Western SD Catholic Foundation Director using his current job to promote his political causes?

Here’s something that hit facebook this week:

The Western South Dakota Catholic Foundation is blasting out a message out on Facebook promoting the Protecting South Dakota Kids political organization on Initiated Measure 29.

Is the foundation adding something new to the organization’s causes and goals?  So, they’re supporting Seminarian Education, AND fighting the devil’s lettuce?

Or maybe it has something to do with the Western SD Catholic Foundation being led by Jim Kinyon, who also leads the Protecting SD Kids Political Committee.  Which if you read Senator Lee Schoenbeck’s recent guest post, noted how they used funds from the group – including donations from the Presentation Sisters – to send to his favorite candidates, you have to wonder what’s going on.

Which seems to be bleeding over to unrelated, but connected organizations.

40 thoughts on “Western SD Catholic Foundation Director using his current job to promote his political causes?”

  1. Mr. Kinyon has always seemed to have this attitude that he is beyond reproach in everything he does. The WSDCF board of directors should know better, especially since one of them is a very highly respected attorney, Patrick Goetzinger with the Gunderson Palmer law firm. It’s hard to believe they signed up to be a partner in Kinyon’s crusade.

    1. Mr Kinyon believes that if he goes to Mass everyday he is above it all. He skirts the edge of unethical behavior, than if caught or called out, he says “I will be more diligent.” He is a walking contradiction. Bores people with “his interpretation” of the Bible, while holding long term vindictive passive aggressive grudges.

  2. Wow, if there are any Lord of the Rings tryouts in your area, Lee would be a natural for Gollum, that miserable little man. His attacks on Jim Kinyon are beyond reproach. Jim is a rock steady support and example of character to families and children. Jim is firm in his convictions to keep drugs away from children. South Dakota needs more like him.

    1. If his attacks on Jim were beyond reproach, that would mean you support the attacks. What you meant to say is that Jim Kinyon’s character is beyond reproach. Your feeble command of your own language doesn’t surprise me, given who you support.

    2. You know who doesn’t check ID? Street dealers. Know who does? Dispensaries. Either way, churches shouldn’t be involved in politicking unless they’re paying taxes.

      1. Most THC users go to the black market in fully commercialized states anyways since it is cheaper every time. The heavy chronic daily users will always seeks out the cheapest THC whether it is legal or not and the black market will always be cheaper. The argument you make was debunked along ago. We have enough problems in South Dakota. We don’t need more.

        1. I think that’s false but no matter, Freedom with a capital F baby! Coming soon to a South Dakota near you. Down with big government telling us what we can do with our bodies.

          1. When it comes to high potency intoxicants that is a different matter since drug use negatively affects other’s freedom. You could move to Oregon and California but you better hurry since they are now clamping down on all the drugs since it ended up being a costly experiment. Perhaps treatment would be a better option.

    3. There’s no question regarding Jim’s conviction and he should be respected for that. However, one must agree that using the WSDCF as a conduit for his personal crusade against the “devil’s lettuce” (as so aptly described by Pat) is unethical at the very least.

    4. Rhonda, I’m not a Lord of the Rings person, so I apologize for not tracking your story. But I too am opposed to legalizing marijuana. The article I wrote was about Kinyon diverting funds from that cause for a very different purpose – that is offensive to those of us opposed to recreational marijuana.
      Along the way I heard that there was a “board” Kinyon was using to decide how to divert these funds from the cause (Jim said there was) – to a very different political agenda. I was told YOU are on the board and were a part of that diverting of funds (Jim didn’t give me your name). Is that accurate? Who are the other members of this “Board” that diverted the funds from fighting the legalization of marijuana. I think interested South Dakotans would like to know (even the ones that don’t watch Lord of the Rings with you).

      1. Senator, I’m not Rep. Milstead but I feel compelled to offer a respectful comment about your published attack against Protecting South Dakota Kids. As a South Dakotan who has contributed to the organization, I found your attack concerning, and felt I needed to investigate further. I read statements from the Foundation and the Diocese, and spoke to representatives from both organizations, including board members who oversee Mr. Kinyon. My conclusion is that Mr. Kinyon was and is supported by the Foundation Board as well as the Catholic Bishops of SD. It seems to me you did not do your homework and have wronged a good man.

        1. Just because a few individuals approve of the clamshell game that was played with funds does not make it ethical. If you want Org X to focus on issue X, make it clear that’s what their mission is. Don’t start clutching pearls and acting sanctimonious when Org X all of the sudden shifts focus and begins acting on unrelated issue Y.

  3. These people are going all out this year to turn the US into a Christian nationalist state. I hope this push when it fails is enough to show them the VAST majority of people don’t want this much government in their lives. They claim that the government used to help the people is socialism, but what is government called when it is used to help business and religion, can that get a label that is associated with negativity as well?

  4. I do not know enough about Jim Kinyon to defend or criticize him, but it makes perfect sense for Catholic organizations to oppose the legalization of drugs.

      1. That is the blood of Christ, not wine; it was blessed by the priest, just like me when I was 12 as an altar boy!

  5. if anyone reading this is Catholic and actually goes to mass, you would know that both the East River Bishop and the West River Bishop are speaking out against legalization of marijuana. It goes against the teaching of the Catholic faith.

