Someone is definitely done running in SD.

How do you tell that a South Dakota politician is done running for office?

15 thoughts on “Someone is definitely done running in SD.”

    1. The mantra of local yokels everywhere: go back to where you came from. We don’t need any new people or new ideas. Everything is perfect here already — as our little community dies a slow death.

    2. Japan’s an ethnostate that fears outsiders too. Their economy is dying as a result. I wouldnt trust a man like you to run a lemonade stand.

  1. 163 per 100,000 Minneostans come our way each year as 465 per 100,000 South Dakotans head their way. With a 15% higher GDP per capita, six times our population, fifteen more Fortune 500 companies, better schools, and no grocery tax it’s hard to see how SD is better on any metric that actually matters to working families.

    1. Don’t forget paid parental leave and free school lunches.

      Imagine if we had a pro-family governor instead of one who only talks in empty platitudes and rejects federal funding for school lunches.

    2. Businesses were barred from operating under Walz’s leadership during covid. Those who chose to ignore the mandate were fined daily. So much for caring about families.

    3. One thing and one thing only,


      They are the most evil creatures in all of creation, but once you get to know them individually they’re not so bad at all. When everyone grows up here knowing everybody else, it creates a societal pressure to better yourself and behave a certain way to protect your family’s reputation. It makes it easier to expand your personal community when everyone you meet happens to know at least one or two people you do. Minnesota has lost their sense of community. Family names of average income folks mean nothing there, yet I can name a person in every town west of the Missouri.

      We have community in South Dakota still. The folks moving here in the past 15 years just to run for politics are destroying it, but we will remain and our kids will still be friends with that auntie or uncle who’s not actually related to them.

  2. He lost all credibility with me when he was chasing his date around his apartment naked.
    It was just a misunderstanding.
    Just go away Reynold.
    Isn’t he term limited out now?
    Say hello to Stephanie.

  3. You can sum up Mr. Nesiba’s tenure in South Dakota with a quote from the professor, hisownself:

    You don’t need those pants.

  4. “How do you tell that a South Dakota politician is done running for office?”

    When they reference the Dakota Septic Tank.

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