Yeah, but what about all the other times Senator Nelson was attacking people?

An e-mail blast went out via Mail Chimp this afternoon from Senate Stace Nelson, sort of apologizing for being a jerk over the past couple of years. And admitting he may have been less than professional in at least a couple of instances.

I notice he didn’t apologize over comments he made about the Lt. Governor-elect Larry Rhoden. Who he’s attacked over and over and over since Rhoden placed second to Nelson’s third in the US Senate race in 2014.

My only thoughts are…. what about all the other times Senator Nelson has been attacking people while serving as a member of the State Senate? Such as he did in February when he attacked someone who criticized his nosh legislation in an Argus Leader letter to the editor.   And used his state legislative e-mail to do so:

On Feb 9, 2018 11:59 AM, “Stace Nelson” <[email protected]> wrote:

Mr. Zimbeck,

Angry Stace NelsonNot surprising, just confirming another loud mouth Democrat masquerading as a Republican. You clearly have no clue about the process or the duties involved in Pierre and think the job entails simply being a tax and send RINO like the rest of your kind. You don’t like all the work I do for my constituents? Tough! suck it up buttercup. Or? Feel free to come up and poke me in the chest and run your suck like a man instead of some whiny malcontent. Now scurry off, the big mean conservative Bull elephant has better things to do.

Sent from my iPad

Doesn’t that warrant an apology too? Prepare for more e-mail blasts coming out of Senator Nelson’s Mail Chimp account.

49 thoughts on “Yeah, but what about all the other times Senator Nelson was attacking people?”

  1. It’s a new term. Let’s start anew. I have some very good friends which includes less than pristine history. After a while, that history becomes part of the bond (and a source of some pretty good laughs, especially after a few beers).

    Sidebar: an apology that includes a justification or rationale for what offended is less well-received than a simple sincere “I am sorry.” My mom liked to send me back to my room until my apology had “no buts.” A pretty good lesson.

    1. An apology should contain three parts.

      1. Admit what you did or said harmed the other person or people. Be as specific as possible.
      2. Explained why you did what you did or said. Don’t give excuses, be honest with your reasons
      3. Offer some kind of atonement, and follow through.

      Once the apology has been made, those who have been damaged has two choices

      1. Accept the apology and move on. Yes, forgive them, but don’t forget.
      2. Don’t accept the apology, and dwell on the transgression, let it eat at you until it totally consumes all that you are.

      It is an apology. You may ask questions about the issue at hand to clarify the reasoning behind the action or statement. It is not a negotiation. If you some reason you are unable to accept the apology, say so, then explain why.

      To follow along Troy’s thought (I hope) During this Christmas season, let’s try to put aside our hatred, forgive our fellow person. Let’s start the new year and new term with a clean slate.

      “Fear is the path to the dark side. Fear leads to anger. Anger leads to hate. Hate leads to suffering.

      Once you start down the dark path, forever will it dominate your destiny, consume you it will.”


    2. Yes, let’s start anew by FINALLY making the rude, self-serving bull RINO be ‘accountable’ for the first time. He doesn’t deserve to be a part of the caucus. It’s getting old. Hopefully, leadership will take the RINO by the horn and kick him out of caucus and not give him the opportunity to throw them under the bus. His parents shipped him out because he was such a naughty boy, but he’s back. Why should our ‘good’ lawmakers who want to get things done have to deal with him? He made that bed and it’s time for serious legislators to be able to work and not waste time on his destruction and immature drama. If he were in high school, he’d been suspended a long time ago. Leadership, please do what’s best for all of South Dakota. He’s had more than 3 strikes, he should be called OUT.

      1. and don’t forget about his minions like Drew Dennert who do his bidding….he needs to be called out also for partnering up with him

    3. Let’s start anew – that would be a great olive branch for some but you follow politics, Troy. You know that is next to impossible when it comes to Nelson. He breathes hatred and self-serving behavior.

      At large, they are snowed, because that’s what he tells them. In Pierre, they are so tired of his rhetoric. He’s always the victim. His RINO crimes run way too deep. “Hell No!!”, robo calls, standing w/ Rick Weiland, obliterating Matt Wolmann (especially with his own past) are just a few that come to mind and that’s just a flicker on the wick.

