Tobacco Tax/Tech School Ballot Measure Committee files Campaign Finance Report

The Mark Mickelson led ballot measure group “Tuition 4 Tech Students” has filed their end of year  campaign finance report with the Secretary of State. And we have it for you here:

Tuition 4 Tech Students 2017 EOY Campaign Finance Report by Pat Powers on Scribd

What do we know?  It appears that the funding for the ballot measure to date has come almost exclusively from Speaker Mickelson, and Denny Sanford/First Premier Bank.

Mickelson drew from campaign funds in his Leadership PAC, from campaign funds in his House Campaign account, and from business funds to contribute a bit over $25k to the effort, with another $25k coming from First Premier Bank.

No word on any opponents to the measure organizing as of yet.

The ballot measure’s purpose is to increase the Tobacco Tax with the proceeds going towards tech schools. The measure is awaiting approval for the ballot by the Secretary of State, and once it passes that hurdle, it will go to voters in the 2018 General Election.

7 thoughts on “Tobacco Tax/Tech School Ballot Measure Committee files Campaign Finance Report”

  1. Vote NO! It will just drive people across the border where they will by gas, munchies and other items they would have done in SD. In the end I predict the state will lose revenue not gain it.

  2. With only one contribution of $100 or less, they can’t really claim this has “grassroots” support.

  3. NO!!! This is ridiculous (and I am not in favor of smoking…it’s a nasty and expensive habit). Next Mickelson will want a huge sugar/soda tax to fund public education or roads or something else. Who pays tech school expenses now? And all the money isn’t to go to tech schools anyway…a portion would go straight into the state coffers for other things.

    I am in favor of tech schools and think they are a wonderful prep for a good career, but this is not the way to fund them.

    Maybe instead of building a bunch of new buildings on college campuses or spending so much on sports and their ancillary expenses, those monies should go to actual education in the tech schools.

  4. They have it all wrong. There are fewer and fewer smokers every day. It would be better to have a tax on liquor and beer. This can be collected at the retail stores and the bars. Think about how this makes more sense. People drink when they are depressed and the Vikings lose. They also drink to celebrate accomplishments like getting chislic as the state snake (apologies for those who mistakenly think tiger meat is the state snack). People who drink should be happy to pay another buck or two to support the tech schools. Also, there are a lot of students at the tech schools who drink, so they can support their own education. Also, there are lots of people driving across this state and spending time touring the state. Think of all of the money that could bring in! And, who would leave the state to get a cheaper drink? This makes much more sense.

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