Argus Leader isn’t exactly bullish on SDDP coming back anytime soon

From the Argus Leader website, they’re not exactly convinced the South Dakota Democrat Party is going to mend itself anytime soon. And with good reason:

To say that the South Dakota Democratic Party is in shambles right now would be a vast understatement.

A once-proud political coalition has been laid low by mismanagement, disorganization and general malaise in the face of Republican state superiority, with no leadership lifeline in sight.


Clearly, though, there is no quick fix for a party that has zero statewide office holders and a shortage of promising candidates looking ahead to 2020. Though the SDDP has received some money from the national ranks, it will first need to clean its own house before being deemed worthy of further support.

Read the entire editorial here.

65 thoughts on “Argus Leader isn’t exactly bullish on SDDP coming back anytime soon”

      1. Anon – “Potheads and the hard left destroyed the party”

        Using a term like “pothead” is an indicator of ignorance, IMHO.

        The socialist left and a unified unholy domestic agenda definitely contributed to the demise of the SDDP in SD.

        Lack of a free market for cannabis is one of two things – socialist or totalitarian (fascist).

        I would also argue that your short shrift insulting style of political scapegoating is a hallmark of the ideology that drove the SDDP into the ground.

              1. Anon – check your groove, you sound like a broken record.

                The Emperor Wears No Clothes was written by Jack Herer.

                If you’re in the mood to prove it, the book’s author offers “$100,000 to anyone who can disprove the claims made within”.

                Before you get too excited, “you’re a hippie!” is not proof of any claims in the book, but it is evidence suggesting that you don’t read or consider issues very thoughtfully, Anon.

                If you develop an idea more thoroughly, maybe you would have the courage to sign your name to it and join the rest of civilized society in engaging (completely legally) in the civic process.

                If you are unable to read, check your local library for a book on tape. This is a fantastic read that will bring you up-to-speed on the truth of about cannabis/hemp.


            1. He gets so defensive denying what he really is unless he gets the help he needs. A Pothead. A rambling pothead. Embrace it buddy.

              1. Hey Anon – your goat called .. it wants itself back.

                How are you going to illegitimately and anonymously denigrate people who can communicate complex ideas in writing when cannabis is legal in SD? You’ll have to find some other way to lie and smear the good folks, neo.

                I’m okay with your mindless parroting of cheap shot insults, but it does make you look pretty bad (but don’t worry, nobody will really know except you since you post anonymously).

  1. There still are pockets of resistance and significant Democratic talent in Lawrence County and throughout the Hills but John Dale ain’t got none of that. The Dems might be in an induced coma now but the patient is stable.

    1. My 5 point plan for the SDDP that will put it in a winning position:

      Step 1 – restore the atomic family unit
      Step 2 – restore fiscal conservatism as a part of the party culture
      Step 3 – restore respect for the sanctity of life
      Step 4 – make commitment to get us out of foreign entanglements
      Step 5 – solidify support for the reelection of President Trump

      You’re welcome.

        1. “Party of Dale” – this reminds me of the movie Dumb and Dumber. FWIW, I’m hoping whatever you might write next won’t be the “er”.

          Cheers to punishing the people with the eggs to sign their name to what they say and write?

          1st Amendment – LIVE IT OR LEAVE.

    2. That’s pretty funny, no significant activity in Lawrence County. It’s laughable to think otherwise.

      1. Lawrence county – very neoconservative overall, which means it’s full of wealthy globalist mineral extraction interests who don’t really care about the Constitution. At the same time, there are pockets of super neoliberal socialism-thirsty zealots who are off target pretty far to the left. And then, there are the Marines ..

    1. Noem Voter – voting for Noem means you endorsed the following.

      Noem voted to legalize Hemp in the Farm Bill.

      After becoming Governor, she vetoed the SD Hemp bill approved by the legislature.

      In her actions, Noem appears to be a neocon. This means that, as soon as she gets the chance, she will turn on President Trump.

      This bore-out. She turned on President Trump when she vetoed the SD Hemp Bill. Trump signed the ag bill that legalized hemp to help offset lost revenue from the trade war he was undertaking.

      Noem stabbed SD farmers in the back, she stabbed President Trump in the back, and she is a neocon, but only when judging from the fruit of her actions. Mostly, her political career has been composed of endorsing and focusing on uncontroversial, no-brainer causes .. no real Leadership from Noem, yet. She follows what her neoconservative advisors recommend to her. After all, they helped her into the HOR, then helped her get elected to governor with a bland, uncontroversial platform .. just don’t rock the boat, Noem. And do what we tell you.