      He must find himself in deep doo doo if he would put out a letter like this, even though he apologizes for NOTHING… I call his BS and then some…

  2. Visceral responses??? Stace, you seriously need psychological help. You don’t belong in caucus because your are not a servant. You are the opposite. You are rude. You are arrogant. You are disrespectful. You hold yourself up as some standard that you believe your colleagues should attain, and if we don’t, you belittle us. You constantly work to undermine the Senate. You need to seek professional help.

    1. Of course it’s only natural people are going to be offened if they don’t agree with you. Not everything is going to be rosie posie. But it’s good to argue and fight it out until you come to a conclusion. Don’t apologize for seeking truth.

  3. This begs the question: were you called and expelled or not ? That is not answered. PS – Great job of spelling there Rep. Conzet !!

  4. Regardless of what anyone hopes for in terms of civility and team play and intellectual discourse it’ll be a show to witness of epic proportions: The Cowboy VS The Broken Down Marine!!!

    But this is really negative knowing only that positive personality changes are incredibly hard to achieve or even admit for that matter. On the other hand (no inference to Mr. Wooster here) habits which are physical like smoking and excessive drinking and drug use usually only hurt the individual with the bad habit and in many instances are hidden from society.

    I’m not sure where I’m going with this but as Grandma always said, “Expect the worst but Hope for the best.”

  5. I ont want to be repetitive so I hope this is a new take.

    It is good for the soul for one to have regret and express contrition. It is good for the soul to forgive and be generous.

    It is not good to hold onto past hurts.

    Finally, everyone going to Pierre in a few weeks are freshly elected. Ya think maybe the voters deserve some respect even if one doesn’t think their choices do?

  6. Troy, I believe Stace is a sociopath. When he expresses contrition I believe it is for self-serving political purposes. I don’t know he understands what remorse, regret or contrition actually is. I agree with Senator. He is not right in the head.

    1. You may be right. You may be wrong. Forgiving is not forgetting so you don’t have to give Stace a long leash to prove if he is sincere or not. But, not giving another a leash can result in both being hung with it.

      Start anew. It is refreshing for all concerned.

      1. I assume you are not in the legislature, Troy? If you were, I don’t think you’d have such a ‘fresh’ approach.

  7. If you don’t believe like Stace believes, Stace believes it is his mission in life to insult and demean you. According to Stace, HE is the standard-bearer, set on high to judge all other Republicans. To prove my point, take a look at a few of his tweets over the past few months. The theme repeats over and over:

    Stace Nelson‏ @SenStaceNelson Oct 10
    At the risk of another meltdown call for me to be kicked out of next year’s caucus for a safe space for RINOs.. Congratulations! (sarcasm) @wiikfor4 The @CatoInstitute LOVED (sarcasm) and your liberal tax & spend policies, esp expanding internet taxes

    Stace Nelson‏ @SenStaceNelson Oct 10
    ICYMI @ACUConservative released their report on SD Legislators. It confirmed what SD Citizens for Liberty Scorecards reported, lots of RINOs! Former Carter Democrat @rhodenforsd scores worse than Dem @billiehsutton ! Did they “cherrypick” too Larry?

    Stace Nelson‏ @SenStaceNelson Aug 17
    Stace Nelson Retweeted argusleader
    The Legislature has enacted numerous statutes regarding open meetings, SD Constitution cites it as your right under 3-15 to have an open legislature, in hypercritical arrogance they decide everything behind closed doors & seek to quell opposition through a modern day Führer oath.

    Stace Nelson‏ @SenStaceNelson Aug 17
    Stace Nelson Retweeted Dana Ferguson
    Lee Qualm, Jeff Partridge, & Kent Peterson had a problem with conservative Republicans caucusing in addition to the Republican Caucus, to oppose tax & spend bills.. but not with Senator Ryan Maher (R) caucusing with & supporting @billiehsutton with $$$ in the Cowboy Caucus..

