Taffy Howard files Campaign Committee for D33 House

Among the campaign committee filings showing up today is a paperwork for a new committee for losing congressional candidate Taffy Howard, who filed Statement of Organization yesterday for SD House in District 33:

Taffy Howard 2024 campaign … by Pat Powers

No official announcement yet from Howard on running, but after her last session where she skipped nearly 15% of all floor votes, it remains to be seen if voters will trust her again. Although, this is the same district that puts Phil Jensen in office, so expectations are not high.

Also forming a committee is Heather Baxter, a Republican running for District 34 House. No specifics on Baxter, although she has testified in front of the Rapid City School board regarding library materials, and is currently the Secretary of the Pennginton County GOP.

– Big Update! – 

I’m informed that while Taffy Howard filed a new statement of organization for District 33.. apparently, due to redistricting, her house is very much in District 34.  We’ll see what happens when Taffy figures out where she’s running versus where she actually lives.

7 thoughts on “Taffy Howard files Campaign Committee for D33 House”

  1. I can imagine the voters of D33 just let out of sigh of relief knowing she doesn’t even live there

  2. Regardless of her residency, and regardless of where she chooses to run, a distinct percentage of South Dakota Republican voters, will cast their ballot for Ms. Howard. She’s assured of around 35% of primary voters. Depending how many Republicans run for the office, Taffy is a sure bet to finish 1 or 2.

  3. Taffy Howard is a RINO and when she shows up and votes does not favor the military. She has worked closely with JFM which questions her character.

    1. She boycotted the Trump Rally because she hates the SDGOP so much that she won’t do anything that would support them. When you hate the Republican Party that much — I’d call that a Republican In Name Only!

      1. as i understood the situation, howard stayed away from the rally because she considers the sdgop to be lying posers who would use the $ power of trump for anti-trump foolery later, and she wouldn’t be complicit in that. gotta have standards i guess.

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