      The truth is going to hurt on this one.

      Noem: F-Trump. SD farmers are collateral damage of my team’s Trump derangement. Is the Cisco stock really worth it?

      Hey Governor Noem – what are you doing about wireless radiation in schools?


      1. single-issue voters obsessed with hemp are pot-heads.

        The hysterics over the veto of the hemp bill are getting old. The weather sucked this year for farmers and if they had gone ahead and invested in hemp production they’d be in REAL trouble by now, with brand new equipment stuck in the mud doing nothing but depreciating faster than it can be paid for.

        Maybe Noem was the recipient of some divine guidance on that veto.

        1. Now, you’re just randomly defining things to confirm your biases.

          Hemp farmers are pot heads?

          This is a very nonsensical position.

          The lead time for a successful SD hemp industry is years. SD weather is a reality for every crop, but very surmountable with help from the Extension network.

          Noem is the guiding, divining hand of God?

          That’s worth a nice chuckle in a Saturday a.m..

          Noem strikes me as a closet never trumper. She strikes me as the kind of politician who will go which way the wind blows.

          Obviously, I’m not in her pocket.

          I had nice conversation with her LG, though .. seemed like a stand-up guy and common sense South Dakotan.

      2. Are you stupid… oh wait all you care about is pot… the farm bill has 1000s of items… just because she voted for overall bill she doesn’t support everything in it… as she has said NUMEROUS times

        Stop using the false argument

        1. There’s a certain dishonesty about taking cheap shots at someone anonymously on The Internet.

          Can you show me where Noem was on the record as against Hemp for for the rest of the appropriations and rules in the Farm Bill?

          Even if she was against federally legalized hemp (this is a fascistic position in my view), why is she so against the stuff on which the original drafts of the US Constitution was WRITTEN (I have mis-stated that the Constitution was written on hemp, it’s actually written on animal skin)!?

        2. As an interesting and fun tangent:

          “..famous writings written on hemp paper include: The Gutenberg Bible (15th century). The King James Bible (17th century). Thomas Paine’s pamphlets: The Rights of Man, Common Sense, and The Age of Reason. The works of Mark Twain, Alexander Dumas, and Victor Hugo. And Lewis Carroll’s beloved Alice in Wonderland.”

  2. This hemp-neocon line is strange, to say the least.

    The farm bill’s got a thousand issues in it. So if somebody disagrees with one of them, they are both a neocon (which I’ve never heard related to the farm bill before) and opposed to the president. I suspect this line of argument and conclusion would be a surprise to the President too

    As for hemp, EVERY serious farmer I’ve talked to about this, says it’s not a real Ag issue.

    If you follow the money, this is just another example of the very financially successful pot industry looking for a way to build a coalition. I get that there are sincere people that see potential with this product, but they clearly don’t get that the fuel in their PR tank is coming from the legalize pot industry.

    Interesting how this discussion of the planning for the SDDP wake and funeral, has devlolved into a pot discussion???

    1. It is what hijacked the severely weak state party led in part by a few individuals looking to make more money than they ever have and of course the addicts. It has always been about the money. RIP SDDP.

      1. Cannabis is not addictive.

        Alcohol is addictive. The alcohol DT’s can kill a man.

        The group that looks to have been successful getting cannabis on the ballot is New Approach South Dakota, not SDDP. That said, there is a lot of crossover between the two groups to be sure.

        There are also a lot of Republicans, Independents, and Libertarians who signed the petitions.

        Lastly, President Trump’s right hand man, Roger Stone, founder of the American Cannabis Coalition, seems to think President Trump will issue an executive order de-scheduling marijuana.

        I would prefer to deal in facts devoid of your “pothead” biases. At the same time, I will try my best to be respectful of SD’s writ large ignorance of the cannabis issue, and its victimization due to reefer madness.

        1. Who used their SDDP leadership position to use a severely weakened political party and was and is also the head of NASD?

          1. I think that the SDDP is in bad shape, and in some ways it’s kind of humorous. There is some schadenfreude to be had, here and I wouldn’t begrudge anyone their schadenfreude.

            That said, getting cannabis on the ballot next November is important .. not because of party, but because legal cannabis is the right thing to do. I am convinced of that and prepared to defend my position to the LRC if I can flag a ride to Pierre.