    Stace Nelson‏ @SenStaceNelson Aug 9
    BREAKING SD POLITICAL NEWS – Supreme Leader Lee Qualm has summarily kicked several legislators out of the Republican Party House Caucus & banned several candidates from next session’s GOP House Caucus… that neither he nor they have been elected to!

    Stace Nelson‏ @SenStaceNelson Aug 9
    ICYMI – They found an appropriate old spokesperson for the new Partridge GOP Cuacuses loyalty pledge. Ask your GOP legislative candidates if they’ve submitted their oath to party führers over voters’ right to an open Legislature. @argusjellis “We shall fight on the beach’s..”#MIA

    Stace Nelson‏ @SenStaceNelson Aug 9
    Nothing to see here folks, purely coincidence that a life-long Iowa Democrat illegally took over the @SDGOP chairmanship.

    Stace Nelson‏ @SenStaceNelson Jun 25
    ICYMI, delegates rebelled against @RepKristiNoem ‘s Carter/McGovern/Daschle Democrat LtGov pick & gave me a floor nomination for LtGov. I received 24.3% of the vote on a last minute uncampaigned for nomination. My speech:

    Ever notice how SD’s D.C. crew is always absent on actual conservative issues.. If only they did more than mouth the word “conservative,” but alas.. the election is over and the word is put away for 2 more years..

    Stace Nelson‏ @SenStaceNelson Nov 14
    Stace Nelson Retweeted Conservative Review
    Imagine.. if we actually had Republicans being Republicans..

    Stace Nelson‏ @SenStaceNelson Nov 13
    Stace Nelson Retweeted Rep. Matt Gaetz
    Hmm…. Kinda like the closed caucus thing here in SD where all the legislation is discussed and decided behind closed doors.. It’s wrong when Democrats do it in Florida, and it sure the heck is wrong when “Republicans” (the party of transparency & open government) do it in SD.

    Stace Nelson‏ @SenStaceNelson Nov 7
    I wasn’t able to hit anywhere near as many doors as I’ve always done in past. Service connected disabilities really slowed me down. I also had “former” Obama Democrat Kyle Schoenfish (“R”-Scotland) campaigning for my opponen

    Stace Nelson‏ @SenStaceNelson Nov 5
    Stace Nelson Retweeted Thomas Sowell
    This is a problem with the faux right also. Lincoln debated Douglas repeatedly. Nixon dodged them. We have way too many Nixon’s in the GOP..

    If elected @DustyJohnson Will your voting record make you eligible and will you join the @freedomcaucus ? Will you support conservatives like @Jim_Jordan for House leadership or the same failed leadership?

    Stace Nelson‏ @SenStaceNelson Nov 1
    Stace Nelson Retweeted Tax Foundation
    SD is in the top 25 for the worst state property taxes.. At what point will the RINOs we have in office have raised taxes and spending to the point they ruin the GOP brand.. The worst tax and spenders this year in the SD Legislature were “Republicans.”

    Stace Nelson‏ @SenStaceNelson Oct 31
    WARNING-NOT FOR FAINT OF HEART Do guard your wallet when you view this.. … This should scare every South Dakotan who wants limited government fiscal responsibility. There’s a lot of politicians who only wear a conservative Republican elephant costume

    1. Wow!! You are spot on! Stace and his groupies have always been highly critical of the ACU’s scores. He finally mentions them but he fails to mention he (as always) tried to influence them. There are several bills being re-evaluated, however. He forgot to mention Billie’s score of <50% for the previous SEVEN years. Seems Nelson had one objective while he was voting this last year also as did Sutton. VOTERS should know their legislators are voting for 'something' and not in their best interests. We'll make sure they know.

  8. A very wise man said; “He that is without sin among you, let him first cast a stone…”

    These attacks on Senator Nelson’s mental capacity are more like boulders. They are off issue and pail in comparison to the so-called “attacks” that Senator Nelson are guilty of.

    1. C’mon Steve. Stace is not a victim. He is apologizing. You are not helping.

      When I invoked the “no but” apology in my house, one of my daughters asked why there are “no buts.” Here is the short version of my response.

      “You are apologizing for something you know you did wrong and regret doing. Right? When you have a “but,” you are admitting another induced you to to what you now know to be wrong and you regret. Your “but” means you are weak and under the thumb of others or your apology is insincere. Pick your poison.”

      1. Troy, I like your point. Just stay away from the personal attacks that include references to mental capacity.

  9. That’s OK. No need to apologize, you big lovable lump! I do have to ask what the hell you mean with the “run your suck like a man instead of some whiny malcontent”. Granted, I haven’t had to endure your scorn like some others, but still, is this some “real man code” stuff? Hope you can curl up with a bowl of bite-sized, over-cooked red meat over the Holidays. Enjoy whatever step you are on your 12 step journey, Bull.

    Sorry you missed my house when you were out campaigning for R Shawn and Tyler Swanger! Maybe next time!

    1. David

      Golly gee , sure seems stace has won a hole lot more elections than you ever have. You coulda probably used stace’s help in SF in your dismally failed bid to join the RINO’s out in Pierre. Not only should you have returned ALL the campaign funds from your failed legislative bid; but you should apologize to the SF voting public for having run at all – they’re each noticeably dumber for having seen any of your losing campaign info.

  10. Maybe if people ignored him he would go away. I believe most of the stuff this guy says has to do with being able to be in the limelight. When someone is being annoying to me, I pay them no attention and after a while, they quit because they know it is not going to do any good.

  11. Nelson posting political criticism under his own name on social media = BAD

    Others posting personal attacks anonymously = Good?

    “Senator” please compare your public service with the man you attack anonymously.

    Somebody check on Kris Conzet, I am afraid she either stroked out or OD’d.

  12. Stace is just being Stace. Your not going to change him and why would you try. People like him and he wins. Something to be said for his brashness. We have enough polished politicians. I have fought with him and have never been offended by him.

    1. Tara, that’s like the parent of a bully justifying their son’s behavior by saying “boys will be boys.”

    2. They like him because he SNOWS them. Let’s face it, no one really knows the details of Pierre legislation. Nelson has passed nothing of relevance but he tells his constituents he does so there you have it. BS’ers do win…

      Plus, he thrives on controversy. Most don’t like it. He loves it. Hard to compete with idiocy…

  13. Oh, I meant to say he wins in his Legislative district. Trump isn’t liked among the Republicans either. Nobody wants that wall exceptTrump and maybe a handful of Congressmen.

    1. Tara, there is a difference between being outspoken versus being rude, mean or threatening. Stace is the later.

  14. ABC, sometimes that’s human nature to be rude mean or threatening to get things accomplished. Trump is in the ring right now pretty much standing alone fighting for the boarder wall in which both parties don’t want. That’s just Stace’s personality. Don’r let him get to you.

  15. Trump is the poster child for mean, rude and threatening and I think that is kind of why he won. Some people like that style.

      1. Nelson is a blowhard that huffs and puffs but runs out of breath. Stacie will be recorded as a ZERO on accomplishments in life.

        1. Saying no accomplishments in life is going overboard. No meaningful accomplishment in the legislature is probably more accurate.

              1. yes many wives and kids out of wedlock…the bastian of conservative Christian values he is not

      2. That’s because our Legislators are nice and obiedient and that’s why we have Obama care, Common core, more taxes and government growth. I take someone who fights against big government and corruption.

        1. Its all a show Tara. Stace reminds me of the wizard in the Wizard of Oz. He wants people to believe he is a big deal, but pull back the curtain and see the puny, whimpy man he really is.

          Who cares about someone full of bluster that can’t win a fight. Bring on someone with integrity and respect that has the ABILITY to win a fight – then the voters will have someone to be proud of.

  16. I am still Puzzling over the idea of using something called “mail chimp.”
    The only “mail” chimpanzees send is when they throw poo at people.

    It fits.

  17. So what would happen if Stace were thrown out of caucus? He be become even less effective that he already is?

    And why does he even care? He shows no respect for anyone, so why is it a big deal to him? All I can think of is caucus gives him an opportunity to intimidate and bully people.

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