Toby Doeden putting on dumpster fyre-fest, where you can sponsor a table tent for Toby for $1750.


Boy. Someone votes in their first Republican Primary, and they get delusions of grandeur. I feel like I need to animate the dumpster logo, and have tacky fireworks shooting out of it as I write about Toby Doeden’s latest dumpster fire.  Because according to the ads he’s blasting across facebook, he’s allegedly putting on a self-congratulatory dinner in Sioux Falls in 3 weeks, where the details are secret, unless you fork over $250 for a general admission ticket.

Does that seem light on details? Well, it is.

In fact, all of the details are secret.. unless you’re going to buy a ticket – and then you’ll find out, according to the rules of his ..dumpster fyre-fest:

Join us for an unforgettable evening at the Dakota First Action Victory Gala! This exclusive event brings together passionate supporters, community leaders, and key figures dedicated to the future of South Dakota and our great nation. Your attendance will not only provide you with a night of inspiration, networking, and entertainment but also directly contribute to the critical work of electing bold conservatives at every level of government in South Dakota. 

The Victory Gala will feature an unforgettable group of distinguished speakers, live music, a gourmet dinner, and an exciting auction. A night you won’t want to miss! 

Secure your tickets now to guarantee your spot at the premier event of the season. Together, we can make a difference!

Ticket Options:

• VIP Admission: $500 – Includes premium seating, a pre-event cocktail hour with speakers, a VIP gift bag

• General Admission: $250 – Includes entry, dinner, and entertainment.

*Event details to come after ticket purchase*

So, it’s not just a dinner with Doeden, he might let Taffy Howard or Steve Haugaard or someone from that wing of the party have the podium. But you won’t know who the speakers are until you’ve already dropped $250.  But it gets better!  Because there are sponsorships. Many, many sponsorships:

Chairman’s Sponsorship – $17,500


    1. Ten VIP tickets with center stage, premium dinner seating
    2. Mix and mingle in VIP Reception Room one hour prior to event with photo op, unlimited premium drinks, and passed hors d’oeuvres
    3. Option to host keynote speaker at your dinner table
    4. Title Sponsor recognition on the front cover of Dinner program
    5. Additional full-page ad in the Dinner program as well as additional mention in the program in the sponsor list section
    6. Verbal acknowledgement and on-screen recognition throughout event
    7. Media coverage & recognition on the website 

..and we quickly move down through many levels to such prime positions as Favor Sponsor – $2,000, and  Centerpiece and Floral Sponsor – $1,750.

I’m shocked, I tell you – shocked – that they skipped the opportunity to charge people $1000 to be the coat check sponsor.

As someone who has been involved in events for the Republican Party as well as a non-profit group, It’s challenging enough to sell tickets when you have a marquee event or speaker and you actually publicize it.

I will be curious to see how that it works for them when the time of the event is secret, the location of the event is secret, and the main attraction they’ve laid out big cash to appear is secret. (I had one person suggest it might be a luminary such as the Pillow Guy, but I’m wagering someone from the Congressional Freedom Caucus).

Saddle up..

26 thoughts on “Toby Doeden putting on dumpster fyre-fest, where you can sponsor a table tent for Toby for $1750.”

  1. Is there gonna be hookers and blow for the $17,500. Because thats the only way you can get me to spend 6 seconds with that bloated buffoon

  2. Given the lowest ticket cost of $250 and State campaign finance laws requiring contributions over $100 to be itemized, would all attendees need to be listed on those reports?

  3. He needs to raise a lot of money to pay back that illegal $100k donation he made to his PAC – oh excuse me, I mean that “loan” of $100k that he now is legally obligated to pay back to himself with other people’s money.

  4. Very elitist pricing being out of reach for the commoners and working class. The Narcissist should cover all costs and charge a minimal fee if he were sincere.

    It is all about Toby.

  5. I hear Julie Frye Mueller is sponsoring the wine (don’t know about the cheese) and is going to be the main speaker on how to cry in the legislature and organize a pity party. It is expected to be the usual boring rambling long winded speech.

    1. Well, seeing JFM lose her last election was fabulous! She is still going to events and pretending to be relevant. She takes over the microphone and rambles. She is also telling some real whoppers off the microphone that will result in her being charged with libel and slander. More severe charges, not about politics, will also be forthcoming. Karma will bite her and her husband in the rear!

  6. No seriously, who are the speakers?? Where is it being held?? It is a “Victory Gala” for Conservatives?? How would an attendee know that he/she is conservative enough to be admitted?? Who is not allowed to attend?? Where does the money collected go and how and to whom??

      1. He is Toby’s lap dog**
        You misspelled that, I fixed it for you.
        Toby whistles, Rich comes running and awaits his command.

        He’s too dumb too see how he’s being used – that statement could go either way though…

  7. Side bet this doesn’t happen. The rank and file conservatives running the party don’t even want to pay to go the convention. Guys with money don’t know Doeden. He’ll have some random speaker that isn’t well known or if they are well known, it’s not for good reasons.

    At $250 a ticket, I’m betting he doesn’t sell more than 30 tickets. Now… maybe he gives a bunch away to save face. But agree with PP, it’s hard enough to get people at a GOP event when the tickets are $30.

    1. good point. These are the same people who won’t pay for anything, even a state convention.
      And the candidates, are they supposed to spend money on a dinner party this close to election day??

  8. This to me gives a glimpse of Doeden’s future being an obnoxious attention seeking grifter and community VERMIN. A taxpayer funded welfare queen. Nobody will have a bigger noxious smelling dumpster fire than us! Dumpsterfire Wars network and PAC.

    Substitute in the video Senators John Thune, Mike Rounds, Congressman Dusty Johnson or whomever in the future as being the reasonable and polite victim being harassed by this QAnon consumed moron. The similarities are amazing!

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