SD Democrat & Labor Union cash being filtered through another PAC to attack Governor Noem with billboards

The Argus Leader has an article up this AM noting how a political action committee is attacking Governor Noem, comparing her vote total in a non-presidential election to the number of votes that marijuana legalization received in the year of the presidential contest.

But I have to give the reporter who wrote it, Joe Sneve, a bit of a hard time, because he left out a pretty important part in his article that is quickly found:

Citizens for a Better South Dakota Chair Brian Gochal said the organization began running the Noem-cannabis advertisement this week to highlight “the hubris” that it requires for someone to stand up against something that enjoys more support than they do.


Presidential election years have higher voter turnouts than election years when the governor’s office is up.

Gochal said Citizens for a Better South Dakota spent almost $1,400 on a contract to run the advertisement at 16 different billboards across Sioux Falls on a rotating basis over the next 30 days.

Read that here.

So, the person running this organization says they’re doing it because they want to take the Gov down a peg. But where is this Political Action Committee getting their money to take a shot at Governor Noem? They’re a political action committee, so they had to have gotten their money somewhere.

It gets a little curious, and a lot more obvious as to motive when we follow the money.

Citizens for a Better South Dakota disclosure by Pat Powers on Scribd

“Citizens for a Better South Dakota” list only 2 sources of income for their political action committee. The SD GPLDC PAC Fund and the BlueStem Initiative:

What’s the SD GPLDC PAC Fund?

SdgPl Cpac Fund by Pat Powers on Scribd

Plain and simple, it’s a Labor Union PAC. When their e-mail address starts with “Local620,” it’s not just a subtle hint.  That would be where the “Citizens for a Better South Dakota” got the lions’ share of their cash.

How about the rest that came form the Bluestem initiative? Well, that’s even less subtle:

This statewide PAC is ran by Democrat House Minority Leader Jamie Smith, and Democrat House member Ryan Cwach. In fact, the goal of the group on their statement of organization is to “Maintain and increase number of elected democrats in the SD House of Representatives.

So Cash goes out from State Democrats’ and a Labor Union’s PACs and into a third PAC which uses it to attack the Republican Governor.

I think we know what’s going on here.

17 thoughts on “SD Democrat & Labor Union cash being filtered through another PAC to attack Governor Noem with billboards”

  1. I love how Sneve tries to make it look like the money was raised organically from neighbors and concerned citizens. The Argus Liar strikes again. Does Sneve get a pat on the head from the Democrats for that one?

  2. If Governor Noem can’t defend herself against a few billboards, she might want to reconsider running next year.

    What she really hates is that they are so effective. She is vulnerable and the Dems smell blood on these two issues.

    1. Are you Miss Cleo and know what the Governor thinks. Maybe you can give me the Lotto numbers, I will split it with you, really I will.

            1. Just because one registers as a republican doesn’t mean one is. It’s a way to insulate yourself. I’ve seem your posting. Ummmm no.

            2. You may be a lot of things but, you are NO Republican. I have seen many of your posts and they are not conservative in any way, shape, or form.

              1. “Pffff!” What’s with that name? You got gas?

                You are a Republican because you registered as one. Same here. Nothing too complicated about it.

                I am Pro-life, Pro-defense, Pro-Israel and for lower but fair taxes and conservative judges. But you… you want a zombie. For that, you have plenty of others to choose from.

              2. Perhaps you are referring to my dislike for political posers.

                Kristi Noem doesn’t go a week without pushing some hot-button garbage to grab a headline. Here she is showing off a gun for the cameras. Or a flame-thrower. Or using Guardsmen for a political prop. Taking selfies with maskless teens in the middle of a pandemic. Picking on trans-kids. On and on.

                She strikes a pose more often than Madonna.

  3. Well, I mean, regardless of where the money came from, it’s just showing us a fact, at the end of the day. Who’s paying for it doesn’t change the vote totals or anything.

  4. I can only imagine for the push back from the Argus/Labor Union/Democrat Party axis when the legislature begins to offer safety amendments to the medical pot law.

      1. That’s right. It is obnoxiously bold to flout the will of the voters like you do, Fred. Keep it up and they may show you the door.

  5. I believe in free speech and freedom to associate.

    However, it sure is ironic the people who clamor the most about transparancy are using the practice of obfuscating the money is not grass roots but institutional money.

    I’m also amused at the substance of the ad. Is this really the best they got? It’s comparable to saying Dan Ahlers can beat Mike Rounds- an admission they even know they got nothing.

  6. If Dems think that gets them more legislative seats,,,,well, they’re not thinking. Waste of money in terms of results (keep it up), but kind of funny as political billboards go. Spend all your money on that and you’ll be down to two senators, four representatives and a page

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