South Dakota Libertarians elected a new slate of party officials earlier this month (not that anyone noticed), including the selection of 2022 Libertarian Candidate for Governor Tracy Quint as the new Libertarian Party Chair.
Quint had ran against Governor Kristi Noem in the last election, receiving 9,983 of the popular vote, or 2.9% of the ballot against Governor Noem (62%) and Democrat Jamie Smith (35.2%).
The Libertarian Party leadership team is as noted, according to their facebook page:
It appears our libertarian legislators missed an opportunity here. Tom Piske for chair, Aaron Alward to vice chair. Can I get a second?
Thanks for the coverage, Pat!
He sure makes the Libertarian Party look appealing. Scott Odenbach is at it again. His quote in the left column today:
“Great alternative to “pride” month. ‘Finally, brethren, whatever is true, whatever is honorable, whatever is right, whatever is pure, whatever is lovely, whatever is of good repute, if there is any excellence and if anything worthy of praise, dwell on these things.’ – Phil. 4:”
Every time Scott is under a dome, he thinks he’s in church.