Thune, Rounds among most popular US Senators in Nation.

US Senator John Thune has moved up from the 10th most popular US Senator in the Nation in January to #2 in a study by Morning Consult. And US Senator Mike Rounds is right up there with him:

Read it all here!

7 thoughts on “Thune, Rounds among most popular US Senators in Nation.”

  1. With that many people thinking Bernie is great there is no way I would ever move to Vermont. It’s moron central!

    I wish Ted Cruz and Dave Brat would move to SD!

    1. Ted Cruz and Dave Brat would be good. Mike Lee and Rand Paul would be great as well!

  2. I think that after several years of Thune & Noem, people have figured out that a lot of common sense and genuine people come from South Dakota. We’ve been sending good, normal, people for that past decade. Rounds has not hurt that characteristic since he’s been in. They are respectful of others, have great composure and are conservative without trying to showboat like the R. Pauls. People ‘like’ and migrate toward people they feel are genuine, smart and modest about it. That’s all.

    1. Rand Paul showboat? He’s the most principled senator you’ll find, and very genuine. I wish more would learn from him.

      Is your definition of genuine someone who says they’re a conservative but then they’re actions speak different, like Thune and Rounds?

  3. we always have to be careful and make sure everyone in the state remembers history. we had a deliverable swing vote only a dozen years ago when daschle, johnson and herseth were solidly supported. let’s not forger that the moderate blue dog herseth’s first vote in the house was for nancy pelosi to be speaker. didnt matter in 2005, DID matter in 2007. mattered a TON.

  4. I’m not sure that Thune shouldn’t be considered #1. Only one point behind Bernie in the positives, but several ahead of him in the negatives.

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