Apparently, stories about ‘exploraring’ a run for Congress are attacks. It’s going to be one of those campaigns.

From Facebook:

Apparently, every story about Toby Doeden ‘exploraring’ a run for Congress is an attack.

He seems to be pretty easily triggered. It’s going to be one of those campaigns.

12 thoughts on “Apparently, stories about ‘exploraring’ a run for Congress are attacks. It’s going to be one of those campaigns.”

  1. I don’t know Doeden…never heard of him, but when he characterizes Dusty Johnson as a turncoat and a RINO, that tells me all I need to know about his veracity. I doubt that he’ll fare half as well as other Johnson opponents have.

    1. I thought the exact same thing. Who is this guy? And “turncoat Dusty” … what is this, 1776?

  2. Holy cow! What’s his superpower?


    Comms are so key.

    Gotta have (or be) a good comms guy.

    Statements like this should be coming from a hired Internet gun .. a digital hit man .. like Pat.


  3. I wouldn’t vote for Doeden for dog catcher. He’s single handedly raised rent prices in the city of Aberdeen, raised the average home price, degrades anyone the he doesn’t agree with, degrades other businesses that compete with him, and just treats others like garbage. He is the stereotypical car salesman. I would rather have Tom Daschle back in office over this lowlife human.

  4. for all the political fight-baiting he did with the RINO rhetoric, none of his campaign materials said ‘republican’ anyplace. i thought he was going to run as a democrat.

    1. He is not a Republican, he is a right-wing whining martyr like Julie Frye-Mueller who never put Republican on any of her campaign materials either. They just use the Republican name for their own selfish reasons.

  5. We are seeing a glimpse of what I see as infantile behavior this slime ball is known for. Pat you are going to have fun with this Chump!

    Placed an order of Made in the USA Bovine Excrement Indicators as soon as I found out QAnon Congressional candidate Toby Doeden was running. They will shipped by rail to Aberdeen. We are going to make a fortune!

  6. He disqualified himself by using the two terms that prove he’s one of the Misfits Club who only criticize Republicans, and ONLY Republicans: RINO and ESTABLISHMENT. These people are low on gray matter & are only destroying the party, so why do they even care about who is Republican? It’s not people like Toby who spent all those years building a Republican super majority in South Dakota now is it? When we lose it, they can take full credit.

  7. I don’t get around Aberdeen and don’t know Toby Doeden. I’ve never heard of him, until now. Allegations that Mr. Doeden is a Q-Anon advocate are disturbing to me. Yes, people of this persuasion are out to destroy the Republican Party. I will up my donation to Congressman Johnson.

    1. There are still good people in Brown County – good true Republicans. This is the work of the crazy fringe who have been masking “true conservative values” to get into positions of power – I think their true crazy is about to be fully revealed. The voters of Aberdeen and Brown County need to wake up, open their eyes to the real mess they’re in, and fix it at the ballot box!

      The do nothing but tell you how important they are “D3 team” – your power hungry hack mayor who is really good self promotion and not much else – County Commissioner Comrade Dennert who is too busy plotting and planning his world domination (IE: Pinky & the Brain) to do any real work for Brown County, but his mom will tell you what a hard worker he is.
      Toby is just the next in line to throw Aberdeen and South Dakota into further disarray.
      This chaos doesn’t stop until you fix it with your vote and shut down the crazy – these people are just here for self interest self promotion, ego boost and a good sound bite – all at the expense of the people of Brown County – because you’re a laughing stock!

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