Wind Group Polling in Area… who may not know their candidates.

I received an unusual call last night… unusual, in that it landed on my rarely used landline.

Answering it, I was on the receiving end of a telephone poll on wind energy in reference to a new project or possible project expansion in the area. They polled extensively on wind power and land use for wind turbines, as well as awareness of the percentage of power was being drawn from renewable sources.

They also hit briefly on the Dakota Access pipeline, as well as the 2018 race for Governor. Although in the race for Governor they included Billie Sutton along with Noem, Jackley, LaFleur and Hubbel in the question about who I would vote for in the Republican Primary.

I stopped them and asked again on that one, making sure they were asking about the primary. The woman at the end of the line assured me they were.

We’ll see if we hear how that one comes out.