President Trump back on the Internet through his own website

President Trump is back on the Internet on his own terms as the “From the Desk of Donald J. Trump” website has been launched.

As you can read, President Trump is back with the former president hitting the Internet supporting his allies, attacking those he views as his enemies, and generally doing the same things he did via twitter, except this time on his own platform.

You can read the website at

33 thoughts on “President Trump back on the Internet through his own website”

  1. Hahahhhaa. 1776. Stop the steal. Tell me where to send Liz Cheney a check. Dusty?

  2. Good for President Trump and for freedom of speech, something the left hates and is trying to get rid of.

    I called Dusty’s office and told him he should vote to kick Liz Cheney out of leadership. That is freedom-the ability to voice your opinion without have it stifled by the Communist left.


    1) Is our party stronger if we have monolithic thought and discourage independent speech? Agree with Cheney or not but we need someone who can speak to those who support the policies of President Trump but not his demeanor, tactics, and personal example.

    2) I am glad President Trump has a medium to express himself and look forward to following him. But, let’s remember Big Media & Big Tech is censoring a lot of conservative voices who don’t have the means and following of President Trump. Big Tech needs to be broken up as proposed by Senator Hawley.

    3) Finally, as the Republican Caucus announced they weren’t going to “whip” on the impeachment vote, it is improper to retroactively exact retribution. After the next election, there will be another leadership vote. It is bad precedent to start doing stuff like this on a single issue midstream. Whether Dusty agrees or disagrees with Cheney remaining in leadership, I urge him to oppose removal today.

    1. 1) Independent speech is fine, however Liz Cheney went over the line. She has voted against the wishes of her constituents and has not supported the Republican caucus. She has become dangerous. As for the demeanor, tactics and personal example of President Trump, I have to disagree with you as well. President Trump is the first Republican I have seen since Ronaldus Magnus came onto the scene. President Trump has a tendency to hit back harder when attacked. I find his demeanor refreshing. Rather than lying to his opponents while stabbing them in the back, he comes right out and attacks the attacker.

      2) Big Tech will never be broken up as long as the Pretender is President, unless a lawsuit can come and the courts break them up. Not likely any time soon. I am sure the other conservatives out there can make their own web sites. It does not cost that much.

      3) Cheney is dangerous to the Republican party. She has done everything she can to undermine a third Trump run for the White House in spite of the fact that the very reasons she claimed to have for voting in favor of impeachment have been shown to be false. In fact some of the information that has come out should have certain people prosecuted, although it will not happen.

      I know you were employed by Jim Abnor. I never personally knew Senator Abner, but I do believe he was a gentle man. He seemed to be very decent. I also believe that is why he lost to the likes of Tom Daschle who was willing to fight dirty if need be. We do not need gentle men today. We need people who will fight.

      1. duggersd writes: “Liz Cheney went over the line.”

        SHE went over the line? She did?

        Kevin McCarthy and Mitch McConnell said the same thing as Cheney right after the January 6th attack. She is the only one of them who refuses to be bullied into submission. That’s called courage. Let the boys cower in fear.

        “Over the line”? What a fantasy world you choose to live in.

        1. Well, when you find out President Trump did not incite any riots and the only person killed by anybody was an unarmed woman by a cop and much of the violence was at the behest of a certain group of people who think only a certain race of people matter, yes, she went over the line. The facts are President Trump only asked for peaceful protest, but some people don’t like that narrative and decided to support a sham impeachment. And many like minded people continue to either believe the lies about the events of that day or spread the lies. Which are you?

          1. Are you seriously blaming the capitol riots on Black lives Matter? Dude, your mind is so, so far gone that I honestly don’t know what would bring you back to earth.

            1. Apparently, you cannot read. I said much of the violence. John Sullivan. Look him up. He was not alone.

          2. I suppose you missed the part where Trump refused to stop the riot for hours and even slammed his VP as they were busting into the Capitol. I watched it unfold. You probably did too. But you only believe that which is convenient.

            Trump to rioters: “We love you. You’re very special.” Of course he encouraged it. How do you convince yourself otherwise?

            And yes, duggersd… we know all about your innocent unarmed lady who was shot just for trying to see her Congressman. It’s on tape.

    2. Trump created a culture of fingerprinting and irresponsibity. Even now, people still blame everyone else for the election other than him. Maybe if he would have focused less on rubbing it in the face of people who didn’t vote for him he would still be president. The idea of just dividing the country didn’t work.

