Toby Doeden of course, blames others for the “mistake” on campaign finance forms.

The Dakota Scout has a story on it’s website today noting how when Toby Doeden reported a $100,000 donation to his Political Action Committee that he didn’t intend it to be a donation, and was rather “a loan.”  And of course, it’s everyone else’s fault:

“I spoke with the folks from the finance team and they were already aware of this and working on filing the amended report,” Doeden said in a statement. “Earlier this month, I executed a loan of $100,000 to the Dakota First Action PAC. This was mistakenly classified as a contribution rather than a loan, due largely to the fact that the South Dakota (secretary of state’s) finance portal is extremely outdated and fails to function properly. As soon as I was notified of the error, we began the process of filing an amended report.”

Doeden said he hired a business to establish and oversee the PAC.


Doeden’s PAC has spent $25,000 on data acquisition, according to the pre-primary report. Only about $45 in other expenses were paid for, and no donations were made to individual campaigns, though Dakota First has sent out text messages in support of right-wing candidates across the state. One such text was sent in the District 25 Senate race, where Sen. Tom Pischke is fending off a bid from former lawmaker Jordan Youngberg. There, in a text message campaign, Dakota First Action dubbed Youngberg “Young Biden,” and accused him of supporting “the LGBTQ agenda,” illegal immigration, and abolishing constitutional rights.

Youngberg, who had high grades from anti-abortion and pro-gun groups during his three years in the Legislature, dismissed the allegations in a series of social media posts Wednesday.

Read the entire story here.

Last I knew, for all their faults the SOS does take campaign finance forms that are filled out on paper, if necessary. Toby Doeden might be able to do some creative accounting, and attribute the money to a loan, but the lack of disclaimers is a bit tougher to explain away.

But, based on the investigation the Attorney General is conducting, it appears that he will get the opportunity to do so.

16 thoughts on “Toby Doeden of course, blames others for the “mistake” on campaign finance forms.”

  1. At least Mr. Doeden is not a deadbeat dad sort of fellow. Strangely some people vote for deadbeat dads.

  2. This will be interesting and the AG and Sec of State will set new standards on how they handle this. Doeden’s pac has no wherewithal to pay back a “loan”. It can’t collateralize the loan. So, I sham “loans” are now ok – we have no campaign limits and that will create a whole lot more creative contributions. This is case sets the bar

    1. We cannot expect much from Ms. Monae. But Mr. Jackley is a real fellow who knows stuff. Let us hope he trots out the stuff he knows.

    2. That’s not really true. His businesses could each give $10k and the loan would be repaid. His kids could give $10k and it would be repaid. He could give ten pacs 10k and they could send it to his pac and have it repaid…. he could file as a candidate for office and send that money back to it and repay it since he could give unlimited to himself as a candidate. I think we will likely see him run for office anyway. S9 many ways he could pay it back. Or he could call 10 wealthy friends and get $10k from each of them like triple R pac did. Harvey Jewett is on the report as giving $10k twice. What is that about? Did he violate the reporting laws? Our laws are pathetic and vague.

      1. Earmarking funds, which is what you described, is illegal. You can not give funds to one source with a directive to give them to another.

    3. If you had done this, Lee, you know Toby would be jumping up and down screaming! Toby is an absolute hypocrite. Rules for thee, but not for me.

  3. Doeden has been really getting slammed and blamed for beloved Aberdeen landmark Scotty’s closing permanently on social media. Northern Business School could use Doeden as a future case study and example of what not to do. It’s like this moron gets up everyday and has for years with a goal of pissing off, alienating and attacking an increasing number of regional residents who are all potential customers.

    It’s not just one big Dumpsterfire up in Aberdeen but a Superfund site that is anything Doeden affiliated.

    Then he attempts to play the victim but it gets thrown back in his face. Pot calling the kettle black.

    1. Potential customers? Hell him and stupid daughter Josie attack current customers. Their give a sh!t is very low.

  4. 2025 legislative session bill on the radar for major South Dakota campaign finance reform?

    HB 1 Dumpsterfire PAC Campaign Finance Reform?

  5. All Toby had to do was create a committee as a candidate and he could have given himself as much as he wanted.

  6. In all honestly who cares ? Look at the money the ethanol plants are throwing at there paid candiates. They all receive federal subsidies, they are taking tax payer money and paying politicians with it. I don’t hear you all complaining about that. It’s all a corrupt system. Take all the money out of it and watch what happens.

    1. I agree with you on that; politicians vote to appropriate taxpayer’s money for organizations which will stuff it in one pocket, take it out of another and give it back to them in the form of campaign contributions.

    2. Well that’s just Good Old Boy corruption. Doeden is Outsider corruption so we can criticize him for it.

      1. He is the caveman and the complete opposite of SNL’s Unfrozen Caveman Lawyer. Aberdeen has the low IQ obnoxious Caveman who bathes in the manure pit of corruption. If there is a contest he will outstink anyone.

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