      1. From the SD Catholic Bishops:

        June 6, 2024

        On June 3, 2024, the South Dakota Secretary of State certified for the November general election ballot an initiated measure that would legalize the use, possession, and distribution of marijuana (cannabis) for so-called “recreational” purposes. The proposal has been designated as Initiated Measure 29.

        As Christians we must carefully consider how “recreational” marijuana legalization will affect the welfare of individuals and the common good. As spiritual leaders, desiring that every person in our state experience well-being in mind, body and spirit, we share this resource with the hope that it may shed light on how we can support human flourishing, and avoid that which brings harm to others and the common good.

        There is a widespread perception in society today that marijuana is a harmless drug. This perception is radically at odds with the available evidence. Marijuana has evolved into a far more toxic substance over the last several decades. The Mayo Clinic describes this trend:

        “Today’s marijuana is enhanced genetically and bred for potency. The tetrahydrocannabinol, or THC, content, about 10 milligrams per joint in the 1970s, is five to 15 times more potent today. THC is the active ingredient that gives cannabis its narcotic and psychoactive effects.” [emphasis added]

        The Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration (SAMHSA) states that marijuana use can result in permanent IQ loss, and that studies link it to depression, anxiety, suicide planning, and psychotic episodes. The National Institute on Drug Abuse states that frequent users of marijuana experience lower life satisfaction, poorer mental health, poorer physical health, more relationship problems, less academic and career success, higher likelihood of dropping out of school, and more job absences, accidents, and injuries. The South Dakota State Medical Association has stated that societal costs of marijuana legalization include more victims of drugged driving accidents, more emergency room visits, and increased need of addiction treatment for the uninsured.

        There is abundant evidence that marijuana contributes to a host of problems that weaken the social fabric of society. A central pillar of Catholic social teaching is our duty to promote the common good, which is defined as “the sum total of social conditions which allow people, either as groups or as individuals, to reach their fulfillment more fully and more easily.” Expressed in a different way, we seek to create the conditions that are most likely to lead to human flourishing—for all our state’s citizens. Legalizing marijuana won’t contribute to human flourishing; rather, it contributes to human harm.
        We are especially concerned about the impact of marijuana legalization on our young people. The most recent research concludes that youth consumption of marijuana has increased significantly in states that have legalized recreational marijuana.

        A 2021 report from SAMHSA describes marijuana use among youth and young adults as a “major public health concern.” The report notes that early youth marijuana use is associated with neuropsychological and neurodevelopmental decline, poor school performance, increased school drop-out rates, increased risk of psychotic disorders in adulthood, increased risk for later depression, and suicidal ideation or behavior.

        Much has been written in recent years about the mental health crisis that is afflicting America’s teens. We believe that legalizing marijuana is akin to throwing more fuel on the fire.

        St. Pope John Paul II stated,

        “Drug abuse impoverishes every community where it exists. It diminishes human strength and moral fiber. It undermines esteemed values. It destroys the will to live and to contribute to a better society. Drug abuse is indeed a scourge, just as much as famine, a drought or an epidemic. Every year it reaps an increasing harvest of human lives.”

        Pope Francis has often echoed these concerns. The Holy Father has stated plainly, “Drug addiction is an evil, and with evil there can be no yielding or compromise.”

        We bear a responsibility, as faith leaders in South Dakota, to speak out when we perceive an imminent threat to both the spiritual and physical well-being of this state’s citizens. We urge our fellow Christians, and all persons of good will, to oppose Initiated Measure 29 because of the damage it will cause to so many human lives in our state.

        Jesus Christ assures us, “I came that they may have life, and have it abundantly.” (John 10:10). Illicit drugs lead people away from this authentic happiness that is available to us through discipleship in Christ, and healthy habits that care for the mind, body and spirit. Let us pray that South Dakotans will reject the false promises of drug legalization and focus instead on building a healthy culture in which all individuals and families in our state can flourish.

        1. In addition, please see the article published in the Bishop’s Bulletin Catholic Diocese of Sioux Falls, titled “Measure 29 threatens the common good.”

          1. Genesis 1:29

            Cherry-picking the bible is so early 2000’s……

            At least organized religion is dying, full of people exploiting it for themselves and not for the good of the followers. Sacrifice and donate now in hopes of a better “next life.” Sorry, this is our only life, and you are wasting it.

          2. Anyone quoting the bible may find their comment off topic, as the bible surprisingly doesn’t address people taking a ballot committee, converting it to a PAC, and then distributing the money they had gathered for another purpose to candidates in a primary election.

    1. What do the bishops have to say about Protecting SD Kids converting from a ballot committee.. to a PAC.. which then dumped funds against those who supported their cause in the Republican primary (Which is what Lee documented, for those who bothered to read the article)

      It might have been a few years since parochial school, but I don’t remember that being part of the gospel.

  6. It seems the Church only likes the headline chasing legislators (and profiteers), which goes against Jesus’ teachings (Matthew 23).

  7. The Catechism is very clear with regard to the virtues being edifying and against Offenses against the truth. This guy from Rapid City in no ways exemplifies virtues and truthfulness.

    He comes across as a man possessed by an evil spirit.

  8. It’s more concerning that there are people on this thread that condemn someone for writing the truth. Those funds were diverted. That is wrong. Quit trying to justify some other motive. Schoenbeck, because he drew attention to a problem, is not the enemy in this story.

      1. Pray tell, explain how the change from a Statewide Ballot Question Committee with the goal of stopping the legalization of marijuana to that of a PAC with an emphasis on far-right politics is not a diversion of funds?

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