            Because at the end of the day, all that matters is making the strongest arguments to justify our state’s legislative direction.

            1. All you care about is that green god. Looking forward to running for office as a single issue candidate talking about weed. Hillarious!

              1. Anon – As much as you would like that, I refuse to let you define me. 🙂

                Educate yourself, speak from a position of authority, and quit making so many strange assumptions (makes an as of you and me):

                I have focus on the issue of legalization. Prohibitionists have lost the issue and are resorting to name-calling.

                #legalizeneocon – it’s the conservative move.

      2. John Dale, your “5-step plan” for the SDDP seems like it would make it indistinguishable from the SDRP, so assuming you were serious… what’s the point?

        1. Hi Steve – I was posting that a bit tongue in cheek. I’m a very conservative person that believes that the cannabis issue has conservative solution – government should take it away from the black market by legalizing it without creating a huge government program.

    2. “EVERY serious farmer” — how many? What crops were grown? Who gets to say what a “serious” farmer is?

      “very financially successful pot industry” — Pot or hemp? Why are we letting government get to decide either?

      Bandying about the “pothead” stereotype doesn’t give your argument any more strength.

      By vetoing hemp, Noem killed a cash crop for hundreds of SD farmers who are on the front lines of Trump’s trade war. By vetoing hemp, Noem hobbled SD farmers’ ability to help endure the economic hardship from the tariffs and reduced Trump’s leverage (the more lines of cash that American farmers can create, the less pressure there will be on President Trump to settle).

      Hemp is underrated. Prohibitionists, naturally, do not want to face the nearly century of damage they have done to the people of The US by prohibiting cannabis.

      It’s a real travesty.

  3. Democrat party.. leader resigned… Vice President seiler immediately runs from the job! Very inspiring

  4. Just stop young man! You are digging yourself one deep hole with nonsensical gibberish. Seek treatment for the sake of your family and transition into recovery. Life is more than pot and getting high.

    Potheads encouraged by NASD poisoned the well on hemp and the well known potheads are the ones always posting on social media about Governor Noem’s stance.

    1. “You are digging yourself one deep hole ” — you remind me of that one uncle that grabs your hand and whaps you in the face with it, then yells “stop hitting yourself!”

      You are the one trying to dig the hole on my behalf. I’m much more than my stance on cannabis, but with important civic issues like this one, focus is a precursor to success.

  5. Curious when John Dale will announce his run for state House or Senate as an unaffiliated candidate from District 31.

    1. Anon – my next plan political action is a new ordinance for Spearfish, then I’m looking to build on my success as a candidate for mayor of Spearfish. I feel like I could do a lot of good here in Spearfish if I can have regular meetings with Pat Rotert. I would relish the opportunity to share what I know about technology, and to learn more from Pat about law enforcement.

      1. Give up John Dale. No one cares what you have to say. I’d love to see you run for senate. Another leftist that will get his ass liked.

        1. Perhaps you should be a pastor/minister/priest at your church? With comments like this, you could really encourage your flock to actualize its potential for the better of its fellow man.

    1. I have no problems with Tara Volesky.

      But I assure you, as per the tenets of identity theory, I am not Tara Volesky, and she still exists (in case anyone was concerned).

  6. John Dale, you must be a threat or these anonymous phantoms or they wouldn’t be attacking you……considerate it a complement. I think do would do a great job transforming the Democrat party.

    1. A Libertarian telling an anti-civil rights “independent” like John Dale he’d make a good Democratic chair? That is some pretty good weed yer smokin Tara!

      1. Hi Again Anon – “an anti-civil rights “independent””

        Where are you getting this from?

        I’m pro civil rights. I think where you might be tripping-up is that I also believe in civil rights for white men. Can’t solve murder with killing. Can’t solve discrimination with discrimination. Can’t solve drowning with water.

      2. lol…….it’s that wildwood flower that grows wild on the farm. and we never knowed what is was called………

      1. Into John Dale’s dream of turning it into the South Dakota National Socialist Party. That is obvious.

        1. Anon – clearly you do not listen to my radio programming.

          You’re calling me a Bernie Bro, now?


          Nyuk Nyuk.

          You can listen to hundreds of hours representing my own personal philosophies at

          After you’ve listened, you can speak from a position of authority.

      1. grudznick – I’ve never met Tara in person, but I can say she has a very attractive mind. I’m pretty sure my wife will let me get away with that compliment.

        Why? Jealous?

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