Upon the opening up of the District 9 House seat, one of the commenters (Tara Volesky, actually), raised the question of Governor-elect Noem appointing perpetual candidate Lora Hubbel to the position being vacated by Deb Peters.
This morning, Lora reminds us why Tara’s proposition of her serving in office is akin to suggesting that the Governor appoint Bigfoot to a legislative seat. Because some things are so outlandish, they dash the credibility of the person uttering them on the rocks.
Lora actually states – a direct quote – that “All the murders in SD lead back to the GOED.” and that they are going to steal you mineral and inheritance rights.
And that’s why we have elections. To weed out the people who have no business serving in elected office. Ever.
Tara knows better than to suggest Lora for the post. Tara herself would be a much better choice. She’d bring some life to that place. You go girl!
Tara already suggested Lora for the post, and doesn’t understand why everybody else thinks that’s a crazy idea.
Lora I’d right if there is a master puppeteer sending nanobots called Ed which penetrate murderers ears causing them to kill.
“Go Ed and penetrate the ear of _________ and instruct them to kill ___________.”
Makes perfect sense to me. We need an investigation. Call Ghostbusters. I think they have added a non-paranormal division they have yet to name but Hubbelbots is being considered.
I’m a tin foil hat and endorse this message.
Don’t forget to put a nickel in each of your ears for added protection. The tin hat is good, but not good enough.
Ooops. Some autocorrect:
“Lora is right” and “murderer’s”
Former NCIS agent, Senator Nelson was shut down on his several attempts to investigate these crimes. Why are people so afraid of the truth? Pat, I thought Lora would be a good choice for District 9 because of her expertise in health care and education. Remember she carried the bill to get rid of Obama Care and she voted against Common Core that ended up passing by one vote. We have enough gun and potty pushers in Pierre.
If Nelson wanted to investigate crimes involving federal programs within our state, he should have gotten a job with the FBI, the DCI, the AG’s or US Attorney’s office.
Funny how nobody was asking for his assistance. He’s such an expert investigator.
Running from the two major issues in SD….Obama Care and Common Core…….tinfoil her on. Can’t do it can you.
He’s not a crony or relative. They get first dibs.
“Lora would be a good choice for District 9 because of her expertise in health care and education.”
Bahahahahaha. The only thing Lora has expertise in are Internet conspiracy theories.
As in spreading them.
Troy, quit playing your stupid little diversion games. So you where against Lora fighting common core and Obama care? Maybe that’s your way of not dealing with the issues by making up imaginary stuff.
While Lora was fighting Obamacare and Common Core she was also worried about chemtrails over her house, tracking devices hidden in veterinary ID microchips, toxic adjuvants in children’s vaccines, and babies being put to bed on their backs to flatten their skulls and make them more susceptible to government mind control.
Bigfoot wears a tinfoil hat.
I wouldn’t go that far……..but I don’t agree 100% with Lora either. Why would you want too? She is honest and right to the point and truly cares for people, the environment and doggies.
Running from the two major issues in SD….Obama Care and Common Core…….tinfoil her on. Can’t do it can you.
You just used “Lora” and “expert” in the same sentence. Made my day.
Jon, before you make a snide comment like that….talk to her about obama care and common core and then give us your opinion. Thanks Jon boy.
Tara, I wish I could respond, but my nanobots aren’t feeling well today.
Don’t forget, Lora thinks Bush 41 was a Freemason who engaged in ritualistic human sacrifice.
After all that I started thinking she might be right about the chemtrails targeting her house.
why are so many Christian churches against the Free Masons?
Even the Catholic Church is strongly against Free Masonry, not to mention most fundamentalists and evangelicals.. as well as most so-called Bible churches. Google it.
I believe the issue of Freemasonry and the church goes back to the Inquisition.
Freemasons were the rocket scientists of their day, engineers and scientists, so they believed in physics and gravity and the earth being round. Since those ideas were heretical at the time, they had to meet and exchange ideas in secret.
But although They were a secret society, they were open to members of all different faiths, a Radical idea at the time, which is why the Freemasons who wrote the Bill of Rights started it off with the First Amendment,
Rome took a dim view of nations going rogue like that.
Anne, if I weren’t in the middle of watching Augie women and then men, I’d give a more accurate reason for Rome opposition to the masons but it mostly they consider the rituals pagan. I went to one funeral of a mason and it turned my stomach. Won’t do it again no matter how close I am.
Troy, just courious…why did it turn your stomach?
It was paganesque in its words and symbols. I know the Shriners do goo but I can’t look at them the same.
Their symbols relate to math and engineering.
Galileo was accused of heresy by the Catholic Church because he believed the earth orbited the sun.
Isaac Newton had to tread carefully to avoid being accused of blasphemy.
The church has had a history of persecuting scientists; it’s not surprising they formed secret societies, they had to. They weren’t allowed to teach what they knew at universities, they had to take it underground.
If the Church is still annoyed about this, too bad.
ok, thanks for your answer.
Of course, Yale’s skull and bones, as bad as Harvard’s hasty pudding club. Very sinister. College kids doing stupid stuff, becoming lifelong friends as if they were all in the same fraternity. Oh wait a minute.. that’s the whole point of joining a fraternity, isn’t it?
Fraternities and Sororities were outlawed where I went to school.
Your defense of Lora is noble.
But a real friend would tell her the truth- she is insane or stupid and to stay off social media, unless of course the real friend was insane or stupid too.
Being nice and avoiding the truth is an injustice to both of you,
So Troy, do you know Lora personally or are you just judging her by what you are reading on her fb page and SDWC? I must confess, before I met her, I had the same feelings. You might be pleasantly surprised if you actually sat down and had a conversation with her. She is not insane or stupid. Have a kind and sane Christmas season. Take care.
The Mason funeral service is devoid of a single reference (even vague) to engineering or math. It is open paganism.
Ms. Hubbel is insaner than most.
To be one, ask one.