  4. The GOP is devolving into a Trump-worshiping cult faster now than when he was in office.

    1. Have you Trump haters ever wondered why so many people loved him? Its very simple, why we didn’t always love his approach, tone, or demeanor. He fought for us, said many of the things everyone wants to say and he just stood up to the BS Liberal Media. There is a reason he beat 16 pretty good candidates in 2016. Everyone is TIRED of Republicans rolling over and becoming doormats for the Left. The Left is ruthless and takes not prisoners, we could learn a thing or two from them. This “lets work together” stuff is NOT working, period and the Dems are complete lunatics. The Thune, Rounds, McConnell approach is NOT working and has not worked for years as these guys are the other side of the same coin

      1. You said essentially what I just said above, only better. Thanks. You have to wonder why Trump haters are so afraid….

        1. Because Trump is a horrible person who has managed to create a cult of personality around himself where his faithful completely ignore any wrong the man does and blames various boogeymen instead. The dedication to the man is approaching religious levels at this point.

          1. I don’t know why you believe President Trump is a horrible person. I have read stories of the generosity of the man that makes one wonder just how much one has to give away in order to make people like you happy. President Trump is right on the issue of abortion. He has come to believe every child is a gift from God. That does not make him a horrible person. President Trump has put America first instead of last like the current administration. That does not make him a horrible person. President Trump worked to close the borders to illegal immigrants, unlike the current administration. That does not make him a horrible person. President Trump was able to lower taxes and regulations that choked our economy. Due to his actions, the economy responded in a positive way. That does not make him a horrible person. Under President Trump, a vaccine was made ready for people who want it to get it. Even his closest medical advisor, Dr. Fraudi could not believe President Trump got it done. That does not make him a horrible person. If you don’t like the fact that he gives names to people that fit, so be it. But it does not make him a horrible person.

            1. Things that make him a terrible person:

              1) Smashing a porn star while his wife was at home caring for their newborn son.
              2) He’s THE birther conspiracy guy, lest we forget.
              3) Trashing John McCain’s service, saying “I like people who don’t get captured.” I am ok trashing McCain’s politics, but this man allowed himself to be tortured to not leave his comrades while Trump dodged military service. Classy.
              4) Grab em by the what? Oh, that’s locker room talk, right? That makes it ok! And then, months later, he insinuated the same video tape was doctored when he was interviewed about it on Fox news after he already admitted it was him.
              5) Insinuated Megyn Kelly was on her period in August 2015 after she asked him questions about his treatment of women in a debate. She was referring to the time he once told a contestant on Celebrity Apprentice it would be a pretty picture to see her on her knees. Great man. Locker room talk. Who cares?
              6) Literally miming a crippled man who dared criticize him. And what was this awful critique? The reporter dared to suggest that Trump was wrong for claiming over a thousand US based muslims were having a party celebrating 9/11 in New Jersey.

              Yeah, how could I ever, ever have the idea that Trump isn’t a good person?

              1. You also can also include:
                7) Repeatedly stiffing contractors while a business owner
                8) Using his supposedly charitable foundation a personal piggy bank.

                Before we’d even approach the lies, obstruction, and crimes.

              2. 1) a claim by a porn star. Bring back some proof.
                2) At least he was able to get Obama to bring out his birth certificate. Nobody else could. Not a bad person.
                3) John McCain was overblown. Many people in the prison camp detested him. Trump never dodged military service. If you are not called, it is not dodging. If you follow the rules it is not dodging. Dodging is going to Canada.
                4) He was/is contrite about that. But then again, I bet YOU have never said anything about a woman or used a certain word that used to refer to certain people that cannot be said. Saint Anonymous?
                5) Actually Meghan Kelley was all over him in that in that interview. Another case where I am sure you have never mentioned you thought someone was OTR. Saint Anonymous again?
                6) Cannot really remember all of the details about that one, but probably like most things blown all out of proportion.
                I would rather have a beer with President Trump than you. At least he has something interesting to say. Enjoy your sainthood.

                1. Ah yes, rather than just admit maybe he isn’t such a swell person, you just immediately accuse others of also being bad. Your playbook is garbage and predictable.

          2. Not as horrible as Biden, Pelosi, Schumer, Harris, Sanders, Swalwell, Waters, any Clinton who has held office, and the list goes on, and they all hate America whereas Trump does not.

            If you like the direction of the country on the clown show that is now in the White House doe us a favor and move to China where you’ll be more comfortable, comrade.

            1. This is the sort of bs that makes so many of us long term republicans loathe Trump supporters. You deflect any criticism of the man by calling people communists and liberals. The GOP has long been the party of personal responsibility and I love it for that reason, but you lot can’t handle when people ask that of the Donald. It’s a cult of personality and many of us are sick of it. You want to be different than the dems? Acknowledge that Trump isn’t Jesus, and then we can talk. Until that time, keep acting like the world is victimizing you just like the dems do when anyone criticizes them.

              1. Have you met the perfect man? Other than Jesus, I don’t know of any. And as for long term Republicans, I used to be one. But they turned into Democrat Lite and I dropped the affiliation. At least President Trump had/has the gonads to stand up to the country club Republicans who don’t care about the country, only keeping their seats.

                1. Ah yes, you don’t try to stick to the terms of the debate, which seems to revolve around your complete inability to admit the man frequently does things that show a complete lack of character. No, you move the goalposts instead. Now it’s “Nobody’s perfect.” Keep running from the truth.

