2 new candidates file to run for the legislature in Sioux Falls

2 new candidates have filed Statements of Organizations to run for the South Dakota Legislature this week.

JR Anderson of Sioux Falls has filed paperwork to run for the House in District 12 for the seats currently held by incumbent Republicans Amber Arlint and Greg Jamison.  While no immediate information is available, it appears from his social media that Anderson is likely to run as a Democrat.

Erik Muckey of Sioux Falls has also filed a statement of organization to run, specifically in District 15. Muckey’s campaign chair is former D15 State Rep and Gubernatorial Candidate Jamie Smith, if we’re to take that as an indication of his party affiliation.


4 thoughts on “2 new candidates file to run for the legislature in Sioux Falls”

  1. Without naming names, reliable sources have shown evidence proving that several Rapid City “Republican” legislators supported Jamie Smith in 2022, even going so far as to host him publically, so don’t be so sure about that party affiliation…

  2. Eric Muckey is also the chairman of the Minnehaha County Democratic Party, another clue as to his party affiliation.

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