national priority. As a top negotiator of the 2014 Farm Bill, I fought to enhance CRP, and when the Obama administration accepted just 101 acres into CRP in South Dakota in 2016, I fought back. I will take up that same cause as South Dakota’s governor. Working in partnership with groups like Pheasants Forever, I will leverage the relationships I have around the country to win over CRP and habitat advocates in Congress, the administration, the Republican Governors Association, and the National Governors Association. This broad base of support is essential in maintaining federal programs like CRP.

Serve as Sportsman in Chief for South Dakota Pheasant Hunting. In 2016, 81,000 non-resident pheasant hunters spent more than $156 million in the state. As someone who ran her own hunting lodge, I know what those dollars mean to local businesses. As governor, I am committed to being South Dakota’s Sportsman in Chief, doing my part in bringing new business to hunting lodges, preserves, restaurants and others across the state.

# # #

Marty Jackley announces Friday Economic Forum


HARRISBURG, SD: Attorney General Marty Jackley will meet with community leaders and business owners from Sioux Falls, Harrisburg, Tea and the surrounding area on Friday to tour developing infrastructure projects in the southeast part of the state.

“This has been an issues-driven campaign from the start, and Friday’s tour will focus on building an economic vision that improves the daily lives of South Dakotans,” Jackley said. “I intend to be a ‘work with’ rather than a ‘work for’ governor, and I appreciate the business community coming together to host this important conversation.”

The discussion with mayors, commissioners and business leaders will cover infrastructure, housing, jobs, workforce development and a range of other economic topics.

“Having a governor that continues to understand the challenges and opportunities of economic development in South Dakota is important to us at Stockwell, and we look forward to Friday’s conversation with Marty,” said Jon Brown, President of Stockwell Engineers. “These really are issues that affect the daily life of people in the region and across the state.”

The tour schedule is detailed below:

9:30 a.m. Meeting with Lloyd Companies senior leadership team

10:45 a.m. Tour of recent projects in Sioux Falls and surrounding areas

◦ Focus on LIHTC properties, workforce housing, and public-private partnerships

11:45 a.m. Economic forum with area leaders at Showplace Wood Products in Harrisburg

◦ Local government leaders, developers and business owners

1:15 p.m. Tour of Showplace Wood Products

2:00 p.m. Tour of SAB Biotherapeutics in Sioux Falls

◦ Meeting with co-founders Edward and Christine Hamilton

3:30 p.m. Pheasant Fest and media availability to discuss new policy initiatives

Media are welcomed to join the economic forum at 12:30, and Jackley will be available for follow up interviews at Pheasant Fest.


The Faked Moon Landing, and the plot to stop Stace Nelson from being in the US Senate

Did you know that NASA faked the moon landing?  Yep. I read it on the Internet, so it must be true.

Nevermind that such a conspiracy would have cost millions of dollars, and involved hundreds of people who have kept their silence for decades to pull it off?

A similar thing goes for a post to the internet this week by Ken Crow, a Tea Party organizer who spent a few weeks in South Dakota during the 2014 US Senate campaign.

If you don’t remember him, Crow was working with Jason Ravnsborg for a short period of time after his entrance into the US Senate contest, and contacted Lee Stranahan to join him in the state. Shortly thereafter, Jason parted ways with Crow & Stranahan.  Crow left the state, but not before wrapping his arms around Stace Nelson, and Stranahan eventually found his way to become attached  to Annette Bosworth. And the rest is history.

Fast forward to this week, and now Iowan Ken Crow is trying to enter back into South Dakota politics by weaving his own “NASA fake moon landing” grand conspiracy by claiming that in 2014 Attorney General Candidate Jason Ravnsborg was actually a plant to deny Stace Nelson the US Senate Nomination by none other than South Dakota GOP Chair Dan Lederman:

That was my answer. I ended with, ‘let me guess, you were supposed to run, take votes away from Stace Nelson (the strong conservative in the race), so Mike Rounds would win the primary.’ He only stared at me and would not answer. “I then said, the payoff is Attorney General isn’t it? Your friends and the party have promised you AG if you did this, didn’t they?”


Dan Lederman is the head of the Republican Party for South Dakota and is manipulating the free will of the people by inserting bogus candidates into an election process.


To make matters worse, Mr. Lederman is not even a legal voter in South Dakota. He is running a major political party, manipulating elections and the gentleman is not even legal to do so? Yes, you read correctly, he is actually a resident voter in Iowa and to make it worse my friends, the guy is a registered Democrat in Iowa.

The only way to indeed drain the swamp my South Dakota friends is to begin by not voting for the Status Quo. Stop voting for career politicians unless they have indeed been doing a good job. In the case of the South Dakota Attorney General, I am going to support John Fitzgerald with a campaign contribution.

Read that here.

So, for any this to be plausible, Jason Ravnsborg would have not actually been running for US Senate 4 years ago, but had a “secret plan” in place to be Attorney General in 2014.

Add to that State Senator Dan Lederman (at the time) would have also had to have been in on the “secret plan” knowing he was going to be South Dakota Republican Party Chairman in 4 year’s time, I’m assuming with the assistance of time travelers or the secret Republican illuminati.

Since time travel is probably out, if it was the secret GOP Illuminati knowing that Lederman was going to be chair in 4 years, Lederman would have also had to do all this in collusion with the Republican Chairman at the time, Craig Lawrence.  (Former GOP Chair Pam Roberts who came after Craig must have been part of the evil cabal too.)

And let’s not forget, that despite all the years of serving as an elected Republican on the Union County Commission, in the State House, and in the State Senate, Lederman is in all actuality still a secret Iowa Democrat!

And to tie it up with a bow, all this secret time travel/illuminati/Iowa Democrat manipulation was originally a plot to deny Stace Nelson (who Lederman is involved in a current lawsuit against) the US Senate seat, and Ken Crow is stepping forward to expose all this.

Boom. There it is.   My head hurts.

The problem with conspiracy theories, is that like this one, they turn out to be a lot of bullshit weaved together to tell a wild tale that doesn’t hold up in the light of day.

Now let me tell you about the aliens they have hidden in Area 51.