  5. Have the vote and end the drama. In the meantime the American public who still works for a living is being taken to the cleaners through taxation and inflation. Too many in the Republican party are more concerned about virtue signaling than stopping the advancement of marxism. Let Wyoming be the judge if Liz represents their values, instead of Liz imposing her ideals.

  6. You Trump worshippers are what’s dangerous when you chose a person over party and country. Criminals and con men also get things done if that is your standard. The book How to Win Friends and Influence People in is one of the most popular and effective books ever published. Ever wonder why it’s not How to Lie, Cheat and Steal to Get Your Way? When people who just don’t care for one man are told to leave and get thrown out of the party that makes you worse than anything you are claiming is the problem with this country. I am truly saddened about what is happening to our party and our “if you can’t beat them join them” attitude. People who believe the best about our country and party need to speak up and drown out the doom followers. I still watch speeches from Reagan and he was so inspirational and I will forever miss him. He was absolutely nothing like Trump and it makes me sick when people think they are the same.

  7. Duggersd,

    I reject the premise fighting accomplishes anything longterm. What fighting does is change our form of government from a three-branch form of government to four-year dictatorship ruled by executive orders.

    Obama started it. Trump expanded it. And Biden is making it an art form. No input or permanence from laws passed by Congress and signed by the President. And, by the time the matter goes to the Supreme Court, the President who signed the order of questionable Consititutionality is gone and the next guy has already reversed it. \

    You want permanent conservative reform? It will take measured, careful, strategic conservatives willing to make progress in increments. That is what Jim Abdnor was good at. That is what John Thune is good at. That is what Mike Rounds is good at. That is what Dusty Johnson is good at.

    Having a fighter gets us a short-term reprieve and some temporary back-up until the next liberal takes another bite out of economic freedom and civil liberties.

    1. And P.S.: That is what Ronald Reagan was really good at. The reason his reforms lasted so long is he did it with legislation. And, he didn’t pick fights with those less conservative than him. I was there when Reagan was President. In fact, I was on a bench outside the White House room where all Republican Senators discussed his tax reform. I watched every Senator walk in, I watched the President walk in, I watched the President walk out, and I watched every Senator walk out. As I drove Senator Abdnor back to the Capitol, he never mentioned a single fighting word was said. While the policies of Reagan and Trump may be greatly similar, there was absolutely no similarity in their style, demeanor, etc. and to imply it is a gross inaccurate rewriting of history.

      1. Troy, I do respect you and your opinions, but what I believe you are missing is the Republican party is not the party it was when Reagan was President. It has evolved into a spineless entity that the only time it looks good is when someone like Donald Trump, Hawley, or a Tom Cotton. There was some real spirit when Newt got things done. John Thune is a nice man. So is Mike Rounds. Chuck Schumer is not. Neither is Dick Durbin. Neither is Nancy Pelosi. The sooner someone figures out the Republican party is in a war, and decides to become what they said they were the better. I for one am tired of all of the promises the Republicans make and then back down. “We’ll get things done when we have the House”. “Well, we need the Senate, too”. “We cannot do anything with a Democrat President”. “OK, we have all three. Let’s sabotage the President.” Remember, it was a Republican who killed the Obamacare death in the name of Traitor McCain.

        1. By “someone like Donald Trump, Hawley, or a Tom Cotton” do you mean people who, because they lost an election, want to throw democracy out the window and try to overturn the results violently? After all that blather of “the only way we can lose is if the election is stolen,” then throwing a match on the kindling that was January 6, how did your precious Trump and his henchmen not incite insurrection?

      2. I agree with you Troy. The tools chosen by the democrats have changed however.

        The values that were once shared for love of country are no longer there to unite us. Law and order along with law enforcement are on the edge.
        The democrat party has embraced full on socialism and a no prisoners position on eliminating any sort of counter position. Full compliance or you lose your job, business, friends and reputation. Silence is now considered a position by the left. The MSM has gone in full support of the democrats and the 4th rail is no longer calling balls and strikes. While I cant say I was a all Trump person, he shined a bright light on what’s become of the press and government bureaucracy.
        I don’t know what the answer is but Cheney’s job as the #3 was to unite the caucus and not continuously pick scabs and rehash old fights. The goal is to taking back the house in 2022. She was distracting from that. I dong begrudge her for her vote. That’s for WY to decide. But as a leader she became a distraction from the goal. It was about her and not the position she held.

  8. We will never change what we don’t like by becoming what we don’t like.

    Nobody changes their mind by being called names.

    Nobody learns and is educated in a hostile environment.

    America has a significant percent of the population that neither identifies with or likes either party. The future will be determined by who attracts those in the middle. Period

    1. Yet Lindsay Graham says there is no way forward for your party without Donald Trump.

    2. He who turns the other cheek winds up with two bruised cheeks. Nice people who do not know how to fight wind up in the gutter.

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