Justin McNeal exploring legal route after second time of failing to get enough signatures to be placed on the ballot

Does anyone think that Justin McNeal is capable of running a competent campaign at this point?

First he was unable to get sufficient signatures to be placed on the ballot as a Republican.. after it was said he might have jumped the gun on that circulating petitions as a Republican, before changing his party to Republican. Then he circulated  petitions to run as an Independent, his prior affiliation. And that didn’t work.

Now, he’s thinking of bringing a lawsuit to try to get on the ballot…

McNeal said he missed the General Election ballot by 122 signatures out of the 3,502 he needed to qualify.

But he added that many petitions were rejected because of technicalities. Some were sent in by certified mail instead of registered mail. In one case a circulator didn’t sign the petitions. In another, a notary didn’t stamp the petition right. In another, petitions were disqualified because a circulator didn’t put a city and state in the address line.

South Dakota courts have taken a liberal interpretation of such rules in favor of trying to ensure that voter intentions are taken into account and not dismissed because of technicalities.

Read the entire story here.

The second time around, McNeal could get signatures from anyone registered to vote who had a pulse. And he still managed to screw it up and not get on the ballot.

Maybe he could get a judge to place him. Maybe.

But, is this a person we want representing us in Congress?  I don’t think so.

One thought on “Justin McNeal exploring legal route after second time of failing to get enough signatures to be placed on the ballot”

  1. “South Dakota courts have taken a liberal interpretation of such rules in favor of trying to ensure that voter intentions are taken into account and not dismissed because of technicalities.”

    ‘They’re following the law and we have to cry about it.’

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