Rapid City Mayoral Candidate: “I am not a racist.”

From the Rapid City Journal:

During a debate this morning, Rapid City mayoral candidate Steve Allender admitted that he engaged in racially charged “insult humor” with co-workers two decades ago while he was a police officer.

“I’m not a racist,” Allender said, “but I am a human being.”

In his group of co-workers between 1990 and 1993, he said, everyone participated in what Allender described as friendly ribbing. He stopped participating in 1993 when he learned that fellow officer Glen Yellow Robe, a Native American man, was tape-recording the interactions.

Read it here.

Uh oh. That could be a tough one to explain away in the racially tinged atmosphere of Rapid City city politics.

4 thoughts on “Rapid City Mayoral Candidate: “I am not a racist.””

  1. I don’t have a dog in this fight. I live 350 miles away. I would say he who is without sin should throw the first stone. This would be waaaaay down at the bottom on my list as to whether I would vote for him or not.

  2. Another aspect of this contest is that Allender is payback from the police union for Sam trying to appoint Allender’s successor as police chief that wasn’t the union’s chosen man. Sam lost that fight and the union got there man, but they’ll make him pay anyway. Public Sector union’s gotta lov’em.

    1. that’s kind of a special way of looking at it when you put it that way. hmm.

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