SDEPA Applauds Passing and Signing of E15 Bill

SDEPA Applauds Passing and Signing of E15 Bill

PIERRE, S.D. (February 15, 2024) – South Dakota Ethanol Producers Association applauds Governor Kristi Noem and the South Dakota Legislature for passing Senate Bill 78. This bill provides a five-cent per gallon retail tax incentive for E15, a 15% bioethanol fuel blend.

“Thank you to Governor Kristi Noem, Senate Majority Leader Crabtree, Representative Drew Peterson, and all of South Dakota’s legislators who supported South Dakota drivers and farmers with this bill,” said Walt Wendland, SD Ethanol Producers Association Board President. “It will expand access to E15, which saves consumers money at the pump, bolsters our agricultural industry and state economy, and supports farming families across the state.”

E15 is a high-performance biofuel blend made from South Dakota-grown corn and is compatible with virtually every car, truck and SUV on the road today.

5 thoughts on “SDEPA Applauds Passing and Signing of E15 Bill”

  1. If our farmers need money send them a check. This will not help those that use non-ethanol fuel. Burning up our food supply is bad for national security. I do not think ethanol has been great for the SD livestock industry. It is time for ethanol to stand on it’s own and stop government help. If they can turn a profit with out my tax dollars God Bless Them.

    1. Completely agree.
      Notice how every western nation – except the US- have had gigantic farmer protests going on in their streets and capitals for weeks and weeks fighting to stop all the climate/land/farming scams? The US farming industry is controlled by BIg AG money.

      The Big AG industry has destroyed the ability for real farmers to do what they do best and make a living without government subsidies. WHY? Because requiring gov subsidies to survive means the gov. controls the farmers snd then they control the food supply! They’ve essentially removed small family farmers from the farming equation entirely. Big AG doesn’t protect farmers rights, the farming industry, farmland, or our proprietary seed technology, or even the food supply- they’ve allowed our meat & dairy production to be sold so it’s produced in foreign nations or owned here by foreigners. Why would big AG allow our food supply to be sold out to China or any nation?

      Big AG’s PURPOSE was and is to take over and eventually control the little farming industry they don’t sell off to foreign adversary nations. It was never meant to be this way. Big AG also buys our uniparty clown senators & dusty and keep them In DC so they can keep doing their part to sell out and destroy this country.

      They’ve pushed out most farmers who actually raised animals (cattle, pigs, chickens) the right way rather than shoving as many (thousands) as they possibly can into confinements prioritizing money over the safe and health of the animals/food produced to feed people. Now, big AG doesn’t care if China owns the largest pig producer in SD and the US! They don’t care that they sold off most of our cattle production to foreign nations. What they do raise here they make sure most are raised in confinements, which breed disease in the animals and then the humans consuming the meat/dairy produced because they pump them with hormones, mRNA vaccines, and antibiotics.

      The small farmers are the original environmentalists, and still are – they are being pushed out by making it impossible to compete with cost prohibiting regulations and big ag industry mass producing crops & animals for a lot less at the cost of our health. They’ve driven farm land prices so high farmers who don’t own land will never be able to buy it and make a living off it at these prices. They can’t afford the equipment, fertilizer, fuel, seed, etc. It was all by design and it is a dangerous tragedy.

      Ask yourself WHY? By removing most small family farmers from the equation you don’t have many farmers who csn fight back or feed the people when their government tries to control the food supply, or sell off our farmland in corporate & foreign land grabs, to china & the Bill Gates of the world “investors” and push carbon pipeline scams FUNDED BY YOUR TAX DOLLARS?
      It’s only possible because big AG controls the entire industry. They have sold our seed proprietary tech to China and allowed them to steal what they didn’t buy, they have allowed China to literally remove our rich black top soil from our farm lands and SHIP IT BACK TO CHINA.

      Remember these things the next time you see your big AG lobbyist and DC Senators & representatives doing their bidding with your tax dollars. Are you okay with China controlling the production of our food supply and raising the animals your family consumes? Greedy Americans sold out this nation to the highest bidders.

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