Rounds Votes Against Radical, Unqualified Health Secretary Nominee

Rounds Votes Against Radical, Unqualified Health Secretary Nominee

WASHINGTON—U.S. Sen. Mike Rounds (R-S.D.) today issued the following statement after voting against the confirmation of California Attorney General Xavier Becerra as the next Secretary of Health and Human Services (HHS).

“I am deeply troubled by the Senate’s vote today to confirm California Attorney General Xavier Becerra as the next Secretary of Health and Human Services (HHS). Mr. Becerra’s lack of health care experience, extreme views on abortion, support for government-run health care, and record on religious liberty make him unfit to lead our health department.

“Mr. Becerra has repeatedly used his government positions to advance a radical pro-abortion agenda and to attack religious liberty in California and across the country. On top of that, he enthusiastically supports Medicare-for-all, which would hurt our rural health providers and strip 160 million Americans of their private insurance.

“Indian Health Services, a part of HHS, needs a leader who understands improving health outcomes for South Dakota’s tribal members, not another unqualified bureaucrat with a socialist agenda.

“Mr. Becerra is the wrong person to lead our nation’s health department—now or ever.”

On February 25, Rounds and 74 other members of Congress sent a letter urging President Joe Biden to withdraw Becerra’s nomination.
