Raise a toast to my latest pin acquisition… or not. SD Women’s Christian Temperance Union Convention, c. 1912

I just got my latest political pin acquisition in the mail, so we should raise a toast to it…

Or not..

It’s a pin for the 1912 State Convention of the SD Women’s Christian Temperance Union 24th Annual convention in Pierre.

What’s the WCTU? Actually, the anti-alcohol Christian group came to the Dakota Territory in 1877. And as of 2005, they still seemed to be here. You can find their website here. And there’s a history of their activity in the state here.

4 thoughts on “Raise a toast to my latest pin acquisition… or not. SD Women’s Christian Temperance Union Convention, c. 1912”

  1. What I wouldn’t give to be at that convention. Sounds like more fun than a barrel full of whiskey. Closest thing these days must be the Concerned Women for America convention. They do have a convention, don’t they?

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