Prince in town for President. A couple hundred feet away…

A Just caught this…

Prince performed some of his greatest hits at a weekend White House party for President Barack Obama and his wife, Michelle.

But although guests put details on social media, White House spokesman Josh Earnest is refusing to confirm the “Purple Rain” singer’s attendance.


Prince performed in town Saturday at the Warner Theater.

No wonder everyone was so dressed up! I was thinking there was a higher standard for concertgoer attire for a minute.

I should have taken a picture of the marquee – I walked right by it Sunday night as my wife and I were looking for a place for dinner and the freaking line was our the door and around the block. 

Prince was certainly there, as I don’t think it was for an early showing of dancing with the stars.

4 thoughts on “Prince in town for President. A couple hundred feet away…”

  1. Prince is a typical liberal, so it’s not surprise Obama wanted him to perform. I liked him back when I was in high school before I became informed.

  2. Oh, yes. A musician’s alleged political beliefs are a good reason to stop listening to their music.

      1. Yes, and how unfortunate that you are so far behind on ‘news’. Catch up and keep up.

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