State Rep. Greg Jamison in commercial favoring Amendment D

From the Twitterverse, Republican State Representative Greg Jamison is featured in a commercial in support of Amendment D:

39 thoughts on “State Rep. Greg Jamison in commercial favoring Amendment D”

  1. So misguided…..any hopes of being mayor are now dead

    Will Kristi attack him as too extreme?

    1. I don’t get your point. Why is mayor dead? He’s probably doing it in order to be mayor. Sioux Falls is solidly behind D.

  2. And what happens when the federal dollars are vastly or completely done and we are left to foot the entire cost?

    1. No because they are putting it in the constitution that we have to cover these people. Nothing about being able to cancel it when the federal money dries up.

      1. is there anything in it for when the Federal government decides to repackage Medicaid into some other plan with a different name? Or will we be required to continue medicaid on our own when the Feds decide to replace it with something else?

    1. Greg is a disappointment to say he is Republican and support Medicaid Expansion . I suppose it was worth it to him financially to do the bidding on behalf of Sanford and Avera.

    2. You got that right. Who endorses Amendment D? So far I’ve heard South Dakota Farmers Union, South Dakota Medical Assn., and Sioux Falls Chamber of Commerce. . . groups distinguished as foremost alms takers even as they habitually gorge themselves on public money. They actually have themselves convinced that they can’t subsist without it. No thanks. I like the idea of being an American.

  3. Medicaid expansion covers adults who don’t want to work. Lazy people don’t deserve my tax dollars.

    1. It will also cover tribal members who are currently covered under IHS but don’t like it.
      It is a fallacy that it’s going to cover people who currently don’t have insurance; it’s going to allow a lot of people to cancel their existing insurance and switch to Medicaid.

      1. Then the Federal Government needs to fix IHS.

        Obamacare covers you if you at least make a certain amount a year. I think it’s around 13k.

        In conclusion, I stand by my original post.

        1. One of the largest demographics of those who will receive medicaid under expansion will be farmers and their stay at home wives because of how our tax code is written. It will alleviate counties from having to deal with as much medical costs for people who can’t pay as well.

      2. And the IHS is all federal dollars, right? if these recipients switch to Medicaid, it transfers a portion of these costs to our state. And this state portion will increase as the feds pull back their share of the cost.

  4. So disappointing…another Republican who thinks we need bigger government. Btw, Rep, ask people how the VA and Indian health Services are working out for them. It’s the same business model.

    1. You know the police force is government right? All those things the republicans want to ban and control are “bigger government”…….that notion is kind of a “boomer” idea of the republican party….limited government, come on.

  5. Interesting! Maybe this gives republicans a reason to vote against the proposed food tax repeal that Noem is sponsoring. Good grief if they support the medicaid expansion and the federal dollars disappear in the future how will the state be able to supplement the budget in the future? What will happen to education funding and prison expansions? Wow this is really getting deep.

    Could the food tax repeal and the proposed expansion of medicaid be part of the platform to elect republicans so they have a philosophical reason to oppose Noems food tax repeal?

    This whole election cycle gets more bizarre as republicans battle each other with gives and takes that make the public wonder what on earth these deity driven individuals are up to.

    Stay tuned, there has to be more wonderment coming.

  6. If you ever took the time to review the state budget, the scary party is the fact that nearly 55% of all statewide taxes and fees of nearly $2 billion dollars a year go directly to the social welfare of the state in terms of Childcare Assistence, Keeping and Promoting Strong Families, Medical Services, Food Assitance, Other programs to help the low income citizens, disabled, and seniors. The remaining 10-15% goes to Administration to oversee and manage those programs. The other 50% that funds this social welfare comes from Federal Taxes mostly the Social Security, Medicare, and Medicaid Payments paid by Americans by means of the 15.3% excise tax you pay on net income. That means, already, $2.3 Billion dollars is dedicated already to these programs

    Then the Sales Tax we collect today at 4.5% – roughly $15,000,000 is set aside to be there for those who provide for sales tax relief to help the low income, disabled, seniors to make application for sales tax return or refunds to help them pay for rent, food, utilities, clothes.

    IF Medicaid Expands in S.D – I researched the fact that it costs $6,500 per Participant, if that is true, and I got that # from the 2023 S.D Budget Book – that will cost the State $2.4 Billion Dollars over a 9 year period, which means, while the Federal Govt promises to pay us 90% of that cost, that still leaves the State to set aside, or to generate $247,000,000 over a 9 year period or $28,000,000 a year…

    What if the Federal Govt goes bankrupt? It is already as per the 1933 Federal Emergency Banking Act, 90% there due to the debt, which keeps the American People at the mercy, enslaved to the International Bankers and its Investors. So what if the FEDS cant pay its share?

    What if the Sales Tax on Food is removed?

    1. Mike, you make good points.
      I think the numbers of people who will sign up for medicaid are vastly under-reported.
      When I was working in Dell Rapids, most of the CNAs were single mothers who lived across the border in Minnesota, because they qualified for benefits there..The commuting costs were more than offset by Medicaid. If they can qualify for Medicaid here, they’ll move to South Dakota. I personally knew a family who moved to California because their child would be provided better services under Medi-Cal, and we bought our house from a family which moved to Texas because in Texas, dialysis was free. It’s kind of a no-brainer that the people who will move to a state to meet their medical needs also have other problems, like the need for housing subsidies, childcare assistance, special education, the list goes on and on. It’s going to cost us more than just the cost of the medical care.

        1. No..just want to give the child a chance at life. Unlike you demtards whose motto is the only good fetus is a dead fetus.

          1. By chance, I’m sure you mean chance at becoming a prisoner with all the new things you republicans want to make “illegal”.

                1. Don’t have a rusty pickup. Mine is few years old but still nice and shiny. Has a power chip too so I can “roll coal” on these prius and tesla folks and the occassional baby-killer protest crowd. But it is due for a change and I pay someone to give my business to the local service station. You know the hard working types…not the still living at home, thirty something participation trophy types such as yourself.

  7. But wasn’t Greg for Amendment C which was designed to kill Amendment D? What gives here? Chameleon politics at its best, I guess.

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