Trump selects JD Vance as Vice Presidential Pick

Today, former President and Republican nominee Donald Trump selected JD Vance as his pick to be Vice President in his next attempt at office.

Any thoughts?

23 thoughts on “Trump selects JD Vance as Vice Presidential Pick”

    1. After the Trump/Vance loss in 2024 the Trump Party formally known as the GOP. A new party will most likely emerge for the former Republicans.

    1. How? South Dakota is blood red and she nets him zero electoral college votes. Couple that with her recent public gaffes and she makes zero sense as a VP pick.

  1. grudznick is a big Burgum guy. I like his coif much as I really like Mr. H’s unabomber look. Yep, BBG here.

  2. Vance seems like a bright, capable person, who came from poverty. Built a life from adversity. I don’t think it’s about swing states (today, for this election, New York looks like a swing state, for example). Hopefully it’s about ability

      1. JD swings whatever way benefits him st the time. He will fit right in as long as he doesn’t try taking the spotlight too much.

      2. He’s not “perfect “. For us regular folks, that might be a positive. Hopefully he drinks beer

        1. “Us regular” folks? You’re one of the most powerful legislators in modern South Dakota history. I agree with you on many things, but miss me with this “everyman” crap. You aren’t.

          1. My deceased mechanic father and seamstress mother would appreciate your compliment. Myself, I’d say legislative power is overrated and like the phases of the moon, passes on a very short cycle

            1. And Sheldon Adelson’s cab driver dad would have said the same about him. Who you are is not who you were. Again, you have accomplished a lot and SHOULD be proud of that. But you aren’t regular folk, Lee. Get real.

        2. Indeed. Fancy beers with taste and color and smell, but also thirst quenching American beers, like Schlitz, Hamms, Pabst and Old Style.

  3. He grew up in poverty. Went to Yale Law. Married a classmate whose parents were from India.
    Wrote “Hillbilly Elegy”

  4. JD Vance would probably give Ian Fury and Corey Lewandoski jobs in his office as thanks for the assist advising Noem to self-immolate her candidacy.

  5. Want to know why this was such a good choice? All the establishment neocons hate it. That’s all I need to know.

  6. Big fan. Very excited. Anyone who’s not needs to stop listening to CNN and look into Vance’s story! True inspiration – the left is scared, as they